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7 hours ago, Chewy said:


You're painful




(I don't mind the narration)

The theatrical cut of blade runner is horrible compared to the extended cut and not just because of the narration . The happy ending is bad too .


Another movie with an amazing director's cut is "once upon a time in America" though this movie was butchered for its theatrical release .

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7 hours ago, Baumer said:

I certainly don't want to start up this again, but here's how I see the BvS thing going forward.


There's no doubt that they need to change the tone to appeal to more people.  There are those of us who loved it but there are many more who didn't.  This is going to have right around a 2X and that is horrible, obviously.  Even Twilight had a better multiplier.  But I don't think this is going to damage DC going forward.  First of all, they have all of the solo films to fix things.  Plus you have Suicide Squad coming out and that looks like a winner already.  And with DC getting a first film to gross around 900 million, while obviously not what we expected, can't be considered horrible.  So here is what will probably happen.  


They throw gobs of money at Affleck and get him to do the next film and you keep Snyder on as producer.  If the next trailer is really good, maybe not all is forgiven, but I think people will want to give this another chance.  Even the people that didn't like it pretty much said that there were parts that they liked and almost everyone praised Affleck as Batman.  So they need to lighten things up a bit and get a different perspective from a fresh director.  Look at Attack of the Clones.  Not many liked it (apparently) and by adding Darth Vader and a few other things, Sith was huge.  I think the same could happen as well.  I know the next film is supposed to coming out in November of 17 but with this snafu they just delivered, they obviously have to make changes.  If Snyder is the problem, then it should be easy to just remove him and get someone who has a better understanding of things.  Maybe it's too late to do it for Justice League, but then again, maybe they can just delay it until a bit later in 18.  


I think if the next two DC films deliver, then they can get some good will back from the public.  


Basically all is not lost, imo.  They can still make this work with just a few tweaks.

It's not the tone of the film that is the problem, it is huge elements of the plot, from joker lex Luthor with no real motive, to "Martha" , this is idiotic stuff . This is the third start for the DCCU , first it was GL , then it was MOS now it is this . Doing less than 900 million WW is borderline catastrophic for a movie like this . You'd have a point if MOS had done around this much . BvS seems to have destroyed any goodwill left from the GA for DC movies so it might actually be the high point, in terms of bo results, of DC movies for quite some time .


I am also not convinced that SS will be a success .

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As expected, BvS with another 60% drop weekend. It is dying quickly. Good news and bad news for the movie. It made a very good chunk opening weekend WW, bad news is that lots of people saw it and its terrible WOM kicked in. 


The more people go see the movie, the harder the drop following weekend will be. 


At least it made more than MOS. Hopefully it breaks $800 million. 

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4 hours ago, sfran43 said:


Has anyone even seen Gigli?


4 hours ago, jb007 said:


Sorry to say I have. :(


4 hours ago, No Prisoners said:

yes. it was so bad it became a must watch for me, on HBO, I wouldn't rent it

had cameos from al pacino and christpher walken that didn't make sense. Affleck was horrible at trying to be funny. painful to watch


Gigli is one of those "How did this get made?" movies...so many awful, head-scratching choices in so many areas (acting, writing, tone), and it cost $75 million! It sure doesn't look it, though maybe that explains how they got Pacino and Walken to appear in such a turkey? Gobble gobble!


Not good for BvS.


I guess I respect the hustle and game of Melissa McCarthy providing her husband career opportunities, too bad the output isn't better.



Edited by BoxOfficeChica
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Deadline says 735m global for BVS including domestic Friday of 6m.

BVS domestic is 279.25m. Which means OS till Thursday is 735 - 279.25 = 455.75m


Last weekend it did 85m OS. 53% drop will give 40m this weekend. (am using a generous 40m to show how difficult 900m ww is)


So with a 21.5m dom weekend and a 40m os weekend, global will be 294.75 + 495.75 = 790.5m ww.

Will add 25-30m dom more in the rest of the run for 790.5 + 25-30 = 816.5-821.5m. So after this weekend it would need 80-85m more OS to do 900m.

85-90m more looks tough after a 40m weekend considering the competition.

Needs close to 45m OS this weekend (requiring it to add 75-80m more) to have a shot at 900m ww.

Edited by a2knet
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7 hours ago, Baumer said:

I certainly don't want to start up this again, but here's how I see the BvS thing going forward.


There's no doubt that they need to change the tone to appeal to more people.  There are those of us who loved it but there are many more who didn't.  This is going to have right around a 2X and that is horrible, obviously.  Even Twilight had a better multiplier.  But I don't think this is going to damage DC going forward.  First of all, they have all of the solo films to fix things.  Plus you have Suicide Squad coming out and that looks like a winner already.  And with DC getting a first film to gross around 900 million, while obviously not what we expected, can't be considered horrible.  So here is what will probably happen.  


They throw gobs of money at Affleck and get him to do the next film and you keep Snyder on as producer.  If the next trailer is really good, maybe not all is forgiven, but I think people will want to give this another chance.  Even the people that didn't like it pretty much said that there were parts that they liked and almost everyone praised Affleck as Batman.  So they need to lighten things up a bit and get a different perspective from a fresh director.  Look at Attack of the Clones.  Not many liked it (apparently) and by adding Darth Vader and a few other things, Sith was huge.  I think the same could happen as well.  I know the next film is supposed to coming out in November of 17 but with this snafu they just delivered, they obviously have to make changes.  If Snyder is the problem, then it should be easy to just remove him and get someone who has a better understanding of things.  Maybe it's too late to do it for Justice League, but then again, maybe they can just delay it until a bit later in 18.  


I think if the next two DC films deliver, then they can get some good will back from the public.  


Basically all is not lost, imo.  They can still make this work with just a few tweaks.


Tone is just part of it. Snyder's re imagining of Superman as a lighter version of Brooding Batman does not work. This was a huge misstep especially in my age group who grew up with Christopher Reeve's sunny and charming Clark Kent and/Superman. In fact in my entire life the only few superhero comics I have read are that of Superman. He was the most popular and iconic superhero during my childhood and teen years. This re imagining has put second tier SH well ahead of him. 


This was a huge problem for MOS and became a much bigger problem for BvS due to expectations where in nothing seemed to work in the movie. A movie with Batman and Superman should have performed well above the level of Avengers 2. The failure here is complete with regards to realization of potential.


The negatives like poor screenplay, bad action, horrible doomsday, ultra irritating Eisenberg, boring sequences etc make it a terrible experience for the majority of the audiences which has lead to these horrible drops. Geez, even the look of the movie i.e. color selection, brightness is off.


Whatever DC does in the future, they will carry the baggage and stench of BvS. The only way out is to make really good movies. period. 







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5 hours ago, Arlo245 said:

Numbers numbers where art thou numbers...


4 hours ago, Arlo245 said:

Numbers where art thou 


4 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

where da numeros @?



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1 hour ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Another movie with an amazing director's cut is "once upon a time in America" though this movie was butchered for its theatrical release .


Not even a Director's Cut, it's just the European theatrical release which is now the accepted overall cut for the film. I feel better simply calling the original US release the "studio cut."


Same situation with Gilliam's Brazil kinda.

Edited by 4815162342
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Feel free to experiment with B-tier superheroes. But to experiment iconic ones like Superman is to undo decades of successful characterization. Superman is not just any powerful guy in blue and red. He has a nature and character given to him by artists and consumers (by voting with their wallets), that has made him beloved. Minor tweaks inwards and outwards (removing the underwear) are fine. But to do move away substantially is not cool. Snyder being a visual director, evolved Superman nicely from the outside. But in characterization he failed big time.

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