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7 minutes ago, Elessar said:


Iron Man made "only" a bit over 300m, Thor and Captain America much less, yet Avengers did 620m.


TDKR was hampered somewhat by the shooting. Batman used to break records.


Not breaking $400m is not fantastic for DC's answer to Avengers. And before anyone says Jutice League, i doubt it will outgross BvS. It is BvS that brought the trifecta together, JL will just add minor B class heroes, the novelty of seeing Batman, Supes and WW together will have worn off by then.


Ok I'm allowed to call a record breaking debut and the 7th biggest opening of all time fantastic.


I wasn't asking anyone for permission to have an opinion. 


Plus this isn't DC's answer to Avengers. It's two heroes with cameos. Justice League is DC's answer to Avengers.

Edited by Krissykins
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Considering how BO constantly humbles us and surprises us....after looking at JW and DP and Sniper and what not....not crazy to think WW could be the biggest DCEU grosser domestic. BVS has been great publicity for WW and if that movie is very good, anything's possible.

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2 minutes ago, Krissykins said:


Ok I'm allowed to call a record breaking debut and the 7th biggest opening of all time fantastic.


I wasn't asking anyone for permission to have an opinion. 


No one said you needed to ask for it. imo your opinion was politely debated.

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People still doubt that TDKR would open much bigger than it did hadn't it been for the Aurora tragedy? W/30.6M's worth of previews, and (then, cause believe it or not, that movie wasn't a third as hated as it is today) extremely good WOM, I'm pretty sure a weekend on par w/Avengers was in question there for a moment. Turned out more frontloaded than expected, but for completely understandable reasons.

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11 minutes ago, Elessar said:

TDKR was hampered somewhat by the shooting. Batman used to break records.


Without shooting, TDKR's OW easily could have been +$170 mln, and final DOM over Star Wars's $461 mln. I think it wouldn't have been beaten by Skyfall worldwide too.


BvS IS DC's answer to Avengers! JLA will be th second time with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, with bigger roles of Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg (no one cares). WB and Snyder f***ed that. JLA won't be much bigger hit than BvS.

Edited by Juby
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i cant believe what i am freakin reading in this thread. Comparing BvS to Avengers numbers. This is not Justice Leauge where they fight Darkseid and get all of these characters together squaring off doing jokes ect.. Where we really get to know these characters. And to think some of you actually think it will do less than this with all these characters people wanna see together on screen wow just wow.


This is BvS its lke Iron Man 2. Its the set up for DCCU. This is a great opening. What in the hell would you guys say JL should be compared to then. Its obviously that the posters here posting now is no fan and i think Baumer and the BO forum administrators know more about this and they say the same as me. I can't believe this !!

Edited by mredman
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5 minutes ago, Krissykins said:


Ok I'm allowed to call a record breaking debut and the 7th biggest opening of all time fantastic.


I wasn't asking anyone for permission to have an opinion. 


Plus this isn't DC's answer to Avengers. It's two heroes with cameos. Justice League is DC's answer to Avengers.

The selling point of Avengers was to show Marvel's biggest heroes in the same movie teaming up. This movie showed DC's biggest heroes in the same movie teaming up.


What more can they do? Flash is well known but not popular with the GA, Aquaman is a joke to the GA, Cyborg is completely unknown to the GA and Green Lantern is best remembered for the terrible movie. What exactly will they do to help Justice League do more than DC's first team up movie.

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20 minutes ago, fmpro said:


Ups. Its actully 2,5 multiplier after doing another calculation :lol:



Depending on whether you use the dubious previews or not, MoS either did 116/279 or 128/291. So 2.4 or 2.26.

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30 minutes ago, fmpro said:


No where near as inflated as MoS's sunday which increased over sat


It didn't increase, it stayed pretty much flat.


As for how much more inflated Father's Day is, i'm not sure. But saying it is much more inflated i think is pushing it.


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43 minutes ago, Krissykins said:


Ok I'm allowed to call a record breaking debut and the 7th biggest opening of all time fantastic.


I wasn't asking anyone for permission to have an opinion. 


Plus this isn't DC's answer to Avengers. It's two heroes with cameos. Justice League is DC's answer to Avengers.


You can call it whatever you want. Please allow me to disagree with you.


As for Justice League, i already touched on that.

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53 minutes ago, a2knet said:

not crazy to think WW could be the biggest DCEU grosser domestic.


I would consider it pretty crazy to say that.


Only if James Cameron would have directed it. ;)

Edited by Elessar
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53 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

People still doubt that TDKR would open much bigger than it did hadn't it been for the Aurora tragedy? W/30.6M's worth of previews, and (then, cause believe it or not, that movie wasn't a third as hated as it is today) extremely good WOM, I'm pretty sure a weekend on par w/Avengers was in question there for a moment. Turned out more frontloaded than expected, but for completely understandable reasons.


While i do think the shooting had an effect, it would not have come anywhere near Avengers OW without it.

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49 minutes ago, mredman said:

This is BvS its lke Iron Man 2.


I disagree. BvS is the first time we see the most popular heroes together. JLA will be more like Avengers 2, where they added that... who was she... Scarlett and that dude.

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