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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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5 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

And people elsewhere were convinced you hadn't seen it because you couldn't answer that question.


I did answer what I said above, "I have no clue if Snoke was Plagueis or not." Anyways doesn't matter. Maybe he's Sidious of whatever the other guy's name was. 


I would love to see Snoke being actually 2 feet tall in person :lol:

Edited by BoxOfficeZ
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I saw it again today.  Still love it, and if anything it made me care less about the few complaints I had.  


I'm wondering if they go the Bastilla route with Rey, and totally pull a KOTOR inspired type storyline.  Finn actually used to be a Snoke's old apprentice, but they wiped his memory and put him in a storm trooper.  Rey goes to the dark side and Finn has to bring her back.  With Rey going to the dark side it makes Snoke cast Kylo aside, so he becomes an anti-hero and Finn and Kylo team up to take on Rey.  Finn is trying to save her, Kylo just wants to kill her out of vengeance until he finds out she is really Rey Solo, his twin sister.  So he tries to redeem himself from killing his father by sparing his sister, leading to Rey killing him.  


I totally pulled that out of my butt, and most of that likely isn't true.  But I am fairly certain now that Snoke is Plagueious.  The music when you meet him is identical to the Plagueious story music, not the Emperor's as much.  Plus, there's obviously something to his look that'll require motion capture.  He also looks scarred quite a bit, just like he'd need to be if his apprentice tried to kill him in his sleep.  

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After my second viewing, I can definitely say that despite the qualms I have about its flaws (which I won't even bother to mention cause it would just be redundant of things already said so many times in this thread); what most important for me was the great theater experience that I had both times watching it. And isn't that the most important thing? 


The most enjoyable aspect of this movie is defnitely the new trio. I fell absolutely in love with Han/Leia/Luke in the OT then, and I fell in love with Rey/Finn/Poe this time too. Great characters can really elevate the material, make you care and make everything much more enjoyable. 


I'm also glad that JJ will not do the next one. This is his ST09 on a grander scale, he's better with paying homage stuff, not original nor sequel/follow up from what I see so far of him. So looking forward to what Rian Johnson can bring to the table. 

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1 hour ago, The Panda Menace said:


I totally pulled that out of my butt, and most of that likely isn't true.  But I am fairly certain now that Snoke is Plagueious.  The music when you meet him is identical to the Plagueious story music, not the Emperor's as much.  Plus, there's obviously something to his look that'll require motion capture.  He also looks scarred quite a bit, just like he'd need to be if his apprentice tried to kill him in his sleep.  


But wouldn't that be against the two Sith rule?


I still think its palpatine. No way that fall in ROTJ should have killed him. Scarred, sure. But he should have survived it. Makes his search for Luke more logical and personal. 

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Shocked Kylo Ren is getting so many mixed reactions.


After my second showing I am thinking of moving my score from 7/10 to a 8/10.... rewatchability is great (though there is some drag especially during the early Solo scenes). It isn't an Oscar movie and also no perfect blockbuster. But so much fun.


I really love how it is both Rey's and Ben's story (to a certain degree). And that it is a Sith "Padawan" struggling with the effects of the good side for once and not so much the other way around. I do not see how anyone could think that he looked too weak in the final fight. He isn't fully trained, he does not have his emotions under control, he has a lightsaber that seems to have some issues (it doesn't have a 100% straight saber, the laser seems to be a bit unstable) and they showed 100 times that he is INJURED. He is so obsessed with living up to the image he has of Vader that he doesn't really focus on his own (undoubtedly massive) power.


Following the biggest cinema villains of them all, it was really the best idea to play with people's expectations.


And Rey is just letting the force run her at this point... probably something much harder for her to do once she actually tries to channel it all. I think it makes perfect sense. And it is simply cool... best thing about it is how dangerous and heavy the lightsabers seem compared to the PT.



Issues I have with the movie remain:


  • destruction of several planets like it is nothing, poor reactions to it (it is a fucking genocide)
  • StarKiller. "There is always a bigger fish."
  • Movie should have ended once Chewie and Rey enter hyperspace... Luke scene wasn't a good last scene IMHO. But I guess the fans would have run berserk without him.
  • Some of the really good jokes and nods to the OT lose their impact because there are too many of them. They are too self-aware.
  • The Nürnberg imagery... come on.


The biggest hit of the movie is without a doubt Rey... what golden casting.



Still, the movie lives more from the franchise's past than its future, as I said before. However, it seems to be a promise that it is going to be fine from now on. Maybe it was the movie needed to head forward.



I am ready for this journey, though, and more excited about it all then before.

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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Just now, ShouldIBeHere said:

Shocked Kylo Ren is getting so many mixed reactions.


After my second showing I am thinking of moving my score from 7/10 to a 8/10.... rewatchability is great (though there is some drag especially during the early Solo scenes). It isn't an Oscar movie and also no perfect blockbuster. But so much fun.


I really love how it is both Rey's and Ben's story (to a certain degree). And that it is a Sith "Padawan" struggling with the effects of the good side for once and not so much the other way around. I do not see how anyone could think that he looked too weak in the final fight. He isn't fully trained, he does not have his emotions under control, he has a lightsaber that seems to have some issues (it doesn't have a 100% straight saber, the laser seems to be a bit unstable) and they showed 100 times that he is INJURED. He is so obsessed with living up to the image he has of Vader that he doesn't really focus on his own (undoubtedly massive) power.


Following the biggest cinema villains of them all, it was really the best idea to play with people's expectations.


And Rey is just letting the force run her at this point... probably something much harder for her to do once she actually tries to channel it all. I think it makes perfect sense. And it is simply cool... best thing about it is how dangerous and heavy the lightsabers seem compared to the PT.



Issues I have with the movie remain:


  • destruction of several planets like it is nothing, poor reactions to it (it is a fucking genocide)
  • StarKiller. "There is always a bigger fish."
  • Movie should have ended once Chewie and Rey enter hyperspace... Luke scene wasn't a good last scene IMHO. But I guess the fans would have run berserk without him.
  • Some of the really good jokes and nods to the OT lose their impact because there are too many of them. They are too self-aware.


The biggest hit of the movie is without a doubt Rey... what golden casting.



Still, the movie lives more from the franchise's past than its future, as I said before. However, it seems to be a promise that it is going to be fine from now on. Maybe it was the movie needed to head forward.


I am ready for this journey, though, and more excited about it all then before.

Whats wrong with destroying multiple planets like it was nothing?  No different than Deathstar destroying a planet in seconds.  This just destroys more at the same time.  Trying to make it more epic. 

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7 minutes ago, ShouldIBeHere said:

destruction of several planets like it is nothing, poor reactions to it (it is a fucking genocide)

I think this is part of my main complain with the film as well. There doesn't seem to be a "big picture" in the film. I mean, Starkiller base destroy an entire system of planets and then the resistence destroy an entire planet and it's like neither were big deals, there doesn't seem the be a proper reaction to it. The state of the galaxy is also very confused, you can only guess what is really happening and what exactly are the Republic, The Resistence and The First Order. 

That said, both scenes I talked about were a blast (!) to watch! 

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2 minutes ago, Klingo said:

Whats wrong with destroying multiple planets like it was nothing?  No different than Deathstar destroying a planet in seconds.  This just destroys more at the same time.  Trying to make it more epic. 



I didn't mean its power (though even in SW size and scale of things can become ridiculous at some point).
I dislike that noone is really reacting to it in any "epic" way. Millions of deaths and all that.

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4 minutes ago, SofNascimento said:

I think this is part of my main complain with the film as well. There doesn't seem to be a "big picture" in the film. I mean, Starkiller base destroy an entire system of planets and then the resistence destroy an entire planet and it's like neither were big deals, there doesn't seem the be a proper reaction to it. The state of the galaxy is also very confused, you can only guess what is really happening and what exactly are the Republic, The Resistence and The First Order. 

That said, both scenes I talked about were a blast (!) to watch! 





I am still not sure why Leia and Co are "The Resistance"... shouldn't the leftovers/followers of the Empire be the Resistance in a post-Empire galaxy?


But I guess they wanted that aspect of the story saved for Ep8&9.

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Just now, ShouldIBeHere said:





I am still not sure why Leia and Co are "The Resistance"... shouldn't the leftovers/followers of the Empire be the Resistance in a post-Empire galaxy?


But I guess they wanted that aspect of the story saved for Ep8&9.

Nah, the Empire is still too big.  Hence the Resistance or Rebel Alliance would still exist.  Many of the other planets revolted against the Empire and established the New Republic hence the Empire referred to and destroy the Senate which was the heart of the New Republic. 

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The Battle of Jakku took place just over a year after the Battle of Endor between the forces of the New Republic and the Galactic Empire.


During the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire was drastically weakened when the Alliance to Restore the Republic managed to destroy its dreaded battle station, the Death Star II. Before it was destroyed, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, turned his father, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, away from the dark side of the Force. Vader, once again the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, threw Darth Sidious, his former Sith Master and Galactic Emperor of the New Order, down the second Death Star's reactor core, where he died. The Rebels celebrated their victory on the Endor moon, believing the fight to be won. Nevertheless the Rebellion, now a rival galactic government known as the New Republic, would still be engaged in bloody combat against the remaining forces of the Empire in the year following the station's destruction.[6]




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