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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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31 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:


 In tickets sold, TFA blew Avatar away...


Avatar- 95,904,100 tickets

TFA- 108,115,100 tickets


"Blew Avatar away"?

After reading that, I thought the difference would be, I don't know...40-50 million tickets more or something...

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2 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


Avatar- 95,904,100 tickets

TFA- 108,115,100 tickets


"Blew Avatar away"?

After reading that, I thought the difference would be, I don't know...40-50 million tickets more or something...

Um avatar 3d share was absurdly high though

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1 hour ago, EmpireCity said:

I also like how the argument in the last 18 hours has moved from "this movie isn't going to make nearly the money some know it all people say" to "this is a cash grab!!" after it looks like it will make the money that someone said it wasn't going to make.  




People don't like to admit when they're wrong and will move the goal posts to China to avoid doing so.

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Just now, Grand Moff Tele said:

Indy's a guy who fell out of an airplane with nothing but a life raft and survived. I thought nuke the fridge was a great, funny little moment, no matter how implausible.

Do people forget this scene or something? Indy is no stranger to over-the-top, implausable moments.

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9 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:






We almost did a Star Wars episode. We also merged into an entirely unrelated series and combined the two into one universe. So... uh... I guess I wouldn't've minded? :lol: 

Someone with a TVTropes account is rushing to edit the trivia section as we speak.

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1 minute ago, Cochofles said:


Avatar- 95,904,100 tickets

TFA- 108,115,100 tickets


"Blew Avatar away"?

After reading that, I thought the difference would be, I don't know...40-50 million tickets more or something...


I think there's a possibility that more UNIQUE individuals saw Avatar in theatres in the domestic market, considering many if not most Star Wars fans saw TFA multiple times, many in fact, admitted to see it 50/60/70 times in theater. Benefit of an established franchise with established characters, Nostalgia and die hard fans, which Avatar of course, never had.

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Just now, Dexter of Suburbia said:

Gone with the Wind blew out Avatar and the Force Awakens in regards to inflation.  

I mean yes, but it was also released back when movie theaters were unique and didn't have to compete with TV or the internet or video games just to name a few sources of entertainment options.

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2 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


So we are making up numbers now? Cool. :shades:



If you do the break down of Avatar's 2D/3D/IMAX tickets sold with 2009 prices it comes out to about 75m.  I don't know if you were here back in the day but it was discussed to death and everyone more or less agreed on 75m.


I actually haven't done any serious break down on TFA but I'm pretty sure its over 90m.

Edited by Ozymandias
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13 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Yeah I'm out until we get some numbers, it's boring to the point of tears to talk about "cash grabs" from major Hollywood studios. The point of filmmaking at the corporate level is to make money. That being said, I don't think ANYONE goes into a creative field in Hollywood to make money. Those people who do usually fail miserably. It takes an incredible amount of passion and love to stick with filmmaking, whether you're directing, acting, doing production design, or even working lighting and grip department, you have to love what you do and believe that what you're making is something people will enjoy. Otherwise, there are a lot more sure-fire ways to make a living than filmmaking. It's a silly idea that somehow because a Disney accountant wants a movie to make more money to offset losses on the theme park cost overruns that somehow a Star Wars movie is a "cash grab" by all those involved. It's not just a stretch, it's an idiotic comment. There has been absolutely no shortage of purely idiotic comments made by a very small handful of posters, sorry I typo-ed that to "posers" originally, which I guess wasn't far off. 


Don't downplay this Disney accountant, you mean the producer who funded the entire thing and the ones who decided they were going to make it. It doesn't matter to this producer whether the director, actors, production design, lighting, grip dpt and the rest love their jobs. They don't care, as long as they can do their role in their cookie cooker process. Also I don't buy that that all these people are putting in their heart and souls into each and every film project. What mattered to JJ more, his success as director or Star Wars? The answer is simple.


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5 minutes ago, Mulder said:

Ok not to attack Avatar, but objectively you have to admit it didn't have the cultural impact of Cameron's other films like Aliens, Terminator ((And T2)), and Titanic to name but a few.



Not as big as Titanic, but I'd say it definitely had a bigger impact in its time than those other two. Lasting legacy is a different topic, though I will say if Avatar 2 delivers then you can bet that Avatar will earn a rightful spot in iconic film history. 

Edited by MovieMan89
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Why is it so hard to say that TFA performed astonishingly well domestically and deserves its #1 domestic ranking, and also say that AVATAR performed astonishingly well overseas and also completely deserves its OS and WW #1 ranking?


It takes nothing away from either movie to say this.

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4 minutes ago, Dexter of Suburbia said:

Gone with the Wind blew out Avatar and the Force Awakens in regards to inflation.  


Re-released 11 times over 60 years in numerous times before home cinema, Titanic had the single best theatrical release adjusted for inflation.

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