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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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2 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I just wanted to point out that the first Star Wars was created after the realization by Lucas and his Joseph Campbell readings that originality in storytelling doesn't exist and that everywhere in the world, the same stories have been told for centuries.


The first Star Wars had nothing really original (world building aside) in it, by Lucas own admission.


Originality is a loose, objective, frail concept.


You say that and yet the "I'm your father" moment in ESB is pretty much the best plot twist ever. People want a real sequel that goes to new places. Hard to blame them for that. But also hard to blame Disney for making a safe movie since they do have shareholders to answer to. I'm looking forward to following the movie's box office run and I suspect that is what it will be remembered for more than anything else.

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3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I just wanted to point out that the first Star Wars was created after the realization by Lucas and his Joseph Campbell readings that originality in storytelling doesn't exist and that everywhere in the world, the same stories have been told for centuries.


The first Star Wars had nothing really original (world building aside) in it, by Lucas own admission.


Originality is a loose, objective, frail concept.

I think the joey cams idea of re-purposing story ideas and the jj idea of re-purposing story ideas are verrrry different.

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1 minute ago, redfirebird2008 said:


You say that and yet the "I'm your father" moment in ESB is pretty much the best plot twist ever. People want a real sequel that goes to new places. Hard to blame them for that. But also hard to blame Disney for making a safe movie since they do have shareholders to answer to. I'm looking forward to following the movie's box office run and I suspect that is what it will be remembered for more than anything else.

I am fine with it being safe - nothing in Lucas's Star Wars saga has been even slightly edgy or daring. But there's a gaping void between "safe" and "remake", imo.


6 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I just wanted to point out that the first Star Wars was created after the realization by Lucas and his Joseph Campbell readings that originality in storytelling doesn't exist and that everywhere in the world, the same stories have been told for centuries.


The first Star Wars had nothing really original (world building aside) in it, by Lucas own admission.


Originality is a loose, objective, frail concept.

Well, of course "nothing is original" in that sense. The structure of the characters and story in the original film was nothing new. But that doesn't mean that Lucas didn't create a huge, awe-inspiring universe full of fascinating characters, places and systems. Even though you knew it was going to end happy, you felt thrilled by the events of the story and you deeply cared about the characters.


Star Wars may be a new take on the same story, but The Force Awakens is the same take on itself. That's a much worse crime.

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8 minutes ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:

I am fine with it being safe - nothing in Lucas's Star Wars saga has been even slightly edgy or daring. But there's a gaping void between "safe" and "remake", imo.


Well, of course "nothing is original" in that sense. The structure of the characters and story in the original film was nothing new. But that doesn't mean that Lucas didn't create a huge, awe-inspiring universe full of fascinating characters, places and systems. Even though you knew it was going to end happy, you felt thrilled by the events of the story and you deeply cared about the characters.


Star Wars may be a new take on the same story, but The Force Awakens is the same take on itself. That's a much worse crime.


Crime ?

Really ?


You do like your hyperboles when you re upset I ll give you that.



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The basic story beats in the original Star Wars were nothing new but I think we might be taking for granted how weird the universe and its details must have seemed at the time. Dudes battling space Nazis with sabers made out of energy and in WWII-esque dogfights, all set to classical-sounding music - as far as pastiches go, I bet it looked pretty original. There's nothing weird about The Force Awakens. It basically gets by on its energy and the charm of its actors.

Edited by Jake Gittes
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2 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

The basic story beats in the original Star Wars were nothing new but I think we might be taking for granted how weird the universe and its details must have seemed at the time. Dudes battling space Nazis with sabers made out of energy and in WWII-esque dogfights - as far as pastiches go, I bet it looked pretty original. There's nothing weird about The Force Awakens. It basically gets by on its energy and the charm of its actors.


Hey I did say world building aside, what Lucas and his teams of designers created is monumental, don't worry I did my homework on Star Wars.

I admire Lucas more than probably anybody on this site.

Light sabers, giant spaceships, monsters, the incredible sound design, the tech & space lingo, etc etc Williams channeling his Mozart and Beethoven creating one of the most powerful  & memorable in the history of movies. 

Who can hum a movie theme from the 50's or the 60's ?

The concept of the Force is probably the most powerful idea in the entire sage, not surprised the title of the JJ movie has the force in it.


It s easy to bash him and sounding like a butthurt fan nowadays but Lucas 'creativity was unparalleled and it showed in the prequels too.

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this doesn't seem like the type of film designed for repeat viewings. like Abrams' star trek pictures it's all about in-the-moment enjoyment and doesn't care about what you think about it the next day. there's a lot of "wait a minute..." coincidence in its plotting. honestly, not that there's anything particularly wrong with that..

Edited by CoolioD1
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7 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:

Poor Andy. "Haven't been this excited since ESB." Talk about setting yourself up for letdown there.



I was only 2 years old when The Phantom Menace was released, so I grew up with the prequels and have since then watched the originals and fell in love with those too. I've heard all sorts of stories about Star Wars fans watching The Phantom Menace on opening night and being so disappointed. I know now how they felt.



When I got home last night, my mum just gave me a big hug as she could see from my face that I'd been disappointed, knowing how much Star Wars means to me. Like those who were excited after the originals, Star Wars has had a huge impact on my life, and its world has been there for me when I was going through tough times; just being able to watch the original movie and escape into pure fantasy, or read one of the SW books (which are some of the very few books I have read), SW has always been comforting to me, so I was excited. And I was let down. I feel sorry for everyone 16 years ago at the launch of TPM.


I don't recommend people get excited for this movie. I truly hope as many people enjoy it as possible, but if you get yourself super excited then you are only awaiting disappointment.

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let's not kid that. most people who are 'super excited' are gonna get basically what they want. everyone I saw this with gave it the biggest thumbs up. and then they got mad at me for killing their buzz and just saying it was "ok" on the ride home. 

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3 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


I figure based on Abrams' output, I'll enjoy it a lot. The guy isn't a masterpiece filmmaker or anything but he does a very solid job.

You probably will bud. I gave it 7/10, its a good solid film. I have criticised it a lot but that doesn't mean i didn't enjoy the film. It just could of been a lot better imo.

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11 minutes ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:



I was only 2 years old when The Phantom Menace was released, so I grew up with the prequels and have since then watched the originals and fell in love with those too. I've heard all sorts of stories about Star Wars fans watching The Phantom Menace on opening night and being so disappointed. I know now how they felt.



When I got home last night, my mum just gave me a big hug as she could see from my face that I'd been disappointed, knowing how much Star Wars means to me. Like those who were excited after the originals, Star Wars has had a huge impact on my life, and its world has been there for me when I was going through tough times; just being able to watch the original movie and escape into pure fantasy, or read one of the SW books (which are some of the very few books I have read), SW has always been comforting to me, so I was excited. And I was let down. I feel sorry for everyone 16 years ago at the launch of TPM.


I don't recommend people get excited for this movie. I truly hope as many people enjoy it as possible, but if you get yourself super excited then you are only awaiting disappointment.


Don't worry, be happy. Just a movie after all. :)

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