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1 minute ago, grim22 said:


It never fails does it? Everytime a record falls, the "Tickets Sold" argument people come into the threads.


Argument or statistic? To say inflation/surcharges don't matter in looking at the bigger picture in the relevant time periods is doing a disservice to your analysis.

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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The fact that Deadpool most likely going to end up selling more admissions than Batman v Superman due to it not being in 3D would be one hell of an astonishing achievement. Who would've had the balls to predict THAT happening exactly one year ago?

the popularity of the self-reflexive does typically signal a genre that's in its third act, so to speak.

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4 minutes ago, lancelot123 said:

I realize that BvS has a lower cinemascore, but being as there is no way to quantify that into dollar amounts I decided to just look at the hard numbers. Especially since GI (A-) and FF7 (A) are both higher. GI has a RT score of 28% that is similar to BvS's 29%, but both way off of FF7's 81%. Looking at the numbers, I still think 2.4 is a good multiplier match for BvS.


Ignoring the numbers, I personally think that BvS will be under Deadpool domestically. I just don't have any evidence or statistics to back that up at the moment. Just based off a gut feeling and the fact I hated MoS. I'm a huge Superman fan, he's my favorite superhero, but I almost walked out of that movie. Never had the urge to do that before or since. Have no plans on seeing BvS or any other DCU movies due to that experience. Which is a shame since the DC TV shows and cartoons have always been awesome. Especially The Flash and the cartoons; Batman: The Animated Series, Superman and Justice League.


Had the same thoughts on MoS. But love BvS. And this batman. WB is so tantalizingly close to breaking out with the DCU.


Stay the course! Don't be fooled by the trolls.


And this is coming from a long time bat fan who has figured out this movie. It is amazing.

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22 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Some wisdom :


- Katniss is still the Queen of March, she created the March box office spot and she still rules it.

With 170m OW, I had doubts. With  166m , I don't have them anymore.

A humble heroine with a bow trumps Batman-Superman and Wonder Woman.

When will your faves ?






yaaaasss !!!


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So what to make of this "second estimate" thing? Has that ever happened before? For that matter has an initial estimate ever been so far off? As a percentage of the weekend total i realise its prob not a big change but i've never seen an estimate that was more than a couple of million wide of the mark before.

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1 minute ago, HAL 9000 said:

So what to make of this "second estimate" thing? Has that ever happened before? For that matter has an initial estimate ever been so far off? As a percentage of the weekend total i realise its prob not a big change but i've never seen an estimate that was more than a couple of million wide of the mark before.

Warner Bros wanted the Monday morning headline that BvS is their biggest opener to date. We all knew that once the Saturday number came in it would probably fall short of $170M. 

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11 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:


Argument or statistic? To say inflation/surcharges don't matter in looking at the bigger picture in the relevant time periods is doing a disservice to your analysis.


There is doing disservice to analysis, and then there is harping on tickets sold continuously. Last year when JW broke the OW record, it may or may not have sold more tickets than Avengers. But we all agreed it was the OW record and moved on. Similarly, here we have a new March OW record, beating a figure which most people didn't think would be beaten for the March record for quite some time. Did it sell less tickets? Who the hell knows? The MPAA may release the approximate tickets sold at the end of the year. But when franchise loonies decide to just post about that as a one-point-agenda, then that is when threads start getting derailed.

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5 minutes ago, HAL 9000 said:

So what to make of this "second estimate" thing? Has that ever happened before? For that matter has an initial estimate ever been so far off? As a percentage of the weekend total i realise its prob not a big change but i've never seen an estimate that was more than a couple of million wide of the mark before.


Yes, it happens fairly regularly. In terms of over/under-estimation, some of the biggest were ATTACK OF THE CLONES and SCREAM 2. Both were over-estimated by 8m or so (going off memory).

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We don't EVER discuss movies before 1980.

We discuss barely 35 years of box office here.

For a medium that is around 115 years old.

As fans of box office, people should have a moment of clarity and start to ask themselves :



Edited by The Futurist
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22 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The fact that Deadpool most likely going to end up selling more admissions than Batman v Superman due to it not being in 3D would be one hell of an astonishing achievement. Who would've had the balls to predict THAT happening exactly one year ago?




yes. Deadpool might also beat Civil War and definitely beat X-Men Apocalypse. I don't get it

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19 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The fact that Deadpool most likely going to end up selling more admissions than Batman v Superman due to it not being in 3D would be one hell of an astonishing achievement. Who would've had the balls to predict THAT happening exactly one year ago?

I predicted AFTER Deadpool's weekend. I've made even a club for it. :ph34r:


With that said, I disagree with Tele and Batman's inclusion was obviously reactive to MoS underwhelming box office AND public reception. It was not a well liked movie, and BvS is heading to be an even less liked. It won't gross more than Deadpool because that film has a heart and it's actually an awesome entry to the superhero genre. This is not. God bless the audience's wisdom, they aren't the simpletons that studios think they are.

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22 minutes ago, Nova said:

All that money and yet it still opened less than Star Wars and Avengers Age of Ultron. I don't understand how anyone can say that an opening of $166M is what WB wanted when their marketing and the amount of money put forth screams otherwise. Again $166M is A LOT of money but for Batman v Superman and all the hype around it, it's not all that great. Is it bad? Absolutely not. But it's not eye popping either. 

Oh and I love how THR didn't adjust the opening to the $166M it actually made. 



agreed but it is pretty obvious the horrible reviews hurt it. If they were on the level of MOS level then it probably wouldn't matter but a 29% rating indicates a total stinker (a rating which I don't agree with by the way)

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