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The Mandalorian | March 2023 for S3

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I've been hearing stories about a live-action TV series for well over a decade.  I'll believe it when I see it and not a moment sooner.

Sure, now there's the might of Disney perhaps being involved.  But before there was an "eccentric billionare" who didn't mind throwing good money after bad to see a project come to fruition (The Clone Wars).  I'm not entirely convinced that things have changed enough for this to happen.


Then there's the elephant in the room:  Would people 'settle' for TV-quality special effects in a SW TV show?  Effects may have come a long way in the last 20 years since the days of TNG/DS9 and Babylon 5.  OTOH, the SW movies themselves are now setting an incredible bar.  It's one thing to see the level of quality in cartoons (and people have complained fiercely about the drop off from TCW to Rebels) and accept it.  Perhaps another for live-action TV.


I mean, I'd love to see it no matter what the avenue (I don't particularly care if it is ABC/Netfilx as I think that wouldn't matter all that much given this should be family entertainment).  With the Story Group up and running they'd probably be able to handle it swimingly (if they didn't just dust off and repurpose the scripts/treatments/whatever actually exists for Star Wars: Underworld).  


But I've been burned on this story at least two or three times.  Gonna wait for something a bit more concrete than some exec from Disney saying it would be a neat idea.

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There's still hope for X-Wing: The TV series.


Though they'd have to ditch the Corran Horn Jedi angle.



But I'd definitely support a KOTOR-based/inspired TV series. Jedi doing Jedi things lends well to "case of the week" episodes early on before shifting towards more serialized storytelling later on.

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On 8/26/2016 at 5:11 PM, Porthos said:

I've been hearing stories about a live-action TV series for well over a decade.  I'll believe it when I see it and not a moment sooner.

Well THIS post of mine certainly aged well.






Does it count that I'm still a tiny bit skeptical that this happens until they actually start shooting the blessed thing? :blush:

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10 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Well THIS post of mine certainly aged well.






Does it count that I'm still a tiny bit skeptical that this happens until they actually start shooting the blessed thing? :blush:


Ahaha :D Disney is ambitious, don't be skeptical about it being real :D


My old thread is back :shades:

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4 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


Ahaha :D Disney is ambitious, don't be skeptical about it being real :D


My old thread is back :shades:

Well the Fox acquisition probably makes their streaming service more viable, I'll grant you that. 


Annnnd Discovery sure does seem to be a trailblazer.






NOPE! Not gonna buy it until I see the casting announcements. :P:P:P

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To be only a slightly more serious, I really do wonder just what the hell they're going to cover here.  For the longest time I and others have just presumed that some sort of TV series would look at the 30 year RotJ-TFA gap. I presumed an animated show, but I could have been wrong about that.


But after TLJ, I'm not as sure.  I can't talk about my reasons WHY I think this in this thread until the spoiler period elapses, but... Dunno.  Not as sure as I once was is how I will put it. :D


On the other hand, this streaming service isn't supposed to launch until 2019.  Ep 9 comes out in Dec 19.  So it could be that this mooted series gets delayed until Jan or Feb 2020 and launches after the sequel trilogy is officially done and dusted.  Then there's an established set of guardrails to work toward, as it were.


Being streaming also means they can aim at whatever the hell demo they feel like, though I seriously doubt they'll copy Star Trek Discovery and go too out there tone wise.  No matter how much some folks would like HBO/Showtime level grit/dark in SW, I just don't ever see it happening.


But I never thought this would happen, so what do I know? :lol:


I also doubt they'll dust off Underworld, if only because they used some of the ideas from that project in other areas, though it's certainly possible they could repurpose stuff.

Still... Exciting times.  Could be something brand new with only tenuous links to other eras.  Hell, maybe THIS is Filoni's new secretive project he refused to even hint at over at Celebration.  Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants to see. ;)

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On 8/27/2016 at 10:41 PM, 4815162342 said:

There's still hope for X-Wing: The TV series.


Though they'd have to ditch the Corran Horn Jedi angle.



But I'd definitely support a KOTOR-based/inspired TV series. Jedi doing Jedi things lends well to "case of the week" episodes early on before shifting towards more serialized storytelling later on.




Lol I reminded of the Murder Mystery quest in Kotr On Dantooine 

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I just hope this goes better than Inhumans. Like, put a budget behind this thing, it's fucking Star Wars. Don't make it look cheap.


With as much as everyone talks about KOTOR, I should really read/play something about it.

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On 1/3/2018 at 1:42 AM, Porthos said:

To be only a slightly more serious, I really do wonder just what the hell they're going to cover here.  For the longest time I and others have just presumed that some sort of TV series would look at the 30 year RotJ-TFA gap. I presumed an animated show, but I could have been wrong about that.


But after TLJ, I'm not as sure.  I can't talk about my reasons WHY I think this in this thread until the spoiler period elapses, but... Dunno.  Not as sure as I once was is how I will put it. :D

Okey, dokey.  TLJ talk IN SPOILER BARS.  Anyone who responds to what I am talking about in the spoiler bars, keep it in spoiler bars as well, please.  Want to keep the Staff happy, after all. :)


TLJ spoilers, and not small ones:



Given what went down in TLJ in regards to Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo, I am now REALLY uncertain if any upcoming TV series, whether it be this mooted live action TV series or if Filoni has another animated series up his sleeve, will actually tackle the Skywalker/Solo stuff.  Not because of the divisiveness of TLJ, but because heading down to an eventual Luke Briefly Contemplates Murdering Ben Solo episode makes for...


Well, not exactly DisneyXD stuff, that's for sure.


Even given the fact that The Clone Wars got into some pretty heavy stuff and was headed to a dark conclusion (going briefly past the establishment of the Empire), that was on Cartoon Network.  I just can't see an Adventures of Ben and Luke series on XD, though I've been wrong before.


I suppose it might depend on what tone the live action series goes for and what demo its aimed at. But even there I'm not quite as sure they want to lead up to that.  Lucasfilm isn't shy about taking chances, but I don't know if they want to go down this road.




The above all being said, I could see some sort of series in the RotJ-TFA gap, with the Skywalker/Solo stuff happening on the edges.  There is a lot of material just waiting to be mined here, including having this be the series that looks more at Snoke and whatnot.  Might ultimately depend on just how, ugh, 'dark' (shudders involuntarily) they want to go, I suppose.


Still, all things being equal perhaps we can cross of Luke's School For Young Jedi off the list for expected series arcs.


For now, at least. ;) 


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19 hours ago, lilmac said:

I don’t think it will necessarily skip the main OT characters 

How do you fit those characters in though.  De-aging effects would eat up a lot of budget, and that’s assuming you could even get Hamill or Ford to shoot a few scenes.

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