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Mockingjay Raphael

Weekend Numbers SB: 56, AS 24.1, JA 19 pg 54

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This is hilarious


'Boy Next Door' Mocked for "First Edition" of 'Iliad' Given to Jennifer Lopez

In the film, Noah Sandborn (Guzman) walks to neighbor-turned-lover Claire Peterson's (Lopez) home to give her a gift, which turns out to be a "first edition" copy of The Iliad.

Claire reluctantly accepts the gift and says, "oh my god, this is a first edition? I can't accept this. This must have cost a fortune" to which Noah replies, "it was a buck at a garage sale."

The Iliad is a Greek epic poem written 3,000 years ago by Homer that was passed down as an oral tradition before being written in the late 10th Century. But the $1, "first edition" book given to Claire by her stalker neighbor is hardbound — and written in English.

Boy Next Door audiences took to social media to point out the discrepancies and unlikelihood of finding a hardbound, "first edition" ancient book for $1 at a yard sale.

Screenwriter Barbara Curry came to the defense of her script, which she says "won numerous awards."

“Much of my original script was rewritten by the producers and the director. I was not given the opportunity to participate in the production of this movie," Curry said in an interview with Fusion. “As for the first edition Iliad reference in the movie, that was not something I wrote in my original script.”




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I didn't expect Spongebob will be the hot topic of the weekend thread, I was expecting Seventh Son/Jupiter Ascending will be lol


I'm not surprised, regardless of my feelings of the last few seasons, Spongebob is still classic. 

Edited by Fancyarcher
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What i just find funny is how Spongebob was essentially the same thing as 22JS in animated form, but people want to talk shit just becasue its animated. When I said I didnt want to go to Frozen because I was an adult black male, everyone said "no, go go!" But when we say Spongebob, its essentially "youre a grown ass man, what are you doing?"

I dont understand peoples attitudes. Frozen, Lego, BH6, Penguins were animated movies that well pretty well received here, but just because Spongebob is on a childrens channel its automatically dismissed, when if you actually see the movie you see its in the same leagues. I didnt recommend the movie to make you all look silly, I recommended it for anyone wanting some good laughs and humor, source material aside. If you dont want to, thats totally fine, but dont act like it makes you childish and dont make people who did see it feel like some kind of pedophile.

I just wont recommend anything else unless its a snotty Oscar film or superhero shit.

Edited by Jandrew
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