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Weekend Actuals: The Force Awakens - 90.2M !!!

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1 minute ago, K1Rey said:


Oh so is that Disney's estimate and not RTH's? I trust what RTH says than Disney.


Yep, Disney estimates. We're still waiting on rth numbers for Sunday ;)


Don't get your hopes too high though, the last sunday of the holidays is usually huge-drop-land

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23 minutes ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

Wonder how long they'll wait to continue the saga after this trilogy. I would say wait another 10 years, but that's unlikely. I hope they wait at least 5 years.


With a plan for a SW movie every year, I don't think we'll be waiting 5 years.

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Also, apparently, according to boxofficemojo we're getting actuals for the whole holidays tomorrow.


Like, December 24th up to now. Is that true? If yes, how much of a change can we expect?


Also, what do we have now then if it's true? Partial actuals?

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15 minutes ago, theendsnotnearitshere said:

With TFA being such a monster breakout in NA, even if there were people with extremely high expectations re its BO run, I wonder why ST09's, directed by the very same Greg Grunberg fuck buddy (I mean, come on!!), DOM total needs such a ridiculous multiplier to match this. Both films serve as reboots and sequels at the same time, and are very close in quality (though I'd say ST is more cohesive and has no pacing issues). Is ST just not as big in them States? Could you ever forgive the metric system? Do countless ST TV shows and movies play a part in this as well?


Asking if ST is as big in the US is like asking if Iceland is as big geographically as the US is. 

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1 minute ago, Baumer Fett said:


Asking if ST is as big in the US is like asking if Iceland is as big geographically as the US is. 


Iceland isn't as big geographically as the US!? Could you ever forgive the metric system? Do countless states and land play a part in this as well?

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10 minutes ago, Darth Water Bottle said:

Guys. The #1 movie of 2015 so far is the re-release of Chimes of Midnight at $20,480. I wonder how long it'll be the number one 2016 film.






Dude. Only Yesterday is #2. Great movie.


(Plus it looks like Daisy Ridley plays the lead. Awesomely serendipitous casting there.)


(Actually, Ashley Eckstein who was in The Clone Wars, is also in it. Which may be the closest Ahsoka and Rey may ever come to meeting.)

Edited by DamienRoc
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8 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


It doesn't even need a record. Remember when The Hobbit 3 was originally going to get a summer release? The films didn't exactly light the box office on fire, but they knew enough to stick to the pattern.


However, there are examples of films which play with the structure. They realized with Harry Potter that they couldn't do a one-film-a-year thing and went to 18-ish months from 3 onward, until they only did an 8 month break from 7 to 8. Twilight took the same strategy. (I'm starting to wonder if The Hunger Games should have done the same. Perhaps the MJ problem was doing too much too fast.)


It's a little weird because it's almost starting to feel like two years between films is too long, but one year isn't enough. And not just production-wise. Audiences need time to breathe, perhaps? So how do you play with it? 


Remember when sequels took three years? Yeah, those were the days.


With Potter it felt more like "we CAN'T make one per year" than "we shouldn't make one per year". It's a little different, since Potter was largely a singular crew working on all 8 movies, whereas Star Wars has separate crews on the episodes and the spin-offs


It's certainly an interesting question - how much is too much? how long is too long? The Mockingjay films lost momentum so quickly, and as much as quality and the lack of games feel like major reasons why, other franchises have survived worse. Those things compounded with the one-a-year formula probably led to the burnout

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The anniversary doesn't matter to me in the least but Disney world be FUCKING RETARDED to put an avengers movie at the beginning of one month and a star wars movie at the end of that same month especially in this case (infinity war being RDJ's final mcu film AT MINIMUM and episode ix being the finale of A TRILOGY REGARDLESS) I say Nov/Dec 19 (depending on AVATAR but prob Nov for reasons I said earlier) for ix regardless of viii

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16 minutes ago, K1Rey said:

So this didn't get past 90M this weekend? I'm a bit disappointed.






First time in history a movie makes $88m on a third weekend, and its a disappointment...

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Just now, Rth said:

Sun could end up 21.2-22.2m, see how weekend actuals end up


So about the the rival studios said it would do...about 90-91 mill.  


Love it when Disney lowballs. :)

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1 minute ago, Baumer Fett said:


So about the the rival studios said it would do...about 90-91 mill.  


Love it when Disney lowballs. :)


They sure learned their lesson from Age of Ultron.

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I like how this out of the blue wannabe troll post, made while putting off writing my paper for a millionth time today (and I've yet to think of and write down a credible explanation for why I'm, yet again, turning it in past the deadline), totally inspired by randomly remembering laughing out loud at GG popping in yet another one of JJ's projects, rubbed you all the wrong way. 


It's 4.30 am here and I'm sleep deprived and I got jealous because I'll never be able to write these posts like DamienRoc does.

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