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Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)  

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  1. 1. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

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Mostly DC fans tired of MARVEL stealing their thunder.. World of KJ is one of the sites taking a massive shit on this movie.. Here, behold:


Oh and here's the WWW Thread.. Shit like this depresses me.. I'm not 1 to shy away from a WWW Thread, provided the movie deserves it, but AOU just doesn't qualify for this..


Well you thought TDKR qualified. TA2 qualifies even moreso. Admit it Marvel/Whedon dropped the ball on this sequel as evident by the reception and disappointing boxoffice.

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Sorry, but I was Banned from the site and never had the chance to create a WWW Thread and looking back on it, it never really qualified, but was certainly not as good as TDK and merely showcased Nolan coasting off of his resume and name to give the movie a free pass.. And how is a movie that's about to pass 1Billion Dollars a Disappointment??? You should take Baumers advice and pull your head out of your ass if you think that's a disappointment..

It is a disappointment. But it still a success. I also see Marvel coasting on their name here too :P

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This was even more mediocre than the first film. Everything is so unnecessarily massive and childish at the same time, I hate how easily they solve their massive problems (destroying the "meteor" was actually pretty easy) and how ridiculously melodramatic the film gets for very small reasons (in the end Vision seemed to be just like another average hero). The whole "our next enemy is even stronger" gets really annoying when the first one was already trying to destroy the whole world (and they still need to beat Thanos), and since the fights need to be as massive as the villains' intentions you just get a lot of stuff happening in mid-air instead of well-crafted fight strategies.


You also have the classic marvel "30-minute-into-the-movie fight" in which nothing really happens and serves only to show the villain to the audience. But this time they managed to insert even more fights in which nothing really happens along the film, it really felt like there was no plot to be developed.


I guess I'm done with MCU, I'll stick to X-men films, which are, imo, the only good stuff Marvel Studios has been putting out.

I just hope DC films don't get watered down and simplistic like this when they start with the crossovers.




X-Men is FOX, not Marvel Studios.  But yeah, DOFP is far superior to anything Marvel has done.

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Honestly, that doesn't surprise me.. I don't think you like MARVEL movies to begin with..


I loved Avengers.

Loved IM

Loved Cap 2


The rest are really blah to me.

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I think they kinda jumped the shark with Ultron....too many weird plot pieces especially the Banner Widow so called romance.

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I think they kinda jumped the shark with Ultron....too many weird plot pieces especially the Banner Widow so called romance.

The more I think about the plot lines the more I feel like this was not just a mediocre but a rather bad movie, rescued by some of its more likeable characters and actors.

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He's worthy or he's not considered a living being. Elevator's not worthy, yo.


(Honestly I'm not sure but I assume it's because Mjolnir considers Vision worthy. Perhaps his naivety allows him to be good natured)


Great point, I didn't think of that, silly me!


So I guess because technically Vision is an android, and not a fully living being, as well as being good-natured, Mjolnir considers him "worthy" in a sense. So hypothetically then, I wonder if Mjolnir can discern whether a robot is "worthy" or not? Or would a robot simply need the strength to lift it and nothing more?

Edited by Gonk
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Just saw this today.

Before I give it a mini-review, I think everyone should know that I was one of the few who didn't like the first Avengers film, so what I say should be taken with a grain of salt.

With that being said: I liked this one. It was satisfying and worth the ticket price, even if I didn't fully love it.

My major problem with the first one was that I felt it was pretty predictable, but this one threw enough curveballs at me to keep me invested. The major curveball involved everything that took place at the safehouse; it was just nice to see these characters feel conflicted about their roles in the team, saving humanity, and also as human beings themselves (which if why I liked the Hulk/Black Widow plot-yep it seems forced, but it was a good way to get these two to talk about something beyond "OMG, we must save the world"). I felt like the movie followed through enough with those emotional conflicts that I ended up liking it.

I also enjoyed the new characters (and loved snarky Ultron), and I thought the action was a bit more clearer and exciting this time around. Combined with the emotional conflict, this could've been enough to make the movie great, but I felt like the movie had a few scenes that lasted too long (especially that final battle that kept going on and on). In the end, those scenes dragged the film down to "just good" levels.

Still, it was worth it.



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In my honest opinion, I cant decide between AoU, Cap 2, GotG for the best Marvel movie. AoU suprised me as far as the direction it took, Cap 2 suprised me as far as plot twists went, and Guardians suprised me in general. So with that said, all of them are tied for first in my book. Now on with the movie. I went to see it in IMAX when it premiered in the US. I was unbelievably excited too finally see Avengers 2. I would have gone to the 27 hour Marvel marathon in Orlando, but I didn't have the money for it. Walking out of the theater, my mind was moving ata million miles per hour with speculations about Civil War and hold Infinity War and where Hulk would turn up next and so many other things. One thing that I was disappointed about was that they completely wasted Quicksilver in this movie. Not that he wasn't a great character, but they killed him off in his first movie. Maybe Quicksilver was to Age of Ultron as Coulson was to the first Avengers. I would have preferred that Nick Fury would have died or even Peggy Carter as a side story. Nick doesn't have anything too important to fulfill now that he's no longer director of SHIELD, and Carter looks like she's been suffering too much at her old age. She might die in Civil War, but in the present day, she only serves as a reminder to cap of what he left behind. Ultron was the best part about this movie. Most would say that he was too light and funny for his character, but I think that was a smart move for Marvel. If he were as menacing as the trailers made him to be, Ultron would have been thrown in to the pile of villians we've all seen before. Ultron was made by Tony Stark, so it would make sense that Ultron would replicate his personality. The hulkbuster fight was satisfying, but wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. It was too short in my opinion. Or maybe it wasn't as largely scaled as I had hoped it to be. Vision was amazing. First off he LIFTED THORS HAMMER! TWICE! Now Thor has someone to talk to about the power of mjolnr. However, he may be destined to die. Thanos will ultimately get all the stones in Infinity War, and guess where the soul stone is... Anyways, one thing about Ultron was that at some points, I was confused whether he had the chance of being good or not. He seemed to like Scarlet Witch a lot. Maybe she could have persuaded him to let the humans live or something, but whatever. Ultron dies in this movie, which sucks. He was a great villain and could have easily been brought back for a second battle with earths mightiest heroes. All in all, I think that Age of Ultron was a fantastic movie and I would definitely buy the extended bluray edition.

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Thought it was alright. I liked the look of The Vision and some of the scenes were well done but there's nothing all that memorable, including the plot. I get with these kind of movies, and I'm certain we'll see the same thing in the eventual Justice League movie(s), but the whole destruction of the world is tired (though as has been mentioned, it at least wasn't predictable and there were nice character moments) so one has to rely on other elements which weren't there. I did enjoy James Spader however and on the whole it was still entertaining enough, but it was a step down from the previous movie.


***½/*****, (B, 7.1/10, 2.75/4)

Edited by TheMovieman
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Oddly enough, Avengers: Age of Ultron feels far more amateur than the first Avengers film. The plot is overstuffed, both with characters and, well, plot points, and it oddly ignores several key developments from the previous phase 2 MCU movies, choosing only to really be a sequel to the original, much better Avengers film. Hawkeye is fleshed out well, and Vision's scenes are some of the most majestic in this franchise so far. Thor, barring his asinine cave subplot that exists just to have Infinity Gem exposition, is really fun too, being funny and having cool action for once. However, Iron Man and Cap feel oddly out of character for a lot of the runtime, and Banner and Natasha's romance feels forced. That said, it's hard to really hate on it since the action is pretty good (although it's worth noting that post-Winter Soldier, pretty good doesn't feel like enough anymore), and the character interactions are still on-point. The interlude at Hawkeye's farm and the third act are the best portions, mixing the nice character interactions with some enthralling sequences. It's a shame Avengers: Age of Ultron loses itself in its labyrinthine plot and dull character arcs, since it has moments of pure exhilaration regardless. Nevertheless, it's a disappointing conclusion to Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. C+

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