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Weekend Thread | The Jungle Book - Early Weekend Estimates 101m - 103m (DHD - Page 59) (Fri 32m, Sat 41.5m-42m) | RTH Saturday Early Est = 40-44M (Page 46) | Barbershop TNC - Est 20.4m (DHD) | Boss -59% | Hardcore Henry epic -71%

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41 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


I'm sorry. :)

I would rather watch Jurassic World on repeat for like 3 hours then to sit through that other movie again that starts with an H I mentioned a few pages back....

I seriously think you're guys "Civil War" joke was more coherent then what I watched there.

Okay for real, now I'll stop lol. 

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6 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Even Nolan couldn't have come up with this plot.


That's cause it's inspired by Marvel's Civil War. Nolan ain't got nothing on that. 



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Just now, filmlover said:

Isn't it obvious? They were just doing a re-enactment of the new Captain America movie. Only with much less sexy people.


Please, none of you post nekkid pictures to dispute this statement please! Especially Tele. 

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1 minute ago, Water Bottle said:





Oh come on, we all know even the most attractive person on this site can't compare to RDJ (who looks incredibles for someone in his fifth decade alive), much less hot young things like Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan.

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37 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

Okay, guys, here's the whole un-varnished story.


CJohn was never banned. We've actually never banned anyone for the (rare) case of posting fake numbers. The closest we came before was when Noctis did a really good job of impersonating Rth -- the outcome from that is that Rth has his own special verified account so no one can ever do it again.


We decided to goof off and have some fun chasing an imaginary "second account" from CJohn, and yes, the upcoming CIVIL WAR inspired us to take sides as mods. If it got to be too much for anyone, we apologize. We were making sure any numbers that got announced were promptly updated in the thread title so that people could stay abreast of that even amidst the nonsense.


None of this was planned from start to finish. It was basically an improv all the way through.


We're going to put the remnants of the trainwreck in a thread in the Speakeasy if anyone who wasn't around wants to see what happened.


In the meantime, JUNGLE BOOK is looking strong today.




So my Prestige joke was actually pretty accurate?


Hail Nolan!

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Just now, FlashMaster659 said:

Massive opening day for w/ FRI going to around $25M+ putting wknd on track for huge $80M+.


So... same number as before. Gotta wait til tonight for a hopefully better estimate from Rth

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Oh come on, we all know even the most attractive person on this site can't compare to RDJ (who looks incredibles for someone in his fifth decade alive), much less hot young things like Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan.


Reported for trolling and spreading false info. 

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1 minute ago, FlashMaster659 said:

Massive opening day for w/ FRI going to around $25M+ putting wknd on track for huge $80M+.


So everyone is staying in the same area in terms of Friday numbers. Might go up a bit, but using the numbers we currently have, that would give JB a 20.8M True Friday, it can increase 50% from that tomorrow, and drop 30% to give us






76M currently. A higher increase or drop can change things obviously.

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