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Weekend Estimates: JW: 102 IO 91...RTH: Sun JW 38.3 | IO 25.3 with possible upsides PG 287, possible 107M for JW weekend

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For an ex-Nolanite, five viewings of Interstellar in the theater ain't bad. It's still not as good as ten though. 


I went IMAX 4 out of 5 times. I trekked 3 hours to Austin for the glory of Nolan.

Edited by MrPink
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so if there was a nigrsaurus and the line was "the nigrs are out of containment" 


Anyone who doesn't appreciate the comedic gold known as water is out of their minds. 


Nigrasaurus. LMFAO

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Not to mention buying a movie on VHS was expensive. The movies we had on VHS were ones recorded from the TV (okay and a couple bootlegged copies of movies). I grew up in the UK, and it could take years before a movie was release on home video. It was just a completely different time. Now movies are available for download within months, and more importantly they are guaranteed to be released for streaming, bluray, etc., within six months (tops). The first movie I saw in the theatre was ET. I think it took ET more than 20 years before it was released for home video.

Actually, I google'd it and it came out on VHS in 1988.

DVD took until 2002, though.

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Rth just mentioned that JW is headed for the second highest second weekend in Australia. 

Highest 2nd weekend (previous was Avatar) phenomenal under 40% drop and holidays coming up

Also Aus has Minons and IO this weekend as well , Minions is looking to be +60% over IO (+24 with previews added from LW), two years ago it was DM2/MU released same time.


Germany JW Friday was up 9% LW and Sat will stay  about same, UK looking at sub 35% drop (from fri-sun LW)

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Anyone who doesn't appreciate the comedic gold known as water is out of their minds. 


Nigrasaurus. LMFAO

That is a dinosaur called Nigersaurus. :lol: 

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Highest 2nd weekend (previous was Avatar) phenomenal under 40% drop and holidays coming up

Also Aus has Minons and IO this weekend as well , Minions is looking to be +60% over IO (+24 with previews added from LW), two years ago it was DM2/MU released same time.


Germany JW Friday was up 9% LW and Sat will stay  about same, UK looking at sub 35% drop (from fri-sun LW)


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Watching a movie alone is glorious. I do it all the time. Me too, I actually prefer it.
It seems I prefer watching movies alone and then discussing them with other people who saw them alone Edited by tribefan695
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E.T. actually took six years to come to video, not until 1988. It was one of the last major releases to be held back from home video for that long because it still had theatrical potential. (Star Wars came out on video in 1982 - 5 years; Raiders in 1984 - 3 years; Empire in 1985 - 5 years; Jedi in 1986 - 3 years. E.T. was theatrically reissued in 1985, same year as Jedi, but was still held off video for two years longer.)

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E.T came out on VHS to own in the UK in 1988 I believe. I remember as I had it for my birthday and recall all the huge hype over it coming to video. It's my favourite movie so was quite the event being able to take it home.

There was something magical about the big movies coming out to own when the window was much wider between theatrical and home release. Even by 1993 Jurassic Park didn't come to VHS for 16 months!

So only 6 years. I haven't seen it since I saw in the theatre when I was a kid. I had a breakdown mid-movie and my grandmother had to take me into the ladies room and talk me down.

It's so different now. I remember we had some friends who had a bootlegged copy of ROTJ on Betamax in the 80s. It was a huge deal for us because it wasn't out on VHS yet, and when it was there was no way that my parents were going to pay £25 for a movie. That was a lot of money.

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