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Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation  

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No, it's not convenient, it makes perfect sense. She was practicing holding her breath because she already had the Moroccan heist planned out (as shown by how she leads Ethan and Benji along in the subsequent conversation). You can see her look of annoyance when she sees she fell just short of 2 minutes, because she is realizing she can't change the profile card because she can't hold her breath long enough.


LOL. Now people can't even notice what is a set-up for an amazing pay-off from a "convenience" anymore, they'd rather see her coming out of nowhere like a Deus Ex Machina then cries "PLOTHOLE!" (The torus scene is easily the best set piece involving both characters hands down imo, yeah I know the opera yadda yadda but this one was truly gripping and for once Ethan Hunt didn't feel like Superman so Ilsa coming to save the day was such a pumping moment that was entirely set-up in the swimming pool scene. That insert shot reading her watch coming under the 2 minutes limit added stakes and suspense to the outcome. She almost feels like a siren flying in the tank thanks to the high pressure streams whirling them around).

Edited by MADash Rendar
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Mission Impossible movies are possibly the standard for popcorn entertainment.


In the sense that, they are truly enjoyable, but almost immediately afterward you can remember absolutely nothing about the movie.


They are never good enough to be transcendent or bad enough to be coated with bitter vitriol. 


I really enjoyed this, but almost forgotten it now, and it's only been 2 days.


Similar to: Bourne trilogy, Bond (but Bonds are overlong and almost wholly terrible)


And enough with all the fucking Furiousa comments on every movie post-Max to include a female with a more defined character. One, because Furiousa is in a league of her own, two, because there should be more characters for female actresses not just Furiousa wannabes, and three because it's not like Ferguson's character was any better than Bryce Dallas Howard's. 

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No, it's not convenient, it makes perfect sense. She was practicing holding her breath because she already had the Moroccan heist planned out (as shown by how she leads Ethan and Benji along in the subsequent conversation). You can see her look of annoyance when she sees she fell just short of 2 minutes, because she is realizing she can't change the profile card because she can't hold her breath long enough.


I must have dozed off at that point.

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The ending ruined it for some in the audience, and for me too. Here's what would have had to go right:


1. Lane would have to appear in person and in the vicinity of Ethan


2. Ethan would have to run, dodging bullets


3. Lane would have to follow


4. Ethan would have to successfully shepherd the villain to the general location of the glass cage


5. Ethan would have to roll into the shaft and fake injury


6. Ethan would have to HOPE Lane wouldn't just shoot him right there. 


7. Lane would have to jump in



How convenient.


With that said, I did get Mission Impossible 1 vibes for this one which I appreciated. While this wasn't my fave of the series (maybe this should have been a December release), it is definitely one of the better action movies this year (better than FF7).

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Mission Impossible movies are possibly the standard for popcorn entertainment.

In the sense that, they are truly enjoyable, but almost immediately afterward you can remember absolutely nothing about the movie.

They are never good enough to be transcendent or bad enough to be coated with bitter vitriol.

I really enjoyed this, but almost forgotten it now, and it's only been 2 days.

Similar to: Bourne trilogy, Bond (but Bonds are overlong and almost wholly terrible)

And enough with all the fucking Furiousa comments on every movie post-Max to include a female with a more defined character. One, because Furiousa is in a league of her own, two, because there should be more characters for female actresses not just Furiousa wannabes, and three because it's not like Ferguson's character was any better than Bryce Dallas Howard's.

Ferguson's character here is much better than BDH's in JW in every way

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I liked it more than I thought I would. The motorcycle chase scene was brilliant. It had action, humor and a decent story. Another good Cruise movie.



The ending kinda dragged on.

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Fuckkkking great man. Certainly up there with Max as my favorite movie this summer. Stylish and sleek as it gets without losing an ounce of heart. It's balls to the walls with a brain. Fantastic direction that keeps topping itself, and filled with likable performances. The opera scene and the bike chase just made me want to applaud. I actually really appreciated the lower stakes and scale of the third act. Instead of throwing in another crazy setpiece, it reverts to an intelligent espionage thriller filled with gadgets, trickery, and confused alliances. It was a breath of fresh air to watch a summer blockbuster where the ending didn't feature someone racing to stop the end of the world, but instead something more real- a spy plot to bring down a terror organization, piece by piece. 


Also, anyone who advocates that summer popcorn movies should just be brainless special effects fests filled with explosions and nostalgia should be forced to watch this movie eyes-peeled open Clockwork Orange style. Yes, the stunts are insane and the chances of survival sometimes inplausiable (dat car flip), but every single character decision and plot choice MAKES SENSE. Sure, the characters aren't the most complex, but they're tightly crafted and every decision that they make is sensible within the context of what has been established. The plot is tight as fuck and moves the plot logically and coherently from set piece to set piece without being contrived, or just filling in time until we get to the next big fight. Every plot point makes coherent sense within the context of both the established movie universe and human logic. The callbacks and set-ups, as Numbers said, actually are strong payoffs and don't exist just for fan service that gets claps at a midnight service. This movie is proof you can be a pure summer action blockbuster without sacrificing structure, logic, intelligence, or common sense. It's all the better for it, especially in a summer like this. They need to make more movies with this kind of care and smarts. 

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I didn't like how the car/bike chase was 100% pointless. Tom losses, yet when he gets back they have a copy. Sooooo what was the point of that 10min action sequence? It was the butt of a joke

Because they didn't want anyone else with the data. Denying it to others is just as important as having it yourself.

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I didn't like how the car/bike chase was 100% pointless. Tom losses, yet when he gets back they have a copy. Sooooo what was the point of that 10min action sequence? It was the butt of a joke


Because they didn't want anyone else with the data. Denying it to others is just as important as having it yourself.


Yep but like Jay remarked it was kind of treated like a loose joke. "Yeah, I nearly lost my life in a bike chase for something I seemingly crave like the Holy Grail...Oh wait Benji we already did have a back-up for it so it didn't matter THAT much, I just wanted to show off on a motorbike as a shout-out to MI2.". It feels kinda like "Oh yeah whatever, let's move on to the next set piece lol". Like the way Ilsa ends the chase. Yeah, mkay.

Edited by MADash Rendar
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The ending ruined it for some in the audience, and for me too. Here's what would have had to go right:


1. Lane would have to appear in person and in the vicinity of Ethan


2. Ethan would have to run, dodging bullets


3. Lane would have to follow


4. Ethan would have to successfully shepherd the villain to the general location of the glass cage


5. Ethan would have to roll into the shaft and fake injury


6. Ethan would have to HOPE Lane wouldn't just shoot him right there. 


7. Lane would have to jump in



How convenient.


With that said, I did get Mission Impossible 1 vibes for this one which I appreciated. While this wasn't my fave of the series (maybe this should have been a December release), it is definitely one of the better action movies this year (better than FF7).

That's all pretty fine.  They set up that Ethan was the only one with the accounts.  Lane had no other option but to get to Ethan or he would lose the money and their "game".  Actually, the convenient thing about that sequence is how Ilsa managed to show up.  She was separated from Ethan and presumably had no idea of the overall plan.

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