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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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I think there were scenes edited out that involved more of the political aspects of the story regarding the relationship between the Republic and Resistance. 


Pretty obvious that they cut those out because they realized it would probably bring back bad memories of all that boring ass political stuff in the prequels lol 

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On 12/29/2015 at 10:36 PM, Orestes said:

Hell, I'm still pissed that the eagles didn't just carry Frodo to Mount Doom. How the hell am I supposed to find time to sweat TFA, too?


They were eagles, not Uber. Get over it. :mellow:

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3 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:

Lucas talking about Disney not using his ideas & echoing my point about consumerism & nostalgia leading TFA rather than being story driven.





A little bitterness in the first video with that racist remark.   Not a very nice thing to say about Disney.   But I do get that he may have some seller's remorse at this point.   The movie finally hitting theaters without him being involved has to be quite emotional.


The 2nd video sounds like he's talking about himself with the abuse of new technology.   That's exactly what he did with the Prequels and the new shiny digital CGI.


George should also check out the big box office beasts since SW and he will realize the real money is on those who do take chances.   E.T., Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, Titanic, Avatar, Avengers were all people doing something new and different.   The only "safe/sequel" type stuff was his Prequels and TDK.


1 hour ago, Dark 33Legend of the Sith said:

One thing I keep reading that people ask is WHY DOES KYLO WHERE THE MASK?


I found that to be quite obvious during the film. The first half, kylo is as tough as nails, intimidating, an evil force of nature. His mask is on all the time.


Once he takes off the mask, we see this regular young man. It's no coincidence that at the same time he shows his insecurities, his desperation to live up to Darth Vader, and all his inadequacies as a Sith Lord in training.


He needs the mask to demand not only respect from his subordinates,but also for himself. It is essential to his "act."


Also felt like an homage to his hero to me.

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1 hour ago, jandrew said:

 I forgot to mention the cinematography in my first review. It was gorgeous and the best of the series. 


Agreed.  Beautiful movie.   Needs Oscar love.


1 hour ago, jandrew said:

 Nitpicking again, but i have to ask: okay so Kylo is force sensitive and can feel when people are near. He was able to feel that Han was on Starkiller, so...how was he not able to feel that Han was standing right behind him??? Is his force gps broken? I'm guessing closer doesn't correlate with "hotter?"


I've heard some speculate that he was pretending not to notice in order to bring Han to him.

I kinda like your suggestion that the Force doesn't really work like a GPS....either you feel a person or you don't.

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4 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:

Lucas talking about Disney not using his ideas & echoing my point about consumerism & nostalgia leading TFA rather than being story driven.





I'd take this seriously if Episodes 1-3 were story driven at all.   They weren't, they were just giant toy adverts driven by special effects.  What happened in Episode 1 that you needed to know going into Episode 2?  Nothing.  The only thing of significant consequence that happened in the prequels was Anakin becoming Darth Vader in Episode 3 which was told in a laughable way.

Edited by Ozymandias
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2 minutes ago, Jay Salahi said:

I don't understand how you could think the climax is equal to the Battle of Yavin


I think it's better.  Some of us just like TFA a bit more.

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Well, I don't need five years to know that this is my favourite SW film next to Empire.  And you know me Jay, I loooove the SW films....all of them.  It's true.  

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10 hours ago, Darth AndyLL said:


If you really think that you need to see it again.


The whole plot of ANH was to stop the death star... the movie does not exist without it.


The attack on the star killer base was a minor part of TFA awakens... you could have substituted any number of locations/crisises and had the same movie.


You complained above about people not stating the differences between ANH and TFA and than you ignore them.


And you complain about Baumer not being objective.


And LOL some more about Lucas complaining about TFA being commercial...  Star Wars did not become one of the biggest merchandise franchises under Disney... it did under his care.. 


if you think that was the only similarities you need to check it again. I am not going to repeat what has been analyzed to death.




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10 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:

My point is that I'm clearly not alone in feeling this way. Obviously there are differences, futurist came up with a few I absolutely agree with a bunch of pages back.


B, does Force Awakens crack your Top 105 ?



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Starkiller Base Was Built on Dantooine and Called the “Doom Star”

Starkiller Base originally began as an Imperial Snow Base with a super weapon. The super weapon was going to be built inside the planet of Dantooine. You may recall Princess Leia attempts to convince Grand Moff Tarkin to destroy Dantooine with the Death Star in A New Hope, in her attempt to save her home planet of Alderaan. The idea was that an old Rebel base on Dantooine was retrofitted by the Empire.

The supergun was originally set inside an old volcano, with X-wing fighters trying to dive-bomb into it. The idea came later that the base would steal the energy from the suns in a system, literally and metaphorically bringing more darkness to the galaxy. The name of the base was originally “Doom Star.

So much better idea than "let's just build up form scratch the biggest dommsday device ever".

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