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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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F4 seemed miscasted-it also seems that the studio saw a stinker hence not a lot of advertising. Can't see them having it rebooted anytime soon though due to the fact audiences are already turned off.

(Spidey was rebooted too soon as was Hulk but those are other stories)


And dang Sony is really doing bad this year-have they even had a hit this year?

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F4 seemed miscasted-it also seems that the studio saw a stinker hence not a lot of advertising. Can't see them having it rebooted anytime soon though due to the fact audiences are already turned off.

(Spidey was rebooted too soon as was Hulk but those are other stories)


And dang Sony is really doing bad this year-have they even had a hit this year?

Their biggest 'hit' for the year has been Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 and that made 71m. 

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Their biggest 'hit' for the year has been Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 and that made 71m. 

They are so lucky they have a Bond film at the end of the year-they are starting to look like Universal in 1998 (which the studio almost went bankrupt that year!)

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The half the cast of the Justice League should be dwarfs.

Zack Snyder knows a few dwarfs he's friends with.

Anyone who disagrees is a closed minded fanboy who doesn't understand how Hollywood works.

I wouldn't be mad at it. would be a good fuck you to all the movies that cast average sized people in the few roles actors w/ dwarfism coulda played. like that dumbass huntsman movie.

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I saw the trailer for Zootropolis in front of Inside Out, I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then I realised it was Jason Bateman saying Zootropolis. No idea why it's called that here.

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Yes you're right, aside from the source material, there is nothing deeply rooted into the story itself that requires the Storm family to only be white. However it would have made much more sense to make the WHOLE family black. In fact, one could argue it was "racist" to still keep Susan Storm white, since they had already made Franklin Storm and Johnny Storm black. The current modern Western culture we live in is very open to mixed-racial families, in some circles and local areas even encouraging it. So the choice of making Johnny Storm black and Franklin Storm black, but, keeping Susan Storm white was not one of racial equality, or even getting the best possible cast for the job. It was likely more so to fit into the current Western cultural trend of being open and accepting of mixed-racial families. Fox likely was trying to target all racial demographics, and at the same time be politically correct by tying in current Western cultural trends directly into the film. Additionally, anyone who reads about Trank, and has watched Chronicle, knows that he is a director who is in tune with the current cultural trends among Western young people. So it is very likely one reason Fox chose Trank for the project, was to be in tune to current cultural trends, and to generate some sort of similar appeal to young people as Chronicle had. This also would support why in the film, the Fantastic Four and Doom are quite younger than they mostly were depicted in the comics, as well as the previous films.


That's part of my point. Black Panther was a character specifically created for diversity, and I appreciate and celebrate that. I see nothing wrong with that, and my example was purely hypothetical. The key here being that Black Panther was an original, new character. There is no logical point to fundamentally change some aspect of an existing character, other than just for the sake of doing it in hopes of attracting new fans, etc. However this often can and does backfire as it alienates the existing loyal fans of such a character or property. So why not simply create more, new black and other diverse characters?


Yes fair point, and a point that happens to go directly against the idea that he was "the best actor for the job". You and I both know that's not really true. As you said, Jordan was hired mainly because Trank has familiarity with him, and not to mention is friendly with him. Yes he happens to hit some of the characterization marks for Johnny Storm. However they had to make changes from the source material in order to accommodate him in the film. His inclusion in the film, as mentioned above, also perfectly fits into the current Western culture and social thinking, and subsequently makes him a very politically correct addition due to the increased diversity of the cast. However, again as mentioned above, this alienates a large number of the existing Fantastic Four fanbase.


Here's an idea; what if they had cast Jordan as another character, possibly a new character, to fit into the film? That way Trank still would have been working with a familiar actor, the film still would have had diversity, and it still would have been a fairly politically correct look for Fox. Also importantly, such an option would not have alienated the existing Fantastic Four fanbase. So why was that option not taken?


I never claimed the casting of Jordan was just to satisfy a diversity quotient. As I explained right above, the diversity aspect was one of several reasons that Jordan was cast as Johnny Storm. That doesn't really make it a great casting choice however.


If the goal was to hire the best cast for the job, well we know that's not really true. Jordan was first and foremost cast because of familiarity and friendship with Trank. If one of the goals was racial diversity or equality, they didn't really succeed either, as I mentioned above. The entire Storm family could have been made black, which would have been a stronger example of diversity and equality in comparison to the rest of the white cast. If one of the goals was to appeal to current culture and young people, there are very clear indications that such an attempt was made with the film, however this failed as the film is almost universally disliked by all audiences.


Last but not least; neither you nor I know 100% what Fox was thinking, nor what Trank was thinking. However I have attempted to make some educated guesses, as explained above. Two things are crystal clear though about the film; the Fantastic Four fanbase was alienated, and the film has not connected with the general audience, who are giving the film poor ratings. I think it would be highly respectful and professional to keep out any personal comments out of discussion, in terms of knowing how Hollywood works. Unless you have worked for, currently work for, or have direct access to Fox studios, and can provide proof, as I said you don't know 100% what was going through the minds of Fox executives or Trank during the entire workflow and process for this film. I and others have made some educated guesses. Others here on the forum disagree. Personal comments are thrown around and the entire discussion degenerates.


If you or others disagree, it would be wise to simply keep this respectful and focus on the conversation, not on any personal comments. Or anyone who disagrees can simply let it be.


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Why would adoption be the source of friction?

This thread is dead Tele. Some really oh my god posts killed it. Rational posts don't work with this people. I tried a few nights ago. But good luck to you, I guess.

Edited by CJohn
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