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So with BvS having dropped behind FF7s pace, being $17m ahead, I guess we can call $370m the high end and the race for 2016 SH crown is pretty much on between Deadpool, BvS,  CA3 and SS. 
I think, that CA3 should do it, but $370m is still a huge number to achive and SS has a great buzz so far. 

Edited by Poseidon
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1 minute ago, Maxmoser3 said:

Meet The Blacks looks bland just like Fifty Shades Of Black. The film should be a small debut and make about 5-7 million domestic. 

I think that might be a bit optimistic, seeing how Meet the Blacks has half the theaters of the Fifty shades parody, and even fewer people give a shit this time.

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1 hour ago, Baumer said:

We used to have fun when we made fun of movies before.  Even when there was a backlash against Twilight it was never this harsh, never this mean and it never felt like people were taking the success of failure of those films too seriously.  But there is a vocal minority here who have poisoned this site for about two weeks and it has to stop.  It's gone too far.  When you start making this an uncomfortable place to hang out at, then there will be changes.  You disruptive twits have no one to blame but yourselves.


Seriously? I know I have a low post count and seem like a newbie and all but I was around during the BKB/Maverick days...yeah, going as far back as BKB's crazy Hulk predictions (which I still laugh about), the LOTR/Star Wars troll battles, etc. This site is TAME in comparison to the shit that used to go on lol. I think you've gotten soft :P

Edited by AJ2k
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12 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Its not blind anger @nilephelan its just enough is enough. We've been dealing with this for two weeks. 


You post here sporadically so you dont know all that goes on. This BvS hate and vitriolic Regan Exorcist vomit filled regurgitation that we deal with every FRIKKIN day is annoying.


I get some of the haters are annoying but the people who righteously defend the movie at every corner and won't take any negativity torwards it (or admit its holds haven't been great) are just if not more annoying.

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10 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

Yeah Tele is right...


I think anyone knew that this was coming as it seemed a perfect storm for a flame war 


I think at least long time posters(including self) just need to remember it's just a film and take a step back from the negativity.





In all seriousness though, this week-end's gonna be really interesting. The variance is huge, especially in predictions all across the board.

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Off topic -- Watching Conan with the cast, where Conan said the reason Batman fought Superman was because Batman slept with Superman's Mom -- that was hilarious. Forgot about Hollywood Land ... good one Conan. :nothingtoadd:


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16 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Its not blind anger @nilephelan its just enough is enough. We've been dealing with this for two weeks. 


You post here sporadically so you dont know all that goes on. This BvS hate and vitriolic Regan Exorcist vomit filled regurgitation that we deal with every FRIKKIN day is annoying.


Despite what he says here, you are still allowed to dislike BvS & post about it as long as it's not a fanboy war basically. To say anything else is über silly.

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10 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

So with BvS having dropped behind FF7s pace, being $17m ahead, I guess we can call $370m the high end and the race for 2016 SH crown is pretty much on between Deadpool, BvS and CA3. 
I think, that CA3 should do it, but $370m is still a huge number to achive. 


I did an estimate that I feel it's still valid today last Wednesday:


On 31/03/2016 at 2:35 AM, DeeCee said:

You'd have say that it's ceiling now is the current gross plus whatever FF7 made from this point. 

Subtracting all the gross from F7 from its Preview/Friday to Wednesday and considering that BvS is tracking below F7 and using the rest of F7's run as ceiling, the number is 169,305,440.


So that would place BvS at the very most at $374,713,609, and that is if it makes the exact same amount of money that F7 did, and it's already fumbling. So yeah, I'd say that $375m is the ceiling for BvS Dom with everything going right from now on, and my under $350m prediction doesn't look so crazy after all.




About the method I've used: I used the actual numbers from BvS up until Tuesday, using Mojo's actuals and Rth's actual from Tuesday he posted on the Tuesday thread. I completely disregarded the $8.5m from Wednesday and used the run that F7 did from its first Wednesday forward. If the trend keeps going during the weekend, I'd say it's very likely that's the ceiling with a huge probability of under $350m like I was theorizing on the last thread. 



Basically, I've figured that since F7 is pacing better at weekdays than BvS, and considering that we don't know just yet where the second weekend will go, I've used the actuals of BvS up until Tuesday and used the actuals of F7 from Wednesday until the end of the run, that simulation ending in $374,713,609. So I'd say that right now, around $370m-$375m it's the ceiling. If BvS's weekends are better than F7 (and I believe they won't, at most around the same thing), then it balances out with the fact that F7 seems to hold better weekdays. 

Edited by iJackSparrow
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11 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

I sense 58 to 60 million which 64 to 66% drop.


My opinion is films rarely tumble more thrn 50% from opening Saturdays...


So around 25 million Saturday should happen.







That's the best case...

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6 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:


I did an estimate that I feel it's still valid today last Wednesday:



Basically, I've figured that since F7 is pacing better at weekdays than BvS, and considering that we don't know just yet where the second weekend will go, I've used the actuals of BvS up until Tuesday and used the actuals of F7 from Wednesday until the end of the run, that simulation ending in $374,713,609. So I'd say that right now, around $370m-$375m it's the ceiling. If BvS's weekends are better than F7 (and they believe they won't, at most around the same thing), then it balances out with the fact that F7 seems to hold better weekdays. 

 The thing is, F7 seems like a best case scenario in many ways.
If you take Clash of the Titans or GI Jo 2 as a reference on 2nd weekend, you'll have a range of $50-54m over the weekend. We'll have to see how friday goes, of course, but at the moment I don't expect BvS to beat Deadpool in the end. 

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26 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

So with BvS having dropped behind FF7s pace, being $17m ahead, I guess we can call $370m the high end and the race for 2016 SH crown is pretty much on between Deadpool, BvS,  CA3 and SS. 
I think, that CA3 should do it, but $370m is still a huge number to achive and SS has a great buzz so far. 


I would say so, unless the weekend is above F7's 59.5m


The SH order imo:







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4 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

We don't yet have a sense of whether BVS is a weekend movie or not. If it isn't, then yes, it's probably at something in the 350m range. If it is, then 370M or so may still be in the cards. Friday and Saturday jumps will tell the story.


Your ceiling right now is $370m? Yesssssssss. 



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