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Weekend Thread 7/7-7/9 | ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS ALLOWED | SMH 117M, DM3 34M, BD 12.5M, WW 10.1M, TF5 6.3M, Biggus Dickus 3.65

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4 minutes ago, Subzero said:


It's call Ethanism .. we should all know that by now :ph34r:

Meaning "Ethanism definition. it is the usage of sarcasm, with a hint of depression. it is a bi-polar person who is normally negative"

Normally negative. I'm not Han

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It's weird how the best comic book films this year had the worst villains of them (WW and Logan).


Logan's especially sucked, it brought the movie down from a near A+ to about an A, nearly A-

Edited by The Panda
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3 hours ago, That One Guy said:

Will never understand why people don't like Apocalypse.  It's a traditional superhero movie, but a great traditional superhero movie that has its own style and vision behind it.


I don't hate it, but for me it's bloated, messy, and it wastes one of X-Men's best villains too. 

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1 hour ago, AJG said:




Wonder Woman is one of the most recognisable characters on God's Earth, and a decent comic book movie is gonna make money.


Black Panther is a risk, Wonder Woman wasn't. 

She is an unknown and unproven character in much of Europe and Asia. Just because she's iconic and known in the USA doesn't mean that's the case everywhere else.


Take a look at the first few pages of the WW thread and try and tell me her movie was not a risk!! Aquaman is also a risk btw!

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5 minutes ago, The Panda said:

It's weird how the best comic book films this year had the worst villains of them (WW and Logan).


Logan's especially sucked, it brought the movie down from a near A+ to about an A, nearly A-


The real villain in Logan wasn't some bad guy.  It was Logan's age, his humanity, himself.


Therefore it had the greatest villain of the year and it's not even close.

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4 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


The real villain in Logan wasn't some bad guy.  It was Logan's age, his humanity, himself.


Therefore it had the greatest villain of the year and it's not even close.


Yeah but clone Wolverine was cringe worthy bad, I really had to try hard to overlook how bad of a decision it was to include him.

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BTW, superhero movies/comic book movies this year ranked:


1. Logan

2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

3. Wonder Woman

4. Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie

5. The LEGO Batman Movie

6. Spider-Man: Homecoming


And with Valerian, Kingsman, Thor, and Justice League coming out, that gives us an even ten this year. Wow.

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32 minutes ago, baumer said:


And what do you expect?  People to be right all the time?

And how does it benefit you as a new user to come in here and just talk down to others?  

Almost seems like you are looking for an argument.

If only we had the BTTF2 equivalent of the sports almanac for box office predictions

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8 hours ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Hot take... The action beats in every superhero flick of '17 have been crap, totally deboid of invention. Onky standouts being the prison escape with Yondu, Rocket and Groot in Vol. 2 and the hotel sequence in Logan. What gives? 






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9 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, it seems Sony spent 140 million with marketing for Homecoming...





So, if the production budget is said to be 175 million + 140 million spent for marketing, we would get 315 million. That seems expensive.

$140M is actually not all that much for a film of this magnitude. 


For example, WB spent $100M on King Arthur and they knew that was going to bomb. 


Other big movies spend over $200M easily 

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1 minute ago, Jawa said:

1. Spider-Man Homecoming

2. Wonder Woman

3. Lego Batman

4. GOTG Vol 2

5. Logan


Could never get into the X-Men movies.


But Logan is part that X-men Universe

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17 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, it seems Sony spent 140 million with marketing for Homecoming...





So, if the production budget is said to be 175 million + 140 million spent for marketing, we would get 315 million. That seems expensive.


WW that's average for a tentpole pic. 


It's also less than what they reportedly spent in marketing for ASM2 and that budget was about $90m more.

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