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Tuesday: Suicide Squad $14.27M

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46 minutes ago, a2knet said:

Any OS update on SS? BOM's not updated.

Looks like SS won't go below 650 WW.

Even with 285 Dom , needs "only" ~365 OS for 650 WW.



BOM usually updates overseas grosses weekly ( usually on weekends ), but this movie has obviously made more than 300 million worldwide already.


The last overseas update was 3 days ago. Considering that SS has masde 160 million domestic so far + 133 million overseas, we would have 293 million worldwide. Given the fact that overseas numbers haven't been updated for 3 days, I'm positive it has made more than 300 million so far.

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IA5 does not have the best Tuesday bump with +50% anymore...CAT SPACEY does...


So close to it's Sunday. Crazy tuesdays are crazy.


Date Rank Gross % Change Theaters Per Theater Total Gross Days
2016/08/05 6 $2,376,263   2,264 $1,050   $2,376,263 1
2016/08/06 7 $2,298,151 -3% 2,264 $1,015   $4,674,414 2
2016/08/07 6 $1,575,501 -31% 2,264 $696   $6,249,915 3
2016/08/08 8 $832,192 -47% 2,264 $368   $7,082,107 4
2016/08/09 - $1,274,751 +53% 2,264 $563   $8,356,858 5
Edited by a2knet
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@Baumer loves Dory You do realize there's only a 3 mil difference bbetween BVS and gotg right?

SS is out pacing gotg at the moment.

I'm even hearing in other threads that some weekend shows are already sold out. DON'T BE to surprise if SS have an incredible hold.

Edited by Brainiac5
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14 minutes ago, a2knet said:

IA5 does not have the best Tuesday bump with +50% anymore...CAT SPACEY does...


So close to it's Sunday. Crazy tuesdays are crazy.


Date Rank Gross % Change Theaters Per Theater Total Gross Days
2016/08/05 6 $2,376,263   2,264 $1,050   $2,376,263 1
2016/08/06 7 $2,298,151 -3% 2,264 $1,015   $4,674,414 2
2016/08/07 6 $1,575,501 -31% 2,264 $696   $6,249,915 3
2016/08/08 8 $832,192 -47% 2,264 $368   $7,082,107 4
2016/08/09 - $1,274,751 +53% 2,264 $563   $8,356,858 5


Well, if you are going to watch Nine Lives, by all means do it with a discount ticket....

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6 minutes ago, trifle said:


Well, if you are going to watch Nine Lives, by all means do it with a discount ticket....

Heres an actual review of Nine Lives: 


"The ordeal began with a trip to the ticket window. The movie in question, Nine Lives, had not screened for critics, so I had to pay actual money to see the movie in which Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat. As I was paying to see the movie in which Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat, I could not bear for anyone to witness my shame, so I used the automated ticket kiosk. Are you sure? it asked, before processing my credit card. Really think about it. You have people who love you. I’m sure, I replied, pressing “continue”. The ground shook and the smell of brimstone wafted through the air as my ticket printed. Sweet summer child, the ticket kiosk sighed. You know not what you seek.

I proceeded to the theater, some nameless dread in the pit of my belly. How bad could it really be, I rationalized. Surely, this can’t be any worse than Dirty Grandpa. Or Mother’s Day. I’ve already seen some sh*t this year. I’m a battle-hardened film critic, tested and true. Nine Lives, the movie in which Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat, is probably going to be some misguided if harmless family entertainment. Thus girded, I entered the theater. It was—I swear—theater number nine. The significance of this would only occur to me later, when it was far, far too late. I did not know it then, but these were the last moments of my life in the Before Times.

There were, somewhat shockingly, other people in the theater. An older couple—so this is for old people!, I thought—and, strangely, a gaggle of tweens. I sat and, reluctantly, turned off my phone. I was tempted to leave it on, to give myself the out, to have something, anything else to look at if Nine Lives, the movie in which Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat, proved unbearable. But I shut it off. I’m a professional. This is my job. If only I had known then how hard I should have clung to every last vestige of light. In turning off my phone, I severed my connection to the outside world. I was trapped. I began to feel a chill, and the smell of brimstone grew stronger. Nine Lives began.

Kevin Spacey stars as a dickhead who spends all his time at work, neglecting his family to concentrate on building a skyscraper. He treats his son like an employee he loathes. His son is played by the younger—brother? Cousin?—of the guy who plays the Green Arrow. Thus: The tweens. Jennifer Garner also stars, as Kevin Spacey’s wife. She seems embarrassed to be here. There were times when I looked to Jennifer Garner for mercy, but she could not save me. Her dimple magic was not strong enough.


The only way to save Kevin Spacey from a case of terminal dickheaditis is for Christopher Walken to turn him into a cat, so Kevin Spacey spends most of the movie in voice over, talking as “Mr. Fuzzypants”, a photogenic and sometimes computerized cat. As a cat, he learns to appreciate and be there for his family, and then he tries to save his son, who has thrown himself off the family skyscraper for reasons that will never in a million years make sense, by flinging his little cat-body off the skyscraper as well, hoping to catch his son with a telephone cord. This is a real movie that exists.

As the movie played on flames burst forth from the screen, and rose higher and higher all around. Goblins appeared and plucked the eyes from the older couple sitting behind me, and harpies sucked the youth from the tweens, leaving them haggard crones, withered and dead. As demons poured forth from the Hell Mouth that opened during the scene in which Cat Kevin Spacey tries to write its human name with its cat paws, I realized my mistake, my grave error, in going to see Nine Lives, the movie in which Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat. For this was no movie theater, no, this was the ninth gate, the last obstacle between the nightmare dimension and the human world, and all it took to break the seal was an audience of the living to be sacrificed to usher in the dead.

As Beelzebub rises and hell rains down all around, all I can do is scrawl this missive on the inside of a popcorn tub in my own blood. This is not a movie, this is arcane magick which has torn asunder the veil between life and death, and unleashed hell on earth. I know, for by the time you read this I will be no more, as even now the imps are devouring my toes. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize what witnessing this “movie” would do. Please forgive me, and don’t go see Nine Lives, the movie in which Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat. Save yourse—"

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10 hours ago, James said:

I wrote:

I suppose so if that's what they really want.


But if they are like those fans chanting "Marvel sucks" at a premier (that's odd...Marvel fans don't do that), then they are probably just buying tickets out of brand loyalty as if they are supporting a sports team or something.    I don't get that one.   I stopped buying tickets to Sony Spider-Man movies because I wanted better Spider-Man movies.   Seems logical.   And I'm considering not buying a ticket to the next DC movie featuring Superman unless they change the way they are portraying him.   I'm certainly not winning if I support that emo-Supes.




So you hate how real life humans act. Got it.


He's a god walking the earth, revered by some and hated by many, with a dark past and criticized even when he tries to do good, whose planet was destroyed. Why the hell would he be happy? Just to satisfy your apparent need for a joke-y tone? People have problems in real life, even without being hated and questioned all the time. 



So if I say "I don't want emo Supes" that means I said "I want jokey Supes"?    Is that my "apparent need"?   Or "I hate how real life humans act"?   Is that what you think you read?


Maybe just stick to what I say instead of what you hear in your head?   Thanks.


Superman is not the same as Batman.   Not wanting Supes to be like Batman is not wanting him to "not have problems".   He deals with his problems differently than Batman.   He doesn't mope around with a pessimistic attitude.   That's not Supes.

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4 hours ago, Jordanstine said:

Seems a lot of parents are taking their kids to see Suicide Squad.


Which I don't think is appropriate. My viewing had a number of children, youngest I've seen probably between 7-8 years old.


There is a lot of cussing and sexual innuendo. 


There was a child behind me that whenever the b-word, s-word, and even the word p*ssy was said, he would gasp, and the Mom would just tell him to hush.


I didn't see ANY children on my viewing, I'm going back tomorrow or Friday, so I'll report if I see them, but the assumption I have from my screening and mostly social media is that teenagers and women bought this film hard. It became sort of a 'date' movie like Deadpool, and I'd actually argue that that movie's success is the major factor helping Suicide Squad here: the GA was ready for another romp with a group of superhero misfits.


1 hour ago, Lordmandeep said:

The good news is the RT score for SS is nowhere near a big deal as for Batman vs Superman 


But I think the sequels will have harsh drops.


I I think that if it was the other way around, Suicide Squad getting the critic AND public acclaim back in February, Deadpool would also overperform in August regardless of reviews. While Snyder has two times failed audiences, I think the Squad is actually getting positioned for a way brighter future: the demand for a Harley Quinn spin off is palpable, and if Johns has a say over the sequel, I think that the sequel might improve where this film didn't. I'm actually way more stoked for a non announced Squad sequel and Harley spin off than I am for Snyder's Syndicate of Crime.



1 hour ago, a2knet said:

I get that SS is doing well, but Oh Gitesh


$14.3M TUE for , up good 9% from MON. Better than AUG hits Guardians (+2%) & BourneUltimatum (-18%). Plus it faces .


But he is right, and I agree with him, it's one hell of an amazing feat, especially factoring the Olympics and how poorly the film was received by most of the press tickets. With that said, online buzz and YouTube reviewers like Jahns praised the film a hell lot. It doesn't feel like a Transformers mess, like Snyderverse usually does. It does throw a lot of pressure to Wonder Woman tho, but I think Patty and Gal can handle it.


Unlike many more enthusiastic here, my enthusiasm is way more contained tho: I'd be happy with anything NEAR $300m, but if cross that or do it even more than BvS and Guardians, I'd be a happy camper. Squad is better than BvS, but it's not as good as Guardians. I still want to see it gross as much as it can so I get a proper sequel fast. And by fast I don't mean rushed, I mean properly prepared, addressing the film's flaws and going forward. I need my Harley vs. Joker epic showdown way more than I want to see Batman going against Joker right now. After that, THEN I'd be all over a Batman film going all Arkham on us, minus Harley. 


1 hour ago, a2knet said:

How many expected less than 400 WW for IDR! ? I was thinking 400 OS would happen for sure.


Domestic Box Office $102,362,220 Details
International Box Office $276,900,000 Details
Worldwide Box Office $379,262,220

I did. But no one listened to me. :P 

Edited by iJackSparrow
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1 hour ago, ecstasy said:


It was a Captain America sequel. They only threw Iron Man in there to compete with WB who threw Batman in the Superman movie. If you recall, Batman vs. Superman and Cap 3 were scheduled to open on the same date. It was less about IM vs. CAP imo, and more about Cap and Bucky's love story with Cap saving Bucky (yet again). The theme of all 3 Cap movies. Adding in all those extra characters was a response to WB in my opinion.

I love this new word for stealing. 

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    Movie Distributor Gross Change Thtrs. Per Thtr. Total Gross Days
1 (1) Suicide Squad Warner Bros. $14,261,461 +9% 4,255 $3,352   $161,087,183 5
2 (2) Jason Bourne Universal $3,008,820 +25% 4,039 $745   $108,521,835 12
3 (3) Bad Moms STX Entertainment $2,612,161 +31% 3,215 $812   $55,461,307 12
4 (4) The Secret Life of Pets Universal $2,292,890 +35% 3,417 $671   $323,505,540 33
5 (5) Star Trek Beyond Paramount Pictures $1,526,273 +27% 3,263 $468   $130,468,626 19
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I don't think Captain America: Civil War needs to be addressed here, but since some are talking about it here, that film is MANY things and it's a masterpiece because of that, but it wouldn't work at all if didn't have the structure that the MCU paved through the course of more than 12 films by now. It's the capper of Captain America's trilogy, it works beautifully at that. It's a sequel to Age of Ultron, and it feels even more like an Avengers film than any of the Avengers films so far. It's the introduction of Black Panther and a reboot for Spider-Man, and I don't think they could have handle it any better than that. The crazy thing is that the film works. Everything happens for a reason in the film, and every character has an arc. I'd argue that Zemo might be the biggest villain that the Avengers has ever faced and he didn't even have superpowers (I still think he DOES have by the end of the film), because he broke them from within. It's a celebration of what the MCU is, and it's crazy how much ahead of the curve the MCU is right now next to anything else when it comes to a cinematic universe. And I'm not saying "ahead of the DCEU", this is a given, the MCU is already ahead of the Star Wars cinematic universe, and if the Russo Brothers have an actual plan for the next Avengers films, the probability of them going even further is enormous.


Civil War wouldn't work if they didn't have a structure to lay on, and that's why it succeeded when BvS didn't. The fact that WB is slowing down and bringing things like Man of Steel 2 is GOOD for the DCEU and the genre itself because someone over there - and I bet it's Johns - pointed out that the strategy they were going for isn't working. Now all the DCEU needs is to survive to another Snyder's mess. If it does, if it survives Snyder's Justice League, then the future will be much more brighter. I'm hoping to see WB announcing a Harley Quinn spin off for a Valentine's day of 2017 or 2018 and I want it to be the most epic break up fight in cinematic history. I want Harley to own Joker both physically and mentally. Break him. Then he can go back to Arkham and plan his revenge against Batman, who he blames for Harley "leaving him". I don't want to ever see Harley working as Joker's henchwoman in film, I don't want her to shine and have her "moment" owning "mister J" in a Batman film. I want her to do that in her solo, and I want it as fast as possible. 

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54 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

@JohnnyGossamer I don't see why it would be a surprise when the flim holds are better than both as of Tuesday.

NOW come Wednesday and Thursday if it collapses then I will revise my assumption but as of now there's no reason to doubt it.

Too early to tell. Discount Tuesday has shown to be bigger this year than any year prior. Holding better than BatSupes isn't a shock. But, BatSupes has a hell of a head start - $32M+ ahead of SS after first Tuesday - and, even with superior weekdays, SS likely won't match BatSupes 2nd and 3rd weekend totals.

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We have had two CBMs this year where SHs have mommy issues.

'Mom' moments in the both those CBMs are absurd. One of them spoils the big advertised fight and the other one makes the climax absurd.

The first CBM has been called out a lot while the second one has gotten away with it.

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Just now, a2knet said:

We have had two CBMs this year where SHs have mommy issues.

'Mom' moments in the both those CBMs are absurd. One of them spoils the big advertised fight and the other one makes the climax absurd.

The first CBM has been called out a lot while the second one has gotten away with it.

That's because the moment in the second film works and almost brought me to tears. It shocked me, even though I could see it coming. It's all in the execution and how it is done, and I think you are genuinely in the minority when it comes to thinking that moment was absurd, and what you're mostly trying to do is equate both as the same thing when they were not. But suit yourself. 

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33 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

I don't think Captain America: Civil War needs to be addressed here...


Neither does the "Snyder suckS!" mantra, which you have been repeatedly warned against, but which you have regurgitated in your last three posts.



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2 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


Neither does the "Snyder suckS!" mantra, which you have been repeatedly warned against, but which you have regurgitated in your last three posts.



But he does. And that's hardly something present on just my posts. It's everywhere on the boards, it is the common sense when it comes to Snyder's take on these characters. And I'm not "regurgitating" anything, I'm not stirring useless Marvel vs DC rivalries like you usually do here. And I truly adored Suicide Squad, for the same reason the likes of Peter David, Kevin Smith, Paul Dini, Jeremy Jahns and several others did. I'm talking, while you do is try to fan the same old Marvel vs. DC flame wars. Seriously, stop.

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^^^And... This is why, just as with Ghostbusters, I look forward to a few weeks from now when Suicide Squad's an afterthought and we're discussing movies other stuff. Just nonsense. So many act beneath themselves. And, worse more, neither of you two though, others simply join to with the only intention of slinging mud in favor or against Marvel/DC or the latest SJW fad or what have you...

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@JohnnyGossamer I think your blinded by hate my man the flim held better than Civil War as well (so far).

There's no math as of yet that sees this flim gross less than 330.

Think about it SS will be at 230 by Monday I think coming out of its 3rd weekend it will be at 300 or very damn close.

I get it everybody is used to DC movies having bad legs but until the legs show on this one judge other fair

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