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Weekend Estimates : BVS 52.39M | Zootopia 20M | Wedding 11.13M | God's Not Dead 8.1M | Sun Rth - Bvs 12 or 14.2, Zoo 5.3, MBFGW2 2.8, GND2 2

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5 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


Nolan and Cameron are the only one's who can open a movie to 50+ m just by publicizing they're the ones directing.


Bay? Nope


Tarantino? Nope


JJ? Nope.


Not even Spielberg has that pull anymore.


Interstellar fell short of 50m, and I seriously doubt that Nolan would be able to open a movie well at all, if his films didn't have decent reviews or intriguing concepts.

Same with Cameron. He plays safe. If he made more films, I'm sure he'd have a flop or two more. 


Also wouldn't surprise me if most of the general public isn't even familiar with names of James Cameron or Nolan. 

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6 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:


Then how the hell The Russo brothers are directing Civil War?

um because the Russo Brothers are an ICONIC DUO OF DIRECTORS

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4 minutes ago, theStun said:

Look I loved this movie but seriously this is a project that should of been guaranteed to hit a billion WW I'm sorry but that's reality. You don't bring the 2 most iconic comic book characters together and miss that mark. Snyder needs to go or they need to bring someone else in to oversee JL. The DCEU will be doomed if JL is received to mix/bad reception. I cannot fathom how WB can be happy with how this film is performing. 

not hard to satisfy someone when their last three big-budget movies were POINT BREAK, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA and PAN.

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2 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Sam Raimi makes sense as a hypothetical Snyder replacement until you remember his last CBM was Spidey 3. Puuuuke.

Oh come on he Sam fucking Raimi. If he was doing JL I would jump all over that shit.

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Also, one last bit of my perspective on the whole job loss bit.


There was a section in my life a few years back where I worked a lot in theater, since then I've stopped and began to focus more on the future career I want than the extra work on the side to help support my classes.


There was a time I lost my role of Polonius in Hamlet because a few key cast members didn't show up to the first few rehearsals, the director was fickle, and cut the play to go work on something else.


I lost my job working on lights because the director did a creative overhaul to go barestage and gave my job to someone who was working on the set because they knew the director better.


I've lost a role in Annie Get Your Gun because the director decided he actually didn't want to put on that show and simply told the cast he had given parts to, sorry.


Should I go on?  I understand losing your job because of something that had nothing to do with you sucks.  I also moved on from it and realized rejections and disappointments are guarantees in life and that it was better for my future to just move on and look for the next opportunity.

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Snyder is not ill, he looked fine in his latest interviews. I have no doubt this is all very taxing, but I'm sure he'll do JL Part 1, and won't be back for Part 2 unless Part 1 gets a great reception. 


About holding on to JL, that would never realistically happen in a million years. The only thing they can do is just do what they're planning to do with JL, do some rewrites to inject more fun, but I'd argue that Terrio said the truth when he said JL is going to be much lighter anyway, just by virtue of having characters like The Flash and generally that renewed sense of hope in Bruce, so yeah more fun (for those who felt it lacked fun), more levity.


I love what Zack is doing but I'm not against those things as long as it maintains its identity, just need to reach the right balance, but Deb Snyder said that they're encouraging different tones for the different DC films, she mentioned Suicide Squad has an amazing, fun, brash tone, completely different from what The Flash will be, or WW, etc. 



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