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John Marston

Wednesday Box Office - (Asgard pg 17) R1 about 15, Sing 11, Ass 4.5, Pass 4.1, Moana 2.2

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2 hours ago, Christmas Baumer said:


And yet the person they are doing it too says that they were right for doing it.


I've been gaslighted and manipulated before and all I can say is that over a span of time it can really fuck you up.  It got to the point where I was agreeing with the actions even though looking back at them now, it shocks me that I ever got to that point.  Just the premise of this movie is enough to make me wince.  I can see why it would bother people.



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3 minutes ago, Wrath said:

I don't have anything against JLaw. However, when you're a star publicly taking home a huge paycheck and the movie sucks, you're going to come in for more criticism than if you'd resolved the pay issue quietly.


But she didn't try to resolve the Passengers pay issue publicly. This is what happens when fans start closely following industry news. 

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21 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

GTA V made a billion dollars upon release - I think the days of industry types not taking videogames seriously are over.


The problem is simply a creative one. How do you fashion something that's popular because of its gameplay into something that's good without it?


It did, and that's a huge success that any industry should look at. Got to remember though that games cost $60 or more and the distribution of profits are far different.


Like I'm not saying Rockstar didn't get paid well, but if you look up how much Rockstar actually got from the game THEY DEVELOPED for years it's sickening. Developers see an unfairly low amount from the games they make thanks to ungodly amounts they have to pay distributors and outlets that sell it.

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18 hours ago, jandrew said:


Okay, I wasn't aware of that. But still, a big reason, if not the reason, video game movies fail is because they're two different mediums that tell their stories two different ways. Everyone wants a GTA movie, but condensing a GTA storyline into movie form wouldn't do it justice. Same with Call of Duty. Modern Warfare 2 is one of my favorite games ever, and it would make a bomb ass movie - if it was stretched out into maybe 4 films. And I wouldn't want 4 movies of that, I'd rather just play the game.


So if you're gonna make an Assassin's Creed movie, or any video game movie, what do you need to do? Simplify the story and make it it's own, rather than try to literally adapt the game for the screen and cram in every single plot point into 2 hours of film, which is what everyone does and why each of these movies fail. Uncharted would've been the same way. I'm not holding my breathe with Tomb Raider until I see otherwise. There's too much focus on making an "epic" rather than just making a good movie.


People are gonna go see AC for the 1400's asskicking action anyway, so even if the Source Code nonsense is in the game, you can easily cut it all out and give 110 minutes of Medieval Spanish parkour asskicking. Mold it for the screen and add in some new, more relatable elements to attract a bigger audience. It's not hard.


Since we're still talking about video games, I'll repost this. We're just not gonna get a successful adaption until they literally dont "adapt" it.


I really feel like a video game movie can be done perfectly. I dont thi k the genre is "cursed", its just too formulaic, like the modern PG13 romantic comedy.

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7 minutes ago, Eevin said:

$70m is probably the high bar at this point, but it's not impossible considering how terribly AC and Passengers are doing. Somewhere in the $65m range would be my guess at this point. 


Well, thing is, considering Rogue One is grossing really high numbers right now, I don't think it can display the huge % increases that smaller movies can.


+40% FRI, -40% SAT, +100% SUN is where it is headed, I think, and depending on Thursday, that would result in about a $63-64M week-end.


If it does increase like crazy though...


:apocalypse: confirmed

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3 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


I see your point but what is achieved by calling people racist when it isn't justified? Not shipping a resounding friendzone (that happens to be IR) =/= shooting unarmed people or beating them up or harming them in any other way. if the idea is to point out to my sisters that they are unconsciously racist than they missed the mark. They are not sympathetic to that and neither am I. There. That's not the way to create empathy. My family is always going to be more important than any bloody social justice cause. There. 


Neither SJWs nor the Friendzone exist. PC doesn't exist. They're all labels that were applied by people who felt entitled to something that they didn't get and so they wanted to demean the opposition.


The SJW thing? It stemmed out of what became Gamergate, which was effectively a testbed for the Alt-Right. Those people were always racist. Always misogynistic. Always wanting to get things they felt they were entitled to, and always wanted to see others subjugated under them. Calling them out for their deplorable behavior didn't make someone an SJW.


If you're saying that SJWs are annoying, then you've bought into a propaganda campaign that people created so that they could continue to be horrible to other people. Congratulations.


Don't tell people they can't get angry about things that actually, negatively affect their lives. If you want to actually make things better, stop fucking tone policing and actually look at real things that are causing real problems. Here's a massive hint: it's not the so-called "SJWs".

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1 minute ago, jandrew said:


Since we're still talking about video games, I'll repost this. We're just not gonna get a successful adaption until they literally dont "adapt" it.


I really feel like a video game movie can be done perfectly. I dont thi k the genre is "cursed", its just too formulaic, like the modern PG13 romantic comedy.


I think a movie in the Zelda or Halo universes could end up really good. There's a lot of lore in those series that could lend itself to a motion picture.

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8 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:

What is it with BOM and the-numbers and many websites predicting 70+ 3-day for Rogue One 2nd week-end?


They're only setting themselves up for disappointment I think. :depp:




It's possible.







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I have nothin against JL getting paid that vast sum of money, i'm all for actors/screewriters/directors getting paid rather than excutives.  but when you fail to deliver it's bound to raise some questions. it's like that in the real world. why would a pampered celebrity be exempt from the rules? 


also the director of this movie will too feel the consequences of not delivering a good product. i doubt he'll ever direct a big budget movie again. so the actors should also take the blame.


but let's wait for the weekend numbers. maybe, as deadline said, it will rebound

Edited by Alli
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2 minutes ago, Mango said:


I think a movie in the Zelda or Halo universes could end up really good. There's a lot of lore in those series that could lend itself to a motion picture.


Halo can work, but they cant straight copy the games is what I'm saying. It's too much meat to try to cram into a movie.


Video games and movies are built so differently, unlike a book and movie, which can be adapted back and forth much easier.

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7 minutes ago, DAR said:

During this Holiday time I would like all SJW's and Alt-Rights to come together and just




Women, LGBTQ+, Muslims, Jews, Black People, etc. etc.: "We would like to live in peace and have equality and not be killed."

White supremacists: "We want to subjugate, remove rights, and kill people."


DAR: "Can't you just agree to disagree and get along?"

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6 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


Neither SJWs nor the Friendzone exist. PC doesn't exist. They're all labels that were applied by people who felt entitled to something that they didn't get and so they wanted to demean the opposition.


The SJW thing? It stemmed out of what became Gamergate, which was effectively a testbed for the Alt-Right. Those people were always racist. Always misogynistic. Always wanting to get things they felt they were entitled to, and always wanted to see others subjugated under them. Calling them out for their deplorable behavior didn't make someone an SJW.


If you're saying that SJWs are annoying, then you've bought into a propaganda campaign that people created so that they could continue to be horrible to other people. Congratulations.


Don't tell people they can't get angry about things that actually, negatively affect their lives. If you want to actually make things better, stop fucking tone policing and actually look at real things that are causing real problems. Here's a massive hint: it's not the so-called "SJWs".


It's worth pointing out that while (justifiably, IMO) most of the attention is directed at the new alt-reich movement, there are horrible, abusive, and nasty people in every corner of the social/political spectrum. I was really outraged at how a few protestors treated Kimberly Peirce when she showed up at my alma mater for a screening of BOYS DON'T CRY, for example.

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