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Weekend estimates: 15.90 M THE MARTIAN | 15.50 M GOOSEBUMPS | 11.37 M BOS | 10.83 M TLWH | 9.00 M HT II | 8.20 M PA: TGD | 7.27 M STEVE JOBS

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We're living in a year when 8-10 super huge films are completely dominating everything else.

Like back in the early 1980s-you see a few super huge films-but nothing else was super huge!

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Everything seems as if it either hits big this year or completely misses.

Theres not many modest hits.  

I think we're getting closer to a time when smaller movies will be released through streaming platforms with limited theater releases and what's released in theaters is limited to blockbusters and the bigger comedies and dramas.

Edited by The Panda
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That's what happens when you skimp on a liberal arts education.  (But they can condole themselves with their heaps of money)


    I MET a Traveler from an antique land,
    Who said, "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
    And on the pedestal these words appear:
    "My name is OZYMANDIAS, King of Kings."
    Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!
    No thing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that Colossal Wreck, boundless and bare,
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Oh, absolutely. Shelley rocks. And not only is that poem, and especially that "Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!" line, a great example of how fleeting things can be, but its also one of the best examples of properly used irony (that isn't sarcasm) around.

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Serena shouldn't really count. Was just thrown out there in a few dozen theaters for the heck of it because it had two major stars. 

Anyways, I had no idea that Burnt was the movie formerly known as Adam Jones until I noticed on IMDB that's his name in the movie. Yeah, they clearly have no idea what to do with that one. :lol:

Burnt makes me feel like someone decided that Chef was the start of a thing and they wanted to get in on it, asap.

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Everything seems as if it either hits big this year or completely misses.

Theres not many modest hits.  

I think we're getting closer to a time when smaller movies will be released through streaming platforms with limited theater releases and what's released in theaters is limited to blockbusters and the bigger comedies and dramas.

That reminds me, I saw a preview for The Night Before, and as it started, it notes that its "From the team that brought you: This is the End, Neighbors and almost The Interview" which might have been the funniest joke on the screen the entire night (was watching Last Witch Hunter).

Edited by Wrath
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If dollar theaters stay busy this weekend, here are some figures...

(+416%) - Ant-Man - 377,000 - 179.16

(no change) - Inside Out - 365,000 - 355.41

(-4%) - Minions - 230,000 - 334.83

(-15%) - Jurassic World - 191,000 - 651.71

(-15%) - Pixels - 143,000 - 78.66

(-33%) - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation - 118,000 - 195.02

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Last Witch Hunter was kinda lame. Too brooding and took itself too seriously. The action was admittedly fun, but there wasn't as much of it as I had hoped. And when the film finally became fun and campy towards the end, it was too late.

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Also, pretty slow tonight. There was some hockey event in town, which we knew would take away business but still...

PA - equivilant of $5.1M OD

Witch Hunter - $3.7M

Crimson Peak - $2.3M

Goosebumps - $5.8M

Martian - $3.9M

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Last Witch Hunter was kinda lame. Too brooding and took itself too seriously. The action was admittedly fun, but there wasn't as much of it as I had hoped. And when the film finally became fun and campy towards the end, it was too late.

You know, that's a good point. Other than maybe Michael Caine and the guy who played Belial (who is apparently an American despite one of the most Nordic looking names I've ever seen), I didn't feel like anyone was having fun. Diesel looked like he was there to collect a paycheck, Rose Leslie looked panicked that her great turn as Ygritte wasn't opening as many doors as she'd hoped, and Elijah Wood looked just a smidgen too intense (though he was fun at the end). I was expecting a fun, campy, B-grade adventure flick and my expectations weren't met.

Edited by Wrath
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The Hollywood Reporter has updated projections, with The Martian and Goosebumps in a "too close to call" race.  The most interesting story of the weekend to me is how Jem performs on Saturday, and just how low it ultimately goes.  THR has an even lower $1.3 to $1.9 million estimate now.  Should that hold, it would be #4 on the worst 2,000+ theater opener list at Box Office Mojo.  If THR is right, then it's the opposite of those weekends with record setting big numbers like Jurassic World.  While they suggest being #1 in the list as a possibility, Oogieloves will likely keep its top ranking on that list with its super low opening weekend.  That would be a "reverse Jurassic World" surprise if Jem became #1.  This might be record setting on the opposite end of the spectrum, so any estimates when late Saturday night arrives would be welcome, even if this is not a big movie weekend.

Edited by Outrageous!
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If dollar theaters stay busy this weekend, here are some figures...

(+416%) - Ant-Man - 377,000 - 290 locations - $1,300 average - 179.16 total

(no change) - Inside Out - 365,000 - 270 locations - $1,350 average - 355.41 total

(-4%) - Minions - 230,000 - 230 locations - $1,000 average - 334.83 total

(-15%) - Jurassic World - 191,000 - 175 locations - $1,090 average - 651.71 total

(-15%) - Pixels - 143,000 - 150 locations - $950 average - 78.66 total

(-33%) - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation - 118,000 - 151 locations - $780 average -  195.02 total

Here are some other figures until we get some estimates for the top 15

(-58%) - Black Mass - 541,000 - 458 locations - $1,182 average - 61.28 total

(-61%) - Everest - 470,000 - 400 locations - $1164 average - 41.70 total

(-59%) - The Visit - 469,000 - 507 locations - $926 average - 63.81 total

(-54%) - War Room - 427,000 - 449 locations - $950 average - 66.22 total

(-80%) - The Walk - 239,000 - 261 locations - $915 average - 9.91 total

(-68%) - The Perfect Guy - 197,000 - 190 locations - $1,035 avg - 56.20 total

(-33%) - The Green Inferno - 54,000 - 62 locations - $866 avg - 7.16 total


and for fun....

#15 - (-48%) - Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials - 1.48 - 1008 locations - $1,466 average - 77.76 total

Edited by Matrix4You
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I have no idea why anyone thought that Steve Jobs was going to be a box office hit. There was a movie about him in 2012 or 2013 that no one bothered to see. Didn't Amy Pascal even say that the film is a terrible idea in the Sony emails?  

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Its like how there is no Apollo 11 film, Apollo 13 was chosen since it is more of a easier sell then Apollo 11 where nothing went wrong.

Actually, Apollo 11 didn't go as well as was broadcast on TV. They went off course and landed well off from their target point. They also nearly ran the landing jets out of fuel. But, yeah...it's still nowhere as dramatic as what happened with 13, even if it was vastly more important historically. 

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