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BOF's Top 25 movies of 2015. Full list on Page 13. The forum is shiny and chrome.

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Hi All,


It is that time of the year again. I made the lists for "BOF's top movies of 2013" http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/13710-best-movies-of-2013-results-link-in-first-post/ and last year  http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/17147-bofs-top-25-movies-of-2014-full-list-page-5-the-forum-worships-at-the-altar-of-nolan/, and it was a fun exercise getting the lists and putting them together. So continuing the streak, I will be putting together the list for top movies of 2015 as voted by the BOF forums


What is this list?

This list just attempts to collate and consolidate the top 15-25 (depending on responses) movies that box office forum members felt were the Best movies of 2015. Best is a relative term, someone may have loved Terminator Genisys, while others may have hated it. This list attempts to get the consensus from the people who choose to participate.


What am i asking for from the forum members?

Not much, just send me your ranked list of best movies for the year by either PM or by posting in this thread. Any number of movies can be included in your list, but PLEASE RANK THE MOVIES.


How will this work?

I will take all responses received, and assign points to each position a movie is ranked at. The points will be distributed so that the top 3 movies in each list benefit more than lower ranked movies, and #1 benefits the most. 


Cool, till when do I have time to submit my list?

I am aiming to have all responses in by February 5th. This gives people over a month to catch up on movies they may have missed or are waiting for a movie to expand (Ex: "Hateful Eight"). If enough responses are received by February 5th, then I will collate, assign points, calculate everything in 3 days and have the reveal on Superbowl Sunday as is tradition.


You idiot, it is just December 1st right now.

I know, but I am going to be MIA for almost a month starting next week and wanted to get this thread created before I got too busy. Also, this serves as a reminder for everyone to send in their lists or they may forget and CJohn might have more meltdowns in the reveal thread. I fully expect no lists to even be sent my way before January 20th or so at the earliest.


That is it. Nothing else is asked or demanded of you. Just send me your list of top movies of the year. Include reasons why you have ranked a movie as #1 or #2 or whatever if you feel like it and I will do the rest.


Let me know if you would be willing to send in a list.


Hoping for a good response.


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With the assumption that Fury Road takes #1, I think competition for the 2-5 positions will actually be pretty fierce. I liked Kingsman a lot, Inside Out will probably be #2, and there were a bunch of other movies that were really solid like Compton, Paddington, and a bunch of others. And I haven't even seen any of the "Oscar bait-y" flicks like Spotlight and Brooklyn that always pop up this time of year.


I will say that this year feels heavy on "really good" movies and light on "great" movies compared to prior years, though I bet that gets said about every year other than the occasional 2007. Thinking back, 2014 was actually a pretty strong year.

Edited by Wrath
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1 hour ago, Jack Nevada said:

SW would literally have to be the 2nd coming of Christ to beat Mad Max. 


I would be shocked if Star Wars didn't win to be honest. unless it turns out to be a massive disappointment. 

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43 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

JW won't be in the Top 10, we're pretty much all divided on it. The biggest fans will push it to the low-mid teens.


I really like Jurassic World, but I haven't even seen Star Wars or The Revenant yet and it's already out of my top 10. but I'd rather JW make it than AoU.

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I have already seen 3 great fims from this year (Breathe, IO, IF), and that is before watching 90% of the indie/independent stuff I'm interested in and hasn't opened here yet.


It gonna be fun.



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