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Wednesday Numbers | Official Estimates: Magic Mike XXL - 9.3M; Terminator: Genisys - 8.9M

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Yeah I expect both Magic Mike XXL and Terminator Genisys to have 30 million plus weekends. Both films have older fan-bases and I don't think either film is a MUST SEE for a lot of people. Yes they want to see these films, but they can wait for the weekend. So there not going to rush to the theater to see it on a weekday night when they got to work the next day. I know on SZ and the Schwarzenegger forum a lot of big Arnold and Terminator fans were only going to go see it today or tomorrow. Since it was too hard to go on a Tuesday night yesterday. I'm sure even lesser fan boys will wait until Friday. Not everyone is like me and decided to take there summer work vacation starting the day Terminator Genisys opened lol. While Magic Mike audiences is groups of woman getting together to go see it. That's more likely going to happen Friday night and Sunday afternoon.

A lot of people I know have an "I will check it out this weekend" attitude. I think this is in decent shape as long as it surpasses $50m for the five day.

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Sony obviously had the Marvel thing to fall back on, which is why they were not risking a whole lot making the two TASM films or even touting some larger universe even if they never actually greenlit a thing. The Terminator series has only one thing to fall back on and he's too busy making Avatar sequels.

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There's no way the marketing spend was only 5-8m. That's ridiculously low.

that's why I put question Mark. I dont know how that shit works lol.  I dont think they spend more than 20 mil

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What are the chances we'll get another James Cameron Terminator movie eventually?

Isn't he too focused on Avatar 2-4 and Battle Angel Alita?



If Avatar 2 makes less than a billion WW. In other words: ZERO.

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Kevin Smith talked about this. 

Even if your movie cost 5m to make, you still need at least 20m to distribute it and market it in the USA which is a big country with lots of theaters.

And Kevin Smith is right.

And we're talking about a movie that's a sequel to a 100m grosser.

Yeah, they spent more. A lot more.

Movie is still going to bank.

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Mike- 9.3-9.7

Terminator- 8.8-9.2

Inside Out- 7.2

Jurassic World- 5.9

Ted- 2.7


I haven't wielded enough of Rth's Asgard power to be as powerful as him, but I've picked up an infinity stone or two. 

Edited by Gopher
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lolololol Terminator Genysis. I feel a little bad for Arnie, who's such a nice guy, but this deserved to bomb from the start.

Hey look at the bright side...by Monday, this will be his highest grossing movie in 12 years.

(Expendables don't count, be quiet)

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Hey look at the bright side...by Monday, this will be his highest grossing movie in 12 years.

(Expendables don't count, be quiet)


That should have been a group.


Genisys over/under Expendables 2

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Excuses excuses excuses. Sorry,Terminator just isn't the huge draw you thought it would be. Yes its Friday will pick up but not by much...this has little appeal for the older crowd. 

I guess you time traveled to Saturday to give me that information.

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I guess you time traveled to Saturday to give me that information.

He did.

But he was promptly recast by Jai Courtney.

So he probably won't respond, and if he does, it'll be a terrible performance.

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