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Weekend Official Estimates: SA 53.2m, PP 14.4m, TL 13.8m, MMFR 13.6m, AOU 10.9m, Aloha 10m

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Ah...Ted 2. Another one of Universal's heavy hitters.

I could see this opening similarly to Hangover 2...since it is the only big comedy sequel in the summer for men. Not counting PP2, cause that's more for women.

Around $70-$80M OW. And $225-$230M DOM.

WW-wise? Well..the first one made nearly $550M. So since its a sequel...I could see this one do over $600M WW.

Quality-wise....it's a harder call. It could go either way. Either it's going to be an just okay to good sequel and still do pretty well...or is it their "22 Jump Street"...the sequel that could be better than its predecessor. I dunno.

Universal is kicking ass this summer with their sequels.

Edited by MrFanaticGuy34
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Tomorrowland's drop makes me happy, and San Andreas is a nice surprise.


Keith's shitty showdown made me lol.


Good weekend prior to the 40M+ opener every weekend month ahead of us :)

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TBS seems to be having a Disney mega bombs marathon today. They had Haunted Mansion, then John Carter, now The Sorcerors Apprentice and next The Lone Ranger. And people wonder why Tron 3 was just cancelled.

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TBS seems to be having a Disney mega bombs marathon today. They had Haunted Mansion, then John Carter, now The Sorcerors Apprentice and next The Lone Ranger. And people wonder why Tron 3 was just cancelled.

Tron made about as much as MMFR is going to make, adjusted for its budget. If MMFR is getting a sequel I don't see why Tron is a problem.

Edited by Mad Travod
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TBS seems to be having a Disney mega bombs marathon today. They had Haunted Mansion, then John Carter, now The Sorcerors Apprentice and next The Lone Ranger. And people wonder why Tron 3 was just cancelled.


Funny though because Tron Legacy did $400m on a $175m budget with 43% of that domestic.  It doesn't belong with the others.


It's rather a case of if Disney can get a $95m Cindy to do $550m WW and that's on the lower end of it's Fairy Tale Live Action movies and has Marvel, Pixar and Disney Animation that not only do better at the box office but sell billions in merchandise then why do Tron 3?  Unlike WB they don't release about 25 movies a year,  it's more like half so it's a choice on what tent poles to invest in.

Edited by TalismanRing
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Funny though because Tron Legacy did $400m on a $175m budget with 43% of that domestic. It doesn't belong with the others.

It's rather a case of if Disney can get a $95m Cindy to do $550m WW and that's on the lower end of it's Fairy Tale Live Action movies and has Marvel, Pixar and Disney Animation that not only do better at the box office but sell billions in merchandise then why do Tron 3? Unlike WB they don't release about 25 movies a year, it's more like half so it's a choice on what tent poles to invest in.

Disney tried to make Tron a big deal, but merchandise didn't sell well and the spinoff cartoon series didn't catch on and was cancelled so the ancillary revenue market never seemed to be a big one for it. Also, they invested in Hedlund and Wilde being big stars in the future and that didn't work out either.

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TBS seems to be having a Disney mega bombs marathon today. They had Haunted Mansion, then John Carter, now The Sorcerors Apprentice and next The Lone Ranger. And people wonder why Tron 3 was just cancelled.


But why no Prince of Persia today?

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Disney tried to make Tron a big deal, but merchandise didn't sell well and the spinoff cartoon series didn't catch on and was cancelled so the ancillary revenue market never seemed to be a big one for it. Also, they invested in Hedlund and Wilde being big stars in the future and that didn't work out either.


That's my point.  They expected it to be bigger and move merchandise.  It did well enough at the box office and if this was almost any other big studio it would probably get a sequel.  But Disney loves their merchandise tie-ins.  Heck if  John Carter sold a 1/10th as much as Frozen merchandise it probably would have got a sequel.  That's why we got  Cars II.  :P

Edited by TalismanRing
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The most butthurt comment of the day comes to us from HSX: http://www.hsx.com/forum/forum.php?id=3&pid=332458

If a stupid looking movie like San Andreas can reap in $50M+, maybe I should just quit, liquidate all shares. America has no taste anymore.

Are the people of America really so moronical to think this would be a good movie? Worth their money? Their time? A portion of their life they'll never get back? Their gas, food, energy, etc--why would you pick a movie where the only character motivation is "OH watch your step ahhhhhhh!" Have people gotten stupider? Did people even see the previews? The posters that just scream "we don't even care." Is this intellectual warfare? Is there an autistic genetic trait rampaging through American eugenics? Have people not gotten enough of real life disasters? Maybe they should blow up their home (with themselves in it) if they want the same feeling: it's about as mentally enriching as San Andreas.

Good news is marketing can get even lazier now! Who needs innovation and creativity? Who needs inspiration, intrigue, wonder? No, not America? Guess not anymore. Last year really had me fooled, because I saw genuinely surprising, rich, multi-layered stories, characters, themes ("Whiplash," "Boyhood," "Birdman"). Now you can just slap the Rock's multicultural (read: multi-demographic) face on 80% of a poster, 20% "that looks like something action-y but I can't really tell," and people come flooding in these days. No need to try anymore! Isn't that good news for anyone looking to make movies? You don't have to waste time with learning, technique, style, etc.! Just slap words on a page, slap people in front of your camera, slap it on a DVD-R and now you can make $50M+.

And you know situations like this create precedents and encourage escalation, right? So if this is a "hit" (which means it has to not have its box office legs affected by JURASSIC WORLD still), what will happen next will be worse. "Tsunami Time." "Hurricane Season." "Earthquake 2: San Andreas' Fault." "Here Comes The Vortex." "Forest Fires: Unpreventable." "Too Monsoon?" "Global Disaster." "Global Disaster 2: Pandemic." "Hurricane Billy Bob Thornton." "Jewpocalypse." "The Life and Disastrous Times of Who Cares You're Gonna See This Movie Anyways." "Pay Up It's a Disaster Movie." "The End: Societal Implosion." "The End 2: Planetary Implosion." "Beyond the End: Universal Implosion." "Beyond the Beyond: Unobservable Universe--The Bigger Bang."

Yes, that's what you did America. Pat yourselves on the back. You invested in a niche that didn't deserve to be revived after it died a completely deserving death in the late '90s (which by the way the only improvement from those movies and the decades before it were CGI). The only time a disaster movie may deserve such an egregiously over-the-top, overblown, overinflated opening weekend would be when virtual reality becomes incorporated--yes, D-Box seats don't count. 3D doesn't count. IMAX doesn't count. These are not enough reasons to get tricked into seeing a basic, one-note, trashy, low-class piece of crap like that--but you did. Explains why your kids are flunking out of elementary school.

I'm serious though, I may be done with this game. This was an eye-opener. Why do I want to invest my interest in what the incredibly retarded people of America buy into anymore? Guess I just don't want to make a game out of how pathetic our culture can really be. You stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid people sure showed me, huh?

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Legacy's WOM wasn't too great, combine that with how much time would pass before Tron 3 and you have almost no chance of it increasing either domestically or worldwide. On the other hand, though MMFR might not even get to $150m DOM, enough people are crazy about it that WB should totally expect its follow-up to increase, especially if both Miller and Hardy come back.

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Btw did you know that if you don't like Aloha you actually hate cinema



This is actually not the only article of this flavour that I've seen. They've somehow managed to be more embarrassing than the "if you laughed at Jupiter Ascending's goofy ass you've killed original sci-fi" stuff from a few months ago.

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Legacy's WOM wasn't too great, combine that with how much time would pass before Tron 3 and you have almost no chance of it increasing either domestically or worldwide. On the other hand, though MMFR might not even get to $150m DOM, enough people are crazy about it that WB should totally expect its follow-up to increase, especially if both Miller and Hardy come back.

Most importantly, they need the follow up out quickly, like within the next 2-3 years.

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