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10 minutes ago, RRA said:

I have problems with TITANIC but at this point, isn't it now generally considered a great film? Hell it cracked the National Film Registry recently.


(Then again so did THE GOONIES.)

It went with recognition with how well it is aged on a craft level, one of the most acclaimed movie of all time now:




#715 according to this aggregate of best movie list.


Cameron has 5 movies perceived by world critics in the top 1000 movie of all time:


Aliens 372

Terminator 455

T2 637

Titanic 715

Avatar 769


Also in the Afi top 10 american EPIC in their latest update:



1 Lawrence of Arabia 1962
2 Ben-Hur 1959
3 Schindler's List 1993
4 Gone with the Wind 1939
5 Spartacus 1960
6 Titanic 1997
7 All Quiet on the Western Front 1930
8 Saving Private Ryan 1998
9 Reds 1981
10 The Ten Commandments 1956


And, #83 in their top 100 american movie of all time:



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13 minutes ago, RRA said:

I have problems with TITANIC but at this point, isn't it now generally considered a great film? Hell it cracked the National Film Registry recently.


(Then again so did THE GOONIES.)

But The Goonies is an American classic. ;)



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8 hours ago, Elessar said:

Like Star Wars has been a beacon of originality... And the latest entries are the worst offenders. Taking tropes from elsewhere and putting your spin on it is one thing but regurgitating oneself... nah... that's just lazy. The stories have been nothing special from the start but TLJ just felt trite. That doesn't take away from the fact that the OT still is really enjoyable to watch. Some of the casting was a stroke of genius, for sure.


If you argue Avatar was a tech demo i will argue the same for Star Wars. Or do you really think the wow factor didn't play a part in the success of the OT?

It absolutely did, but NOTHING defines the OT more than the characters and the worldbuilding.


Worldbuilding is also applicable to Avatar, but really, how many characters can you name from Avatar? I can name one, and that's about it.


And for the record, Terminator 2 and Aliens are Cameron's best movies. Titanic has merits but it doesn't even sniff them.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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13 hours ago, Barnack said:

Trolling is saying stuff in a way on a message platform not to engage in a meaningful conversation, just to create a strong reaction or were you serious about people that talk about Tarantino on this message board should go away ?

@Barnack my friend, I have some free time now while associates keeps a client at bay. If the above is your definition of trolling then I assure you, I seek to only engage in meaningful discussion surrounding all things box office related. I don't think anyone should 'go away', but I do think some people should re-evaluate why they're here and what it is that we are collectively here to have discussions about. I hope this gives you a clearer picture of my intentions and hopefully some confidence that I am not a 'troll'. 

13 hours ago, Barnack said:

Because everyone can look at the box office numbers and in less in 10 minutes pretty much known everything objective about it, there is just nothing to talk about that is objective, can just post a series of numbers and that is it, the conversation will always tend to turn around subjective stuff, where something can be talked about.

I get your point, and I know that there is without a doubt a certain tendency to move towards subjectivity when discussion basically revolves around the ability to tell a story and make money. 


What my original point was meant to really convey however, is that there is a lot of objective things to be discussed. Let's take demographic of viewers as one stat, why and how does one encourage one gender or another to watch your movie? What about the time period in which a movie is released, not merely in terms of an annual process, but lets think economically. It's no secret that Avatar was released after one of the great economic depressions of our time, there is a wealth of discussion there to be had on the socio-political and economic conditions which surround the release of a single movie! Imagine the kinds of discussion that could be had based on objective metrics for a whole host of other movies! 

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Just now, dudalb said:

Me. Avatar, take away the visuals, is not a very good film.

Sound reasonable, but really unfair to take away visuals from a visual medium, would be like saying that one you take away the music of 2001 a space odyssey, Jaws or Star Wars those movie does not work nearly as much....

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