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Weekend Thread | Weekend Estimates: PP2 - $70.3M, MM:FR - $45.5M, TA2 - $38.84M

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There was a Mean Girls sequel? Wow! You learn something new everyday! :wacko:

Yes but let's pretend like it never happened and that the world is all right and all we have is that amazing movie Mean Girls...


Mean Girls 2? What are you talking about? That movie doesn't exist...


Moving on.

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Yes but let's pretend like it never happened and that the world is all right and all we have is that amazing movie Mean Girls...


Mean Girls 2? What are you talking about? That movie doesn't exist...


Moving on.


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So i went a bit further into detail by counting MM and PP2s sold seats in 4 different Arclight-cinemas and thats what I got:


Mad Max:


Chicago: 2/4/26/6/0/0= 37

DC-Area: 11/11/68/26/25/34/4/0/0 = 149

LA Sherman Oaks: 31/22/34/28/103/34/142/355/94/89/38/81/9 = 1060

LA Passadena: 10/54/10/75/14/120/177/45/98/19/69/7/4 = 694

Pitch Perfect 2:


Chicago: 17/33/61/17/123/0/38/4 = 293

DC-Area: 22/78/69/60/177/87/200/91/77/79/22/15/0/0/2/0 = 979

LA Sherman Oaks: 30/44/20/30/228/66/149/152/369/165/215/39/4/3/0 = 1514

LA Passadena: 9/22/23/12/89/43/45/59/259/254/54/20/88/0/2 = 979

Blue = 50%+ Capacity

Orange = 75%+ Capacity

Red = 90%+ Capacity

Hope you liked it, maybe we can have a look at future releases there, too.

I can't do more now, I'm really done. :D 

I guess there could be some tiny mistakes because of added showtimes, but I guess it's a good indicator for the night.

Westcoast much bigger for MM, PP2 is crazy everywhere.

The fat AND big ones are Real Time (5-1Minute before the movie started), fat and small are just updated numbers, many close to real-time.



Mad Max:


Chicago: 2/4->11( 5:25PM)/26->51 (7:00PM)/6/0/0= 37

DC-Area: 11/11/68->130(7:30PM)/26->54(8:30PM)/25->87(9:15PM)/34/4/0/0 = 149

LA Sherman Oaks: 31/22/34/28->46 (4:55PM)/103->255(5:50PM)/34->?/142->198(7:40PM)/355->379(8:30PM)/94->152(9:20PM 3D)/89->178(9:50PM)/38->119(10:30PM)/81->143(11:10PM)/9 = 1060

LA Passadena: 10/54/10->27 (5:00PM 3D)/75->182(5:35PM)/14->52(06:05PM 3D)/120->166(7:30PM)/177->270(8:10PM)/45->57(8:40PM)/98->178(9:15PM)/19->49(10:00PM 3D)/69->112(10:45PM)/7/4 = 694

Pitch Perfect 2:


Chicago: 17/33/61/17->86 (6:00PM)/123->251(7:30PM)/0->118(08:00PM)/38/4 = 293

DC-Area: 22/78/69/60->95(6:30PM)/177->239(7:00PM)/87->125(7:15PM)/200->245(8:00PM)/91->130(8:15PM)/77->129(9:00PM)/79->204(9:30PM)/22/15/0/0/2/0 = 979

LA Sherman Oaks: 30/44/20/30->76(4:20PM)/228->267(5:30PM)/66->163(6:15PM)/149->?/152->202(7:30PM)/369->410(8:00PM)/165->190(8:45PM)/215->308(9:30PM)/39->57(10:15PM)/4/3/0 = 1514

LA Passadena: 9/22/23->86(3:30PM)/12->52(4:15PM)/89->123(5:15PM)/43->113(6:00PM)/45->128(6:45PM)/59->113(7:15PM)/259->326(7:45PM)/254->315(8:30PM)/54->60(9:20PM)/20->54(9:40PM)/NEW: 20(9:50PM)/88->119(10:15PM)/0/2 = 979

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Given that up to a couple weeks ago, people were thinking sub-30m OW, I'd say it's pretty great (assuming things hold more or less in this general neighborhood).

Personally, I still had it at 30M-ish. I didn't want to get disappointed by 35M OW so... YAY

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A while ago was thinking from tracking PP2 22-25m, MMFR 16-19, AOU 9-10m, not far out from what Variety been given 20m for FR could certainly be on cards given it should be big in eve but having said that some R's have strong matinees


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Ok I dont want to give Tele an anxiety attack. I left because I got a migraine halfway through. I took my medicine but it didnt work, and it got to the point where I couldnt keep my eyes open or sit up so I had to leave or risk a trip to the ER, but the theater gave me a curteousy card so I can go back.

The half that I that I did get to see, was...all kinds of, 50 shades of, BAMF awesome. I was totally engaged and I loved where it was headed. Bummed I had to leave, but on the plus side, I get to witness it a second time :)




I'm heading to Fury Road tomorrow at 6:40. Hopefully it's packed

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For auch an exciting weekend this thread is kinda dead. F all yall that only come around when a superhero is opening.

Sorry, I've been driving home all day; this is my only time online :(

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