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What a WONDERful Weekend | WW down only 16% on Sunday. 103M weekend. pg 226

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36 minutes ago, That Covfefe Guy said:

White House Down is great as fuck.  Emmerich was my favorite trashy director for a while but then Resurgence ruined him so hard that I can never forgive him.  AWFUL.


I do need to Resurgence at some point.  I remember in one of the trailers there was that godzilla alien chasing a bus through a desert.  I think it also had teenagers as airplane pilots.





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15 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

That's pretty much how I felt about it. I thought it was great but I wouldn't rush out to rewatch it. The length did me in.


I didn't even realize  the film was as long as it was. Showtime started at 9:10(so like 20 minutes of trailers right?) and when I got out it was midnight. When I looked at my phone I couldnt believe it was so late. The movie whizzed by 

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15 minutes ago, DAR said:

That was where he got caught between some gears?

yes...survives all of nautre's wrath till that point. manages to board the ship. then dies between gears.

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1 minute ago, Brainiac5 said:

Trust me there's no goggles here as I know I'm in the minority who didn't really Enjoy Wonder Woman.

The problem here is You don't Enjoy it so you want everyone else to not enjoy it.

For the most part all you guys do is bring up negative Critics scores and second week drops but in reality you totally dismiss the overall performance.


I know that's traditionally how you do things but the measures doesn't stop there.

I mentioned nothing about critics scores though. I'm talking about multipliers and audience scores. I think MoS really gets an unfair rep on these boards and looking at its audience score and multiplier it seems the GA liked it but didn't love it. 


BvS and SS are a completely different story. And yes I understand SS got a 2.45x but again this goes back to things not being black and white. A 2.45x for when it was released doesn't indicate a good response from the GA. For example, a blockbuster that's well received in say December is going to have a much better multiplier than one that's released in say May or June. 


Having said all of this i understand some folks loved both BvS and SS as well as MoS (MoS is my fav film in the DCEU) but I'm simply using several metrics that we typically use to access whether a comic book film was well received. There are of course other metrics to look at but like I said I'm not going go through all of them. 

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17 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Hopefully Patty Jenkins gets WW into my Top 5. My expectations are still rather low just because I go to the movies so often now and the trailers never really got me HYPED.

I only saw like 1 or 2 trailers but didnt really pay attention cause I wasnt looking forward to the movie but it is so much better than the trailers.

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12 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

I think that's way too high. $31m seems way more realistic if that. 

Yeah..considering POTC last Sat managed a 13-14% bump from true Friday...I think WONDR should do at least 15% taking into account wom.

Could go maybe a little higher than 15%.


If true Fri is 27 then 15% bump gives 31 Sat. So 31-32 could happen.

Edited by a2knet
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15 minutes ago, God Emperor Tele said:


Off a 38m Friday (plus previews), I think it has a solid chance to do 35-36m tomorrow. 


I was thinking 34 but I like your # better.

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Credit where it's due.

Want to give a special mention to THR.


Fuck you THR...for not giving a Friday number at all...this one time when WONDR is opening.

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15 minutes ago, CaptainJackSparrow said:

So, is Gotham worth watching?

I enjoy it, but I'm a little behind on Season 3. The way Fox scheduled it this season was ridiculous. I still think I prefer the Arrowverse shows however. Which Season 5 of Arrow by the way is  terrific (especially the finale) and makes up for the mess that was Season 4. 

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Just now, Nova said:

I mentioned nothing about critics scores though. I'm talking about multipliers and audience scores. I think MoS really gets an unfair rep on these boards and looking at its audience score and multiplier it seems the GA liked it but didn't love it. 


BvS and SS are a completely different story. And yes I understand SS got a 2.45x but again this goes back to things not being black and white. A 2.45x for when it was released doesn't indicate a good response from the GA. For example, a blockbuster that's well received in say December is going to have a much better multiplier than one that's released in say May or June. 


Having said all of this i understand some folks loved both BvS and SS as well as MoS (MoS is my fav film in the DCEU) but I'm simply using several metrics that we typically use to access whether a comic book film was well received. There are of course other metrics to look at but like I said I'm not going go through all of them. 

Dude there's this insane Homevideo sales total for SS which really debunks the August theory.

Its literally is on pace to beat  GoTG Vol 1 in sales.

If you truly feel MOS gets an unfair shot and add that to this new proof of SS reception along with Wonder Woman reception and the DCEU is 3-1..

Im gonna be honest here I always feel as if Both BVS and SS fan scores were Botched.

A film doesn't do a 2.4x and on its way to 150home video sales along with topping the merchandise sales and have a righteous audience score of 64%.

Its time to face it SS was really a miniature phenomenon as Harley and Joker topped the Halloween 2016.

I'm actually curious to see if it could have been big In China and pushed to the film to a Billion or damn close to it.

Since the film was banned none of the Merchandise was sold over there imagine if the film had the worlds Second Biggest market and connected with the same pop culture teens as the U.S??


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