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Cannibal Holocaust is the most disgusting, cruel, and immoral film ever created

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On 4/28/2015 at 2:23 PM, Noctis said:

Sorry, but how the hell did the director not go to fucking prison for making the film? And the actors, too. What an absolutely awful film that has no problem abusing animals. They skinned a rat alive, they fucking decapitated, dismembered, and and ate a turtle. A monkey was trapped and had its face cut off with a machete.


Absolutely disgusting film.


Freedom of expression does not mean someone can go and torture living animals. Appalling. 


(video link removed)


It's so fucking difficult to watch, but you should see it to see how fucking awful human beings can be to animals.


I cant watch torture or killings like this. But from your description i am shocked. I know about horses and animals dying on film in the old days but this is is just vile. 

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Disgusting movie. Never seen it. Never will. It is wrong, and whatever it was trying to do, I really doubt it succeeded, but I refuse to ever see it to find out.

I have a friend who loves obscure movies just to be "obscure" herself (the evils of John Green, teaching teens to act obscure and over use the word "pretentious" :P ). She loves this movie, which I find gross in and of itself, despite always trying to view opinions as just opinions and try to accept them.

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Well the director did almost get charged with murder as the police and government really thought the actors had been killed in this. It went to court and everything and the director had to get the actors to show up to prove that they were not dead!.


As for the animal cruelty, its awful. I struggle to watch animal cruelty in films even when its fake cruelty never mind this. There are vids on the internet showing how animals are treated in other countries and i forced myself to watch some of them for educational purposes but NEVER again, it took me a long time to get over. They are much more horrid than whats in this film, i don't understand how some humans can be as vile as they are.

Edited by stuart360
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The director was making a point you seem to all miss.

It's called the hypocrisy of modern civilization.

As long as animals cruelty is not filmed, everything s cool ?

Sorry to repeat myself : spend a day in any slaughterhouse for any meant in the world and come back and tell me there is no animal cruelty.

Go into any laboratory that uses animals in experiments to help YOU when you will be sick and tell me there s no animal cruelty.

The point of the film is you cannot escape cruelty and violence towards animals.

You cannot kill gently an animal.

Killing is killing.

You can t find cure to most dideases without torturing animals.

Have you ever seen animals agonizing while lions start earing their flesh ?

Those lions are so cruel, soulless animals.

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The director was making a point you seem to all miss.

It's called the hypocrisy of modern civilization.

As long as animals cruelty is not filmed, everything s cool ?

Sorry to repeat myself : spend a day in any slaughterhouse for any meant in the world and come back and tell me there is no animal cruelty.

Go into any laboratory that uses animals in experiments to help YOU when you will be sick and tell me there s no animal cruelty.

The point of the film is you cannot escape cruelty and violence towards animals.

You cannot kill gently an animal.

Killing is killing.

You can t find cure to most dideases without torturing animals.

Have you ever seen animals agonizing while lions start earing their flesh ?

Those lions are so cruel, soulless animals.


Well, it's still an extreme way to make a point. It's like killing real people on a movie set to make a point that wars are dirty inhuman acts of barbarism. He should have made a documentary about slaughterhouses and mass animal cruelty for the sake of consumerism if he wanted to use real footage to make a statement then.


I think that's what makes it seems shady and manipulative, the complacence in making a fiction (the fictional cannibal gore story) featuring snuff content like real animal killings for sensationalism in front of his camera (See the italian mondo movies trend which shocking value and disgusting graphic content was the only gleeful goal and blurring lines of what's real or not was the "appeal"), of course Deodato knew that blurring the lines would disgust people and it did because it's unsettling when facts and fiction intertwined especially when you kill the animals full frontal for the movie's purpose. He tried to cover his ass by defending real animal killings under the pretense that it was a political statement about western civilization's hypocrisy. Right, the white team that goes into the jungle to get sensationalist footage of "savages" that eat them becoming the found footage we're watching is a political statement about colonialism and medias hunger but he didn't kill his actors for real to illustrate that message. (As many said, it was so convincing and powerful he had to prove actors were still alive and that was all movie magic, so why didn't he do the same with animals? The director ends up doing what his characters do in his movie. Exploitation of gruesome acts performing for shocking value and entertainment in a cynical way to guilt his audience)



That's what make people think that's immoral by breaking the tacit contract that when you see a fictional movie, you're provided a representation, a reconstitution, a catharsis by pretending on a stage.

Edited by MADash Rendar
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Disgusting movie. Never seen it. Never will. It is wrong, and whatever it was trying to do, I really doubt it succeeded, but I refuse to ever see it to find out.

I have a friend who loves obscure movies just to be "obscure" herself (the evils of John Green, teaching teens to act obscure and over use the word "pretentious" :P ). She loves this movie, which I find gross in and of itself, despite always trying to view opinions as just opinions and try to accept them.


Yeah I could never watch it anyway.. olg. 

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The director was making a point you seem to all miss.

It's called the hypocrisy of modern civilization.

As long as animals cruelty is not filmed, everything s cool ?

Sorry to repeat myself : spend a day in any slaughterhouse for any meant in the world and come back and tell me there is no animal cruelty.

Go into any laboratory that uses animals in experiments to help YOU when you will be sick and tell me there s no animal cruelty.

The point of the film is you cannot escape cruelty and violence towards animals.

You cannot kill gently an animal.

Killing is killing.

You can t find cure to most dideases without torturing animals.

Have you ever seen animals agonizing while lions start earing their flesh ?

Those lions are so cruel, soulless animals.

You're not really wrong, but there's a difference between killing animals for food and medicine than just to make an artistic statement. I say this as a vegetarian (98% of the time, admittedly, but still at it after nearly two years). I am not justifying the treatment of animals in several institutions in society, but making an artistic point is not an excuse for brutality.

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You're not really wrong, but there's a difference between killing animals for food and medicine than just to make an artistic statement. I say this as a vegetarian (98% of the time, admittedly, but still at it after nearly two years). I am not justifying the treatment of animals in several institutions in society, but making an artistic point is not an excuse for brutality.

You missed my point, whether you like it or not, agrees or not, animal cruelty exists everywhere, every day.

Nothing has changed since this movie and it only got worse in fact.

And they ate the animals they filmed being killed.

The whole point is showing, seeing it.

It becomes real the moment you put a camera on something. That was the point of the movie, as horrible as it was.

And animal cruelty is ok when it is not filmed and you eat the animals ?

Again, educate yourselves, watch the living conditions of all the animals that produce our meat, how they are bred, fed and killed.

Oh, and haven t you heard about the killing rituals for meat for more than 1B muslims ? The way you must slit the thoat of the animal and leave it to bleed to death his head upside down ...

Cannibal Holocaust is nothing next to what I ve just discribed and how our meat is produced every single day.

Oh and science and medicine, you don t want to see this either it seems, yet cruelty and torture of animals healed you dozens of times and more cures will be found thx to horrible treatments on animals.

Cannibal Holocaust was not an artistic statement, it was a counscious provocation that tried to question our own humanity, how advanced we thought our " civilization" has advanced. The answer was not pretty and still isn t to this day.

People just don t like to see some reflections of the mirror and that movie just did that even if understand that filming actual animal cruelty is a tough pill to swallow for anyone. I was disgusted by the cruel scenes like anyone but I didn t sing a lullaby to the meat of my cheesburger either before it got canned.

The questions the movie asks are even more relevant than when the movie was made. We still don t care about the suffering of animals at all.

Sad but true.

Edited by The Futurist
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Humans kill animals all the time for food, clothes, furniture and sport. Is it so wrong to kill animals for a movie?

I'd say if you're killing animals for anything other than food, or as a humane thing, then it's pretty wrong.

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I'd say if you're killing animals for anything other than food, or as a humane thing, then it's pretty wrong.

I'm one of those people who cares only about the means and not the ends. Imo it is either wrong to kill animals or not wrong. Doesn't matter what your reason is, doesn't matter what you are trying to achieve. I personally think it is okay to kill animals, whether for food or for any other reason. It's not nice, but it's not immoral.

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I'm one of those people who cares only about the means and not the ends. Imo it is either wrong to kill animals or not wrong. Doesn't matter what your reason is, doesn't matter what you are trying to achieve. I personally think it is okay to kill animals, whether for food or for any other reason. It's not nice, but it's not immoral.


There is a big difference between killing animals for meat and being sadistically cruel to them. 

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There is a big difference between killing animals for meat and being sadistically cruel to them. 

I haven't seen the film but I will say this:


YES, it is horrible to treat animals cruelly, torture them, hurt them etc.

BUT, I cannot say that it's okay to kill an animal but not hurt it. That makes no logical sense whatsoever. It is horrible but not, in my opinion, "wrong".

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Cannibal holocaust is the most real looking disturbing film ever and not because of the killing of the animals . It is a classic in horror cinema and demolishes other notorious movies that look fake . Nobody cared about apocalypse now, but cannibal holocaust is their problem.

Anyway deodato ,, the director, was an extremely talented director and anyone that has actually watched cannibal holocaust knows that .

Cannibal holocaust is the epitome of movies in the seventies where pre- Star Wars and jaws, even big movies were disturbing

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