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On 12/31/2016 at 2:40 AM, DealWithIt said:


And yet Marvel movies are littered with flaws. Still receive wall to wall positive reviews. Civil War getting the critical reception it did when it just wasn't on the level that Winter Soldier was is a travesty. That airport fight...please...stop...QUIPPING! A serious goddamn matter, NOPE sorry need jokes so the audience doesn't forget you don't really need to take this serious matter very seriously! I had no problem with Spidey being like that, that's who he is. But let up with the rest of the cast for once. I dread how badly things could go if they don't stick the landing with Thanos. 


That didn't bother me.   I knew they were all going to avoid seriously hurting each other.   Kinda like how football players throw trash talk at each other.  The quips were a way to deal with that kind of tension.   Best example was Hawkeye asking BW if they were still friends.   And of course Stark is famous for avoiding serious issues with a quip.  One moment was revealing when he briefly showed his emotion when talking to Cap.   Something like, "You are going to stand down...because it's us".


On 12/31/2016 at 2:56 PM, PPZVGOS said:


I didn't like any DC movie this year all that much, especially SS, which was atrocious at parts. You are confusing me with other situations. 


What I am saying though, is that BvS was rigorously critiqued within an inch of its life, while Marvel movies receive a tremendous amount of slack from many critics. On this point I stand 100%. I never cared for the DC/Marvel "rivalry" (I mean what is this? some football clubs' rivalry?) But once I saw how BvS was treated by critics (who may have been right or wrong BTW, that's not what I am discussing here) and the comparative immunity that Marvel movies enjoy I cried foul. 


I am saying one thing and one thing only. Apply the same criteria and same rigor in criticism to *all* movies, especially if from the same genre. 


A conspiracy is something that applies to issues far more serious than movie reviews (and yes, they happen all the time, only brainwashed idiots refuse this) I would call it a bias that can be rooted into any number of things and financial interests. 


Just a difference of opinion.   I agree with the critics on DC movies.   They've been substandard so far in my view.   It is genuinely hard to get through BvS while even mediocre Marvel movies like TIH I can manage to get to the end with at least some entertainment value.


But we never agree with them totally.   My favorite comic book movies are Watchmen, Kick Ass, Mystery Men, and Winter Soldier.   The critics only loved one of those.


On 12/31/2016 at 8:06 PM, PPZVGOS said:

Another thing that I haven't heard anyone notice about Civil War. If Zemo is a former Sokovian Intelligence colonel, then why is he a German-speaker? All the descriptions and imagery from Sokovia in Age of Ultron point to Sokovia being a former Soviet state (something akin to Ukraine/Belarus/Moldova) The buildings, attire of officials, Cyrillic alphabet etc. The Maximoff twins, not only have Russian-sounding names but also rudimentary Russian accents as well. If Zemo is their compatriot, then why is he a German speaker and has to practice in order to clumsily deliver the Russian words that trigger the Winter Soldier? 


I'll have to take your word for that since it's so minor I didn't notice.   I don't think an accent ties you to any political stance or action though.   A person could join Sokovia's side from any country they wanted.


On 12/31/2016 at 8:06 PM, PPZVGOS said:


But the most obvious absurdity about the whole premise of Civil War is that the civilian losses from New York (Avengers) Washington DC (CA: Winter Soldier) Sokovia (Ultron) and Lagos (Civil War) are deemed as unacceptable or as the fault of the Avengers themselves. Any collateral damage that occurred in the first Avengers movies completely pales into comparison with the magnitude of the threat, a full-scale alien invasion, led by an inter-dimensional Hitler and his army of monsters. Hell, it was SHIELD/USG that was willing to NUKE New York in order to contain the fallout. How was it acceptable for the government to turn the world's most important metropolis into radioactive wasteland, but is unacceptable if a few hundred/thousand people die in order to save the entire planet? The Washington events were 100% the fault of the USG and other allies who were financing SHIELD for decades and approved its programs. Cap & Widow in fact saved humanity one more time. The Sokovia disaster was the only one that could be blamed on the Avengers, namely Stark & Banner who created Ultron in the first place, even if unintentionally. The Avengers still cleaned-up in the end. The Lagos incident was more than minor, and even then, Scarlet Witch did the right thing because of the bomb had exploded in its original position then the losses would have been far greater. 


Two different things going on.   ...Which is the whole premise of the movie.


Logic and emotion.    Knowing that the Avengers aren't really at fault as much as the media and Ross claim is the logical side.   But I'm 100% sure that the media would do exactly what they did in CW if it happened in real life because they do that kind of thing all the time.    People want to hear "doom" and negativity so the media gives it to them.   To hear the media tell it, you would think we are living in a terrible time instead of living in the greatest time to be alive in human history.    When you tell people that "things are getting better all the time"...they react negatively.   That's how we are wired.    Reality does not support the "doom" but that doesn't stop people from believing it.



If you think that there has never been a better time to be alive — that humanity has never been safer, healthier, more prosperous or less unequal — then you’re in the minority. But that is what the evidence incontrovertibly shows. Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour and infant mortality are falling faster than at any other time in human history. The risk of being caught up in a war, subjected to a dictatorship or of dying in a natural disaster is smaller than ever. The golden age is now.


We’re hardwired not to believe this. We’ve evolved to be suspicious and fretful: fear and worry are tools for survival. The hunters and gatherers who survived sudden storms and predators were the ones who had a tendency to scan the horizon for new threats, rather than sit back and enjoy the view. They passed their stress genes on to us. That is why we find stories about things going wrong far more interesting than stories about things going right. It’s why bad news sells, and newspapers are full of it.




If "Avengers are dangerous" becomes a story, suddenly the media will feed that narrative.    ...Gets them plenty of ratings.     "Avengers are heroes" would get old fast and the public would lose interest in another story about how great they are.    The Spider-Man comic was realistic on that too.   JJ Jamison was not interested in any stories about Spider-Man being a hero...he wanted stories about Spider-Man being a menace....and the public bought his paper.


In CW, Cap is the logical one in my view.   He knows the Avengers are a positive thing and that they can't save everyone.    Tony is moved by the emotional side.   He encounters a mother who lost a son.   That mother was not interested in logic...she blamed the Avengers.    Tony also is the one who built Ultron so he could get some blame even though there was no evil intent and no one could have foreseen what happened there.   ...But Tony is ok with sharing that blame with the other Avengers.


That whole thing is why I liked CW so much.   I totally got why each side believes as they do.    Ross was a typical politician using spin to further a personal agenda.  

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5 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

I don't know what films count as the "DCU" but for the MCU.


Iron Man

The Incredible Hulk

Iron Man 2


Captain America: The First Avenger

Marvel's The Avengers

Iron Man 3

Thor: The Dark World

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Guardians of the Galaxy

Avengers: Age of Ultron


Captain America: Civil War

Doctor Strange


They peaked at Iron Man, it's a load of gutter trash quite honestly.

HaHa....that's bait. 

Worst piece of intentional trolling I've seen in some time.


I mean, that's amateur hour trolling right there. HaHaHa!!!

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11 minutes ago, Captain Craig said:

HaHa....that's bait. 

Worst piece of intentional trolling I've seen in some time.


I mean, that's amateur hour trolling right there. HaHaHa!!!


Honestly I forgot about Civil War, I would rate it ok, making it second behind iron man. The rest are bad.

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1 minute ago, The Futurist said:

DCEU is a freaking mess.


Affleck is not satisifed with the Batman script and threats Warner to leave the project.


Warner is probably forcing Affleck to meet the 2018 release date.




Affleck won't leave The Batman at least not as an actor since his contract most likely is in effect to star in a number of movies. Directing is probably not part of his contract and was a role given to him over time. Besides even if Affleck wanted to leave the DCeU I'm sure the payday he receives for playing Batman is perhaps 20 times that of starring, writing and directing a low budget movie and child maintainence fees ain't cheap. 

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11 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

DCEU is a freaking mess.


Affleck is not satisifed with the Batman script and threats Warner to leave the project.


Warner is probably forcing Affleck to meet the 2018 release date.



Right now I'd say that 2017 is their last chance, WW if you ask me will likely get decent reviews (55%-70%) and make bank, but JL needs good reviews and good WOM, otherwise  audiences may lose interest in solo movies like for Aquaman or Cyborg.

Edited by YourMother
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Not to add to the debate but i find Deadpool too vulgar to be considered best of anything.


I just hate when movies rely or sell vulgarity wrapped in humour.  It kinda cheapen the whole cinematic experience in my view.  


Many french movies, especially comedies have adopted that route with some clear inclination to scatological juvenile type of humour, hence i hate current french cinema while the old movies from both Italy and France  and even Germany were among the best that cinema as a whole could offer, especially when it comes to the the dramatic movies.  Even humour back then was more witty, less under the belt, nasty type.

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On 1/1/2017 at 7:40 AM, WeneedtotalkaboutKevin said:

Zack Snyder got trashed by two critically-acclaimed movie directors Mel Gibson and Ridley Scott. He must have felt hurt. To a director, the words of peers , directors in this case, carry more weight than the critics and general audience. And, the sad thing is he will have to go through all these once again when Justice League is out. The Snyder-bashing won't end even after he is retired.






man you are absolutely pathetic and full of lies as well. You do know Mel HATES ALL Superhero movies right ? Including your precious MCU.


3 hours ago, The Futurist said:

DCEU is a freaking mess.


Affleck is not satisifed with the Batman script and threats Warner to leave the project.


Warner is probably forcing Affleck to meet the 2018 release date.




You believe everything you read on the internet or something. Ben is a perfectionist he just wants to get the script right. And he does not wanna speak about BATMAN when he is promoting another movie. I bet you believed Wan was leaving Aquaman as well when the rumors about that surfaced. Which was FALSE.


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6 hours ago, The Futurist said:

DCEU is a freaking mess.


Affleck is not satisifed with the Batman script and threats Warner to leave the project.


Warner is probably forcing Affleck to meet the 2018 release date.




Hope that doesn't happen.   I was actually looking forward to a Batman movie for the first time in a while.



Before the release of 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, it was revealed that Affleck was in talks to direct, star and co-write a screenplay for a standalone Batman film, tentatively titled The Batman.

"That’s the idea," Affleck confirmed. "But it’s not a set thing and there’s no script. If it doesn’t come together in a way I think is really great I’m not going to do it.”




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7 hours ago, mredman said:


man you are absolutely pathetic and full of lies as well. You do know Mel HATES ALL Superhero movies right ? Including your precious MCU.



You believe everything you read on the internet or something. Ben is a perfectionist he just wants to get the script right. And he does not wanna speak about BATMAN when he is promoting another movie. I bet you believed Wan was leaving Aquaman as well when the rumors about that surfaced. Which was FALSE.



Can you stop defending DC like it's your first son?

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