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SUICIDE SQUAD WEEKEND THREAD | New REVISED SUNDAY NUMBER 134m FROM GURU ON PG 212 | 267.1M WW OW | Nine Lives 6.5 OW |No Spoilers Allowed!!! | ACCOUNT SALES THIS WEEKEND - see first post for details !!

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Purge EY is going to cross 100 million this week.  Incredibly strong performance for a second sequel.  Looks like it has a chance to surpass the second for highest grossing Purge WW.

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Just now, filmlover said:

If Wonder Woman is also a miss...


...I can't fathom what this place will be like come November next year when Justice League opens.


I wasn't here for the Snyder meltdowns, but I don't recall anything too amazing happening for Suicide Squad. Come November next year, RT watch will be absolutely ignored unless it goes the other way. We've all been conditioned to expect a certain outcome already.

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Just now, Tele the Jet Baller said:


— S U L L Y —

Only the ancients like you care about Sully, Tele.

Just now, filmlover said:

If Wonder Woman is also a miss...


...I can't fathom what this place will be like come November next year when Justice League opens.

We will become North Korea with the law enforcing. Tele will be Kim Jong-un.

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2 minutes ago, DAR said:

Oh yeah.


A lady I work with took her kids to see Nine Lives and said it was great.  I'm debating whether or not to call Protective Services.

Oooof you might have to do it. Next she will tell you she saw Norm of the North back in January and plans to see Wild Life in September.

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3 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Oooof you might have to do it. Next she will tell you she saw Norm of the North back in January and plans to see Wild Life in September.

I feel glad I'm unaware of Wild Life.

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4 hours ago, Talkie said:

BTW, I saw SS with my brother and we both liked it for what it was, a poorly-made movie with some engaging performances many unintentionally hilarious scenes. There were times when I laughed out loud during supposedly serious moments, then had to stop myself because I was the only one guffawing. Anything involving Enchantress sent me into hysterics. It was okay, though, because there were less than 20 people in the place for a noon show. We loved Harley & Mister J, who had a sweetly twisted love story (but not quite twisted enough). It needed more Joker, though; I could watch Leto creep and clown all by himself for two hours. Deadshot was a standout who deserves another big screen outing, free of Ayers' subpar writing and lackluster direction. The rest of the squad were interesting enough that I would like to see them in a sequel helmed by a more competent writer and director (or trailer park guys). There were times when SS should have been much wilder than it was, though I'm sure Ayer truly believed he was being way edgier than he was. The problem is that what Ayer thought was hardcore is really not quite softcore. 


7/10, would recommend. 

Same here, and I really couldn't say the same thing for EITHER BvS or MoS. 

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4 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Purge EY is going to cross 100 million this week.  Incredibly strong performance for a second sequel.  Looks like it has a chance to surpass the second for highest grossing Purge WW.


Each Purge has grown from the previous one. That seems pretty unusual for a horror franchise like that, especially one that had such a huge OW first time around with The Purge.


(Though of course the size of the numbers pales in comparison to something like The Conjuring 2.)

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The fact that this ISN'T Stan Lee actually reacting to Suicide Squad's Ayer "Fuck you, Marvel" unfortunate quote doesn't matter. Stan Lee owns my heart. You are a God walking on Earth. Fuck you, Stan Lee. <3


Edited by iJackSparrow
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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The day Stan Lee passes away (and it's coming up soon, unfortunately) is gonna be such a sad one.

The man that was the father of my mom passed away one year before my father, in 2012. I still cry from time to time missing my old man, but I couldn't care less about what is supposedly my "grandpa". Stan Lee is my spiritual grandpa in my heart. He is family, regardless the fact that he'll never even hear about me. Regardless all the Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko stuff, he is a legend, and I really do love him. I wouldn't mind meeting ANYONE that I'm a fan of. I wouldn't want to hug them, talk to them and not even an autograph. But Stan? I'd cry. I'd cry for him dying, I'd cry for meeting him, I wouldn't know what to say. Stan Lee is THE MAN, man. 

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2 hours ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


You say that like it hasn't already been the case for like 10-15 years minimum. :lol: 

I don't buy that. I think studios have still historically cared about pleasing the target audiences this century. I mean it used to be most movies that didn't tanked, so they kind of had to care. These days, it's just uber market it down everyone's throats so we get the max OW possible and then drop everything after OW and watch it crash and burn because it's a bad movie, but who cares it turned a profit. I don't feel like that was very common at all until recently. 

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43 minutes ago, Chewy said:


.... rank the DC movies? :jeb!:


Superman: A

Superman 2: A+

Superman 3: B -

Superman 4: C

Batman: B+

Batman Returns: C+

Batman Forever: C

Batman and Robin: D



BvS: D-

SS: D-


Nolan's movies are rated separately since I consider them to be more crime dramas than SH movies. The comment regarding MOS is related to the current DCEU slate.

Edited by jb007
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24 minutes ago, kitik said:


The DCEU has had MOS, BVS, and SS so far. (And Green Lantern too, until they decided to reboot right off the bat with MOS.)


Why would anyone in their right mind expect Wonder Woman to get any better reviews than all the other movies in the series?



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21 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

if WW is another disaster critically like BvS / SS then it just won't be fanboys coming down on critics but also the feminists as well. Imagine fanboys joining forces with them. :mouthdropped:

That could create a black hole and kill us all....so DC get your shit together!

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I find it interesting that going into SS so many people thought it would out open BvS because it had bigger social media buzz but BvS wound up opening $31m higher. Goes to show you Internet buzz isn't the same as real life buzz, not to say there was no buzz for it it irl it wasn't as big as it's Internet hype. They were on a even playing field in terms of reviews, both bad,  but even with the "at least it's more fun" edge SS had BvS was still bigger. It's opening was huge of course but looking back I wonder why so many people were convinced this would open higher than Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in a movie together for the first time ever.

Edited by Clyde Donovan
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27 minutes ago, filmlover said:

If Wonder Woman is also a miss...


...I can't fathom what this place will be like come November next year when Justice League opens.

Don't worry The Winter Solider of the Thor movies will help keep sanity around that time. 

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