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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)  

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That's true, of course, but (my personal opinion) when adapting such a basically boy's own adventure book (without strong characters, love stories and so on), it would be the responsability of the screenwriters and directors to create relatable, distinct characters and maybe invent situations where these character definig moments happen. Very little of this happened in the Hobbit films, instead they tried to go for visual overkill. In tone, those three films are much nearer to "Pirates of the Carribean" or "Avatar" than "Lord of the Rings", and that's not the fault of the book. There were only very few scenes that made use of the acting capabilities of the (really good) cast.


Actually, I'd say AVATAR has far more character development and character-defining moments than your other examples.

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Actually, I'd say AVATAR has far more character development and character-defining moments than your other examples.

hehe, yes, per character maybe because there was only one character to be developed :lol: (hey, I really liked Avatar, but script-wise it was really pulpy SF - and I liked Hobbit, too, of course - but I#ve a bitter aftertaste because it could and should have been a much better project, imho)

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the original book together with the Dol Guldur storyline has plot enough for those three films - it's just that the time should have gone more to character moments, less to eye-candy silliness like the Goblin-town chase, the rabbit chase, the barrel chase, the battle for Dale embellishments ...

this I agree with

I like silliness (Im a POTC fan after all)  :D but PJ's problem its just TOO much of that

Sometimes I bought it & was on for the ride (barrels didnt feel that long)

Sometimes it was tedious & I fast forward half the time of these sequences (Goblin Town, Radaghast chase, trolls, running around in the forges)!

I almost never like directors doing something just to please the people but in these case I wish they had test screenings to see how actual viewers react.

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While I was not a big fan of the first 2 Hobbits, I have to say that I really liked the third one. It is well made, purposeful and has very little fat. The script keeps up a nice pace. The movie has an emotional core to it. The score is good and so are the performances.


The action scenes are excellent. Peter Jackson never disappoints in that part in his movies. Based on my daughter and wife's very positive response, this may appeal to few more people than the 2nd installment.



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So watched it yesterday and it was great. The Hobbit trilogy is not on LOTR level but its good enough for me to stand next to it as another chapter in Middle Earth. 


The battle scenes were amazing. To see the Dwarves and Elves team up to take the orcs on was just wow. Me and my friends were also very impressed with how the elves are depicted as a fighting unit. So fluid and orderly.....even if they did look like they were dancing at times lol. The scene with the elves running over the dwarves to attack the orcs looked so cool.


I enjoyed all the fight scenes. Thorin vs Azog, Legolas vs Bolg.  The whole movie was just an action extravaganza. We also had our first profanity thrown out thanks to Dain (portrayed brilliantly by Billy Connelly, well.... voiced by him anyway).


Thranduil is probably my favourite elf now. His portrayal is just spot on. Gives you a different take on elves and i loved it. I giggled seeing his sarcastic eye rolls when Gandalf is giving him a lecture. lol brilliantly done. 


Perhaps my favourite scene though was Galadriel vs Sauron! Holy shit! Dont ever fuck with that woman. Saruman and Elrond kicked ass too. Though i wished the whole scene lasted abit longer. 



Wont go into too much detail but i do wish to point out the negatives quickly. I'm used to the CGI now since the first movie but there is just tooooooo much of it. Especially in places where there is no need for it. Like Dain Ironfoot. He looked CGI from head to toe!  Also another negative is they veer away from the battle on the ground with the armies for so long you don't know who is actually winning. All the times they showed the battles the elves and dwarves were nearly finished in numbers. It wasnt very clear and hoping there is more to see of them in the extended editions. 


Not really a con but i think the Smaug scene could have been shown in DOS. it didn't last too long and could have brought the second film to an end rather than to have left it as a cliffhanger. 


This movie seemed more akin to TT/ROTK which was good to see. I didn't think i would get so emotional but when i saw Bilbo cry at Thorins death i had to control myself. Also when he is parting ways with the other dwarves and says they are welcome anytime. It was just so sad. Not just because his journey had ended but because ours had aswell. 



A fitting farewell to Middle Earth. Good bye my precious. 




Edited by Omario
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oh for fuck sake, screw this movie then. To be fair my girlfriends sister usually shares a similar taste in movies with me, usually hits the nail on the head and she told me not to bother with this, said it was pretty shit. The reviews aren't glowing and the franchise hasn't been great so far so im going to listen to her and save myself from sitting in an uncomfortable cinema seat for 3 hours. No surprise to see everyone praising it on this site though, just like any new movie, the first to see it are usually the first to overrate it.


Ive also heard from many people that the battle scenes are massively disappointing.

Edited by jessie
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This is alright. Bit better than it's predecessor. I feel like Martin Freeman saved it. For a trilogy called THE HOBBIT he should have been utilized more, he's really great here. The battle scenes got nothing on lotr, not that I expected them to be better, but hey. I know "looks like a video game" is a pretty lazy criticism when it comes to blockbusters but legolas jumping up those falling bricks like he's Mario is the most videogame shit ever.

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Ugh x2

Jessie, you know how much I dislike the first two Hobbits. But this one is leagues ahead.

I actually liked the first two Hobbits. I really disliked this.

A franchise now run completely out of control comes to a an unengaging, uninteresting and wholly unsatisfying finale. I like the Smaug opening, but from then on it's an ill-disciplined and incoherent mess. In true Transformers style everything is turned up to eleventy-stupid and I found it impossible to get involved with any of it, and this is coming from someone who has enjoyed all 5 previous middle earth movies prior to this. Then the eagles save the day and everything anti-climatically just stops. At least I assume it does, they barely even bother showing you. Then they throw as many LOTR references at you as possible at the end to try and force some kind of goodwill, yet all it does is make everyone wish they were watching that instead, and it's like the film makers know it.

Coming from possibly my favourite movie franchise of all time (LOTR included obviously), this was a steaming pile of shit.

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