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Ghostbusters (2016)

Ghostbusters (2016)  

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On July 18, 2016 at 2:46 AM, Gopher said:

Third act problems and choppy editing don't really stop one of the more fun movies Summer 2016 bothered to produce. You'd never guess it made more sense for a Ghostbusters movie to be women instead of men, but you hear Cecily Strong describe these four as "sad, lonely women" and the whole backbone of this movie comes to the forefront. It's a film about being an outsider in high or low society because of what people think you are. The movie's subtly doing a lot with gender relations (or blatantly in the case of its MRA Reddit user of a villain) which alongside terrific ensemble building makes this 100% a Paul Feig movie and that's all I could've asked for. 


You can tell Feig and Dippold miss that R rating a bit, though...

I was actually thinking how awesome it would be if they made a sequel to this that was r rated 

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Just got back from seeing this in a double header movie night between this and Bad Moms. I wasn't sure what to expect and where to put my expectations given the big "uproar" this film was getting for weeks before release. I will say, I've never seen the original classic film so I'm sure that has some effect on my judgement. In some aspects of the film and judging it on it like any other film, I think some parts of characterization (like the prudish suit girl that was teaching to nobody in the college), were a bit rushed. For example I think it went way to fast to me to have college girl be like "nope, I'm done with this shit, I just want tenure" to all of a sudden "Yup! Imma ghostbuster bitches!". Now, I'm being a bit sarcastic/silly as I know she didn't say that, but it just felt like she saw one ghost and it was 180 for her. I feel someone who was so rooted in physics and the natural science would still find ways to argue what they saw. There were other circumstances where I felt some characters were rushed but it's neither there nor here, it didn't hinder the film for me in any significant value. I do think the end when they got the portal to close, it felt wicked cheesy to just have everything fall back into place like it never happened, like the big building was reconstructing itself. Some of the jokes landed and some didn't, but all in all I still walked at least saying I had fun watching it.


Overall, I give this a B- with a score of 7/10.

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Tbh they should've released this in October, or near Halloween. It would've been more in the spirit lmao.


Anywho it was funny, loved the ending and the credits. Cheesy, but cute and fun film. Huh, what most people are saying is true I guess. It's not "bad", but its not the "greatest", either. 


Chris Hemsworth was foine as hell. Break me off a piece of that Kit-kat bar, lmao. His shirtless pics of him playing the sax were cute too. 


Loved the actresses, they were good. Leslie Jones was the funniest imo, lmao.


Loved the remix of the Ghostbusters song.

67/100 (C)

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This was way better then I expected it to be and I knew the entire plot going in. 


With such a high ratio, a lot of jokes don't land (not a fan of the poop and dick stuff) but some eventually do. Like I was hoping from the alley clip marketing put out, that delivery bike ended up belonging to the poor worker. The timing of his arrival was perfect in that scene.

I love Kristen Wig and thought she was strong again here. She can sell awkward comedy and that slime gag ended up paying off in a pretty clever way. Overall, I thought the whole main cast had great chemistry with each other. Kate Mckinnon did feel out of place at times though. It was almost like she was trying way too hard to imitate Dan Aykroyd in a huge extended SNL skit. Yet I'm kind of willing to forgive these scenes because towards the end she has a few great human moments that also pay off.

The climax itself was fun. It reminded me a lot of a theme park ride (especially when Rowan turned into a cartoon) but I am really glad they cut that dancing scene from what was shown in the credits. It looked so cheesy and it was a good move to place it where they did without the original Bee Gees music. 


I really didn't like Kevin. His character was just unrealistically stupid. He reminded me of someone who stepped right off a Nickelodeon live action show from the 90s. I think I laughed once at something he did and it wasn't when he was acting like a complete idiot. 


The writers took one to many shots at fan culture that made me roll my eyes but I definitely laughed at Abby reading "ain't no bitches gonna catch no ghosts". That was actually meta and that's really all the movie needed to address the criticism.

I also thought Bill Murray was completely wasted in the most useless cameo ever. He was forced to be there and it totally showed. The other cameos were better but weren't really necessary.

What I didn't get from this were the non stop references to the original like some reviewers pointed out. They were there but it wasn't like constantly in your face. It also seems like they cut a scene out where Erin and Abby are fighting after the team gets escorted out in the hotel. When Erin returns and pops the Stay Puft balloon, everyone acted really surprised to see her back...which made no sense.

Saying that, this isn't nearly as incoherent as another recent blockbuster and narratively it flows pretty smoothly from beginning to end. I still wish they had done a pass the torch type plot and had the new characters be related to the originals but the movie is never not entertaining.

Anyway yeah, it was dumb summer fun. Sony should have never tried to sell it off sexism and just let the movie speak for itself. And next time hire a team to cut way better trailers...


Edited by somebody85
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So I saw this the other day and... it was so-so. I didn't laugh once but I also wasn't annoyed with anyone, particularly McCarthy, though there was her trademark snarky dialogue. Even though I don't think it was awful, I have no desire to watch it again.

**½/*****, (C, 4.9/10, 2/4)

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I'm glad I didn't watch this in the theater.  It was okay but far below the original in my opinion.  Hemsworth channeling his inner Beetlejuice might have been the highlight of the film but even that seemed like it should have been funnier.  Hemsworth was probably the funniest of all the characters which was disappointing (not because Chris wasn't that funny but given that you had great comedic talent in the other leads that just didn't shine).  Some jokes hit but a lot seemed to miss.  I also thought it had much more violent undertones and lost the lighthearted feel of the original movie.  The discussion of ghosts ripping off the limbs of children and then slicing their parents in half, Bill Murray's character being killed by being thrown out a second story window onto the street below, the much more in-depth fight scenes between the GBs and the ghosts, etc.  I mean some of that stuff is f**kin dark man!!!  Part of the charm of the original is that the threat of ghosts was never really "terrifying".  The new "people killing" brand of ghosts might of been meant to add more tension but it also seemed to contribute to the fact that this wasn't a movie that would appeal as much to children as the original.  Then again, maybe children aren't as big of an audience now as they were back in 1984.  I'm not sure that the comedic talent they assembled for this cast is capable of making a really great comedy that isn't rated R and for adults only.  So maybe the issue was casting.  When the funniest character in the movie turns out to be someone who isn't known for his comedies . . . it had to be either the writing or the casting that came up short . . . maybe both.


While I felt the new group of GBs had a closer bond than the original group it didn't seem that they had the same ability to bring out the humor in each other.  The interaction between the original cast, even when there was very little said, is what made the team so fun.  And again, maybe because the first movie was more lighthearted allowed a level of play that this one didn't (due to the serious overtones).  Either way, it was an okay to spend an hour or two watching but if I hadn't watched it I wouldn't have been missing anything memorable.

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