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4 minutes ago, Nova said:

iJack and Napoleon have been complimenting each other quite nicely. Polar opposites going at it over and over and over and over and over....


God vs. Man


Day vs. Night


Ijack vs. Napoleon




The red capes are coming




The red capes are coming

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41 minutes ago, Blankie Cochran said:

I would be hyperbolic-ally bashing on BvS, but then again, I saw Fantastic Four, and I can't honestly say it was worse than that film.


Ouch. BvS can't deserve to be put on that low level.

Edited by Walt Disney
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10 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

I don't really care about the negativity, but man, @iJackSparrow, you're literally posting the same damn thing page after page... and we're up to 158 pages and counting. It's pretty old. Same with @Napoleon and his crazy conspiracy theories. You guys are filling the absence of Kal and BKB quite well. It's kinda funny to call #Ed out for trying to squash any negative vibes, because he didn't like BVS either.

I'm bummed by no appearance for Kal. Hopefully he shows tomorrow. 

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28 minutes ago, Baumer said:

And there goes giantcal being all rebellious again.  Such a terrific member of this site he is.  I personally think he adds so much positivity here.


Lol I'm sorry I won't believe what you do. I was super excited Deadpool's OW & admitted plenty of times I was wrong on Zootopia & gave it plenty of props. 


Im allowed to root against any and all movies. I'm not the only one on this project either. 

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6 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


He popped up this morning in the 225m OW thread to claim there was a still a chance, and called baumer a loser for making terrible JW predictions, and asked everyone what they thought about the movie, and said our puny predictions would bleed.


Or something to that effect.


Or he secretly waited for an absolution, one that will never come.



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1 minute ago, Telemachos said:


This is the pot calling the kettle black, man. Everything isn't a conspiracy against the movie either.


At least he didn't say that iJack's job was posting here on Disney's behalf and dime. #progress

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2 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

No one is attacking you, @iJackSparrow.

He still doesn't get it. My posts were all on a good mood. I just found it funny that Ethan immediately said "Hey, I am not on iJack side" or something like that. It was so fast after I posted who liked the movie and who didn't :lol: I even have been agreeing with iJack most of the time (bad legs, very mixed WOM, etc). 


He actually attacked us all in a post saying that we have no taste and that every person with a taste would not like the movie, tho. Nobody said that from him.

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8 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

95% of BKB's posts in this thread have been him saying his theater has little to no sellouts.


Pretty incredible that his and only his theater is dead.  Hmmm...I wonder why that is.

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10 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

I don't really care about the negativity, but man, @iJackSparrow, you're literally posting the same damn thing page after page... and we're up to 158 pages and counting. It's pretty old. Same with @Napoleon and his crazy conspiracy theories. You guys are filling the absence of Kal and BKB quite well. It's kinda funny to call #Ed out for trying to squash any negative vibes, because he didn't like BVS either.

I wasn't even AROUND here for most of the day. Ban me as you see fit, but don't tell me that I'm saying the same things over and over again, I'm tired of being the scapegoat for this film. I can't even post like others do without people pointing fingers. It will do what it will do, there is no need to people point fingers. I don't do it with anyone here, and don't answer many of the personal attacks, like the ones I'm seeing on this page alone. It's idiotic to create an "enemy" to this film when it will succeed or fail by what it is.

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3 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

Yeah, let's create a climate where the "cool kids" like a rotten film and I get bitch slapped by a mod because I'm hoping this film fails since it's a bad film. Let's exaggerate how I act here so you all can have a laugh at my expense and forget for a moment how much everyone outside here is pointing out how much of a mess this film is. Let's pretend that this film won't suffer of bad legs because the cool kids like it and the idiots hate it. Feel free to use me as a scapegoat even when I'm not around here, buddy. I have better things to do with my time. 


How is you and others constantly attacking me here for not liking this film any different than trolls attacking movie critics on social media again? Oh yeah, it isn't. But because it's a cool thing to do, endorsed by two mods, somehow it gets a pass.

Um, okay. It can't be because you keep repeating the same thing, it's because we want to be "cool kids". 





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1 minute ago, Baumer said:


Pretty incredible that his and only his theater is dead.  Hmmm...I wonder why that is.

Because clearly Warner Bros has been buying out the tickets at his theater. Duh. 

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