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Friday Numbers (The Vow: 15.4M; Safe House: 13.8M; Star Wars 3D: 8.7M; Journey 2: 6.6M)

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Isn't that how it goes for most movies? We take early guesses, then see the data, and then we make more accurate predictions.

But we shouldn't rely on data. If we are really the prognosticators that we think we are, then we shouldn't really need data. We should be able to make our own guesses based on history, similar films and gut feelings. Using data is like cheating. It doesn't make you a good predictor, it just means you can read.
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Star Wars will be frontloaded so not sure. The Vow and Safe House should make it.

Insane for Safe House. The SB Tv Spots, Denzel as the bad guy and Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds proves that GL and TCU failling had nothing to do with him.

Safe House will be a hit in spite of Reynolds. This opening is undoubtedly due to Denzel.
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I read some reviews that said that he was actually good in SH.

I think he's serviceable in most things and I really don't mind the guy. Personally the way people freak out about actors and actresses kind of puzzles me. I mean unless they came to your home, fucked a member of your family and then shit in your cornflakes, you've got a valid reason to dislike an actor. If they just made a bad movie, you laugh it off and move on.
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I think he's serviceable in most things and I really don't mind the guy. Personally the way people freak out about actors and actresses kind of puzzles me. I mean unless they came to your home, fucked a member of your family and then shit in your cornflakes, you've got a valid reason to dislike an actor. If they just made a bad movie, you laugh it off and move on.

It is a shame that I don't have more Likes to use today :lol:
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What's wrong with comparing the ticket sales of ANH re-release to the ticket sales of TPM re-release?

Because ANH was the first SW to comeback to the theaters in 15 years. It came out 2 years before tPM did and it is the most beloved of the SW films. TPM has none of that going for it. It's just a film released in 3D.
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I have no evidence to the contrary. But it does seem to me that there have been fewer 3D movies in the past few months and those that there have been haven't been huge.

That is true. Though we are just in the first two months of 2012. 3D or no 3D, we shouldn't be expecting HUGE Jan-Feb films. Also, as a whole there are more 3D releases this year than last year. So we need to wait.
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Underworld Awakening.

Underworld Awakening has done quite respectably, especially for movies around this time of year. But it's certainly not huge by any means. If you look at the list of 3D movies on BOM, there have only been 12 wide release 3D movies since the beginning of September and only one of them, Puss in Boots, has made over $100M. If you look at the September 2010 through January 2011 period, there were 13 wide release 3D movies (I could have sworn that the difference was bigger), but six of them made over $100M and a 7th came very close (Green Hornet).
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Because ANH was the first SW to comeback to the theaters in 15 years. It came out 2 years before tPM did and it is the most beloved of the SW films. TPM has none of that going for it. It's just a film released in 3D.

Plus no one even expected TPM to even come close to that so why even bring it up? Hell even ESB only sold half of ANH re-release and ROTJ only made a third. ANH is in its own league.
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I think the point still stands. Most of the hate for TPM is overhype on the internet vs what's going on with the masses.

Does anyone still lend any credence to internet talk? The internet is a curious beast; when enough fanboys parrot the same sentiment over and over, they start believing that the whole world mirrors their beliefs.

If we went along with the vociferous internet pop culture quasi-cognoscenti, we would believe that:

    [*]Everybody hates Titanic and Avatar

    [*]Serenity and Firefly were amazingly brilliant masterpieces that did not flop

    [*]Absolutely nobody liked the Star Wars prequels

    [*]Thor and Captain America were critically adored, Oscar-worthy, and deeply loved by everyone and their granpa, not just comic book fanboys.

    [*]Only teenage girls go watch the Twilight films, and any guy who watches those films is gay, "weird", or pussy-whipped.

Edited by Cochofles
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Because ANH was the first SW to comeback to the theaters in 15 years. It came out 2 years before tPM did and it is the most beloved of the SW films. TPM has none of that going for it. It's just a film released in 3D.

Yeah I know ANH is much more loved than TPM, that's my entire point.and I doubt TPM would've came close to matching ANH re-release no matter how long you waited to release it.
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Does anyone still lend any credence to internet talk? The internet is a curious beast; when enough fanboys parrot the same sentiment over and over, they start believing that the whole world mirrors their beliefs.

If we went along with the vociferous internet pop culture quasi-cognoscenti, we would believe that:

    [*]Everybody hates Titanic and Avatar

    [*]Serenity and Firefly were amazingly brilliant masterpieces that were also gigantic financial hits

    [*]Absolutely nobody liked the Star Wars prequels

    [*]Thor and Captain America were critically adored, Oscar-worthy, and deeply loved by everyone and their granpa, not just comic book fanboys.

This might be the best post I've read so far at BOT. Nicely said.
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Yeah I know ANH is much more loved than TPM, that's my entire point.and I doubt TPM would've came close to matching ANH re-release no matter how long you waited to release it.

Yes, agreed.
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I love RR too, but lettuce be cereal, Denzel is the reason it did well. Reynolds' strength is playing off of other guys. Well, that's not completely true. He was FANTASTIC in The Nines and Buried. He doesn't deserve all the hate he gets.

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Underworld Awakening has done quite respectably, especially for movies around this time of year. But it's certainly not huge by any means. If you look at the list of 3D movies on BOM, there have only been 12 wide release 3D movies since the beginning of September and only one of them, Puss in Boots, has made over $100M. If you look at the September 2010 through January 2011 period, there were 13 wide release 3D movies (I could have sworn that the difference was bigger), but six of them made over $100M and a 7th came very close (Green Hornet).

You really give good analysis with most of your posts. I noticed this in the daily numbers threads and meant to comment on it.I feel like I learn something everytime I read one of your posts.
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Does anyone still lend any credence to internet talk? The internet is a curious beast; when enough fanboys parrot the same sentiment over and over, they start believing that the whole world mirrors their beliefs.

If we went along with the vociferous internet pop culture quasi-cognoscenti, we would believe that:

    [*]Everybody hates Titanic and Avatar

    [*]Serenity and Firefly were amazingly brilliant masterpieces that did not flop

    [*]Absolutely nobody liked the Star Wars prequels

    [*]Thor and Captain America were critically adored, Oscar-worthy, and deeply loved by everyone and their granpa, not just comic book fanboys.

    [*]Only teenage girls go watch the Twilight films, and any guy who watches those films is gay, "weird", or pussy-whipped.

That pretty much covers it.

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