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Tuesday Actuals: JW 24.3M | DOWN GOES TDK TUESDAY | Not the Spielberg, Cameron, or Nolan thread!

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While there is definitely some truth that the 3D thing helped Avatar tremendously, people still would have rejected the film if the story was complete rubbish. It was a generic story we've seen plenty of times but it was executed very well and Cameron is the greatest action director in the world. The third act was pretty spectacular from a pure action entertainment standpoint even without 3D.

dont forget horners score and the challenge of doing something so different. A parapledgic that jumps into an alien cat lol. This film sounds crazy on paper, but cameron told us it was going to amaze all the senses and be like nothing we experienced before. We see the results. Its going to be funny red when we watch jp world and the combined power of sws potentially not matching avatars 2 ww bo lol
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Gotta feel like JP is a tad overrated nowadays.

You know the first reveal of the brachiosaurus does look a bit cheesy now but that fucking score got my eye allergies going

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Wasn't their people so distraught that Pandora wasn't a real place that they took their own lives? I swear I thought I read that somewhere.

Yes that was a real thing shortly after the movie came out. Like it or not, that movie did cast a very captivating spell on a lot of people for a season. The reason it's easy to forget that is because it struggled to have lasting appeal after it was out of theaters. It was a very strange phenomenon of a movie that really did come and go just as quickly. Though I still think it's a very effective film personally, but I know plenty of people couldn't care less about it now. They did though at one time, they just prefer to "forget" that fact.

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While there is definitely some truth that the 3D thing helped Avatar tremendously, people still would have rejected the film if the story was complete rubbish. It was a generic story we've seen plenty of times but it was executed very well and Cameron is the greatest action director in the world. The third act was pretty spectacular from a pure action entertainment standpoint even without 3D.


The story isn't exactly rubbish for general audiences, it was serviceable bare bones.  Call me crazy but I like a lot more than that in movies, especially from someone like Cameron.  Also, I thought it was ridiculously cheesy in parts.

Edited by Ozymandias
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Yes that was a real thing shortly after the movie came out. Like it or not, that movie did cast a very captivating spell on a lot of people for a season. The reason it's easy to forget that is because it struggled to have lasting appeal after it was out of theaters. It was a very strange phenomenon of a movie that really did come and go just as quickly. Though I still think it's a very effective film personally, but I know plenty of people couldn't care less about it now. They did though at one time, they just prefer to "forget" that fact.


And people think the Nolanites are crazy. Avatar loonies killing themselves because real life is not as exciting as Pandora...SMH.

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Baumer. You agree with me that it could be embarrassing with avtr 2 potentially making more than both sw7 and jp world. Im going to really make noise in here lol. I wonder what heretic and pdc and noctis will come up with next. Some sites think 700-900m domestic for avtrv2. Oh my but its not relevant anymore baum. Hah hah. Dude takes 13 yr break and breaks the unbreakable with mad money and awards to spare. Lets see jp world or sw7 pull that off. Whats crazy baum is when you speak to folks in japan and china. They all sat avatar 2 is going tp set all time records when it comes out. Love it

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The story isn't exactly rubbish for general audiences, it was serviceable bare bones.  Call me crazy but I like a lot more than that in movies, especially from someone like Cameron.  Also, I thought it was ridiculously cheesy in parts.


Given that it's almost 3 hours long, that is exactly what makes it a tough re-watch. If I'm going to spend 3 hours watching a movie at home, give me The Godfather movies or something like that. As time goes on I feel myself getting more and more rigid in the belief that these popcorn movies shouldn't be much longer than 2 hours without credits.


The Burton Batman movies and Jurassic Park both nailed this runtime thing. It seemed to be a rule in Hollywood for a long time. But lately it has gotten out of hand with long ass popcorn movies. Jurassic World is refreshing in that regard for me.

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MMFR is better than any film Spielberg or Cameron have done.


Duel was kind of a matrix paving the way for Mad Max in a way.


Aliens and T1 (knowing it was influenced by the Road Warrior) challenged Fury Road in terms of strong female characters, world-building and production value grit but yeah even as a Cameron afficionado, Miller just put the bar at an all time high for both to top.

Edited by MADash Rendar
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The story isn't exactly rubbish for general audiences, it was serviceable bare bones.  Call me crazy but I like a lot more than that in movies, especially from someone like Cameron.  Also, I thought it was ridiculously cheesy in parts.

I hate Avatar - boring!!

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And people think the Nolanites are crazy. Avatar loonies killing themselves because real life is not as exciting as Pandora...SMH.

hopefully that doesnt happen with part 2. I still the crazy fans to break domestic and all time records. So let them fight! I love heretics and pdcs courage,it will avail them laughter and ridicule to think the worlds most watched film wont blow up the bo again but god bless them lol

On impact, every studio raised the 3d factor. Disney is installing pandora theme parks in their biggest amusement parks. Theres a huge online pandora coming, avatar on broadway. And rumours of spinoffs on tv and film. I think avtr had lastin impact.

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Titanic is similar though. The love story + spectacle was what made it so popular. Take away the boat sinking, it doesn't even gross a quarter of what it did.


Take away the Joker and TDK doesn't do a quarter what it did.

Take away Darth Vader and SW doesn't do a quarter of what it did

Take away Aragorn and LOTR doesn't do a quarter of what it did.


Why is this even brought up?  A movie is greater than a sum of its parts.  Titanic did what it did because of a litany of reasons, the sinking was one but the love story was the main part.  

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Take away the Joker and TDK doesn't do a quarter what it did.

Take away Darth Vader and SW doesn't do a quarter of what it did

Take away Aragorn and LOTR doesn't do a quarter of what it did.


Why is this even brought up?  A movie is greater than a sum of its parts.  Titanic did what it did because of a litany of reasons, the sinking was one but the love story was the main part.


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Duel was kind of a matrix paving the way for Mad Max in a way.

Aliens and T1 (knowing it was influenced by the Road Warrior) challenged Fury Road in terms of strong female characters, world-building and production value grit but yeah even as a Cameron afficionado, Miller just put the bar at an all time high for both to top.

i need to see fury road. George miller was great with mad maxes and it pushed mel gibsons career to the statosphere.
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