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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)  

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I believe Spiderman being a 15 year old kid in 2017 would be more like the meme obsessed childish troll like Tom Holland then a very inward focused sad Spiderman like the other two versions or have a great amount of depth really.


That rather emotional Spidermans would make sense if Spiderman was in his 20s...


I think they made a Spiderman Movie for kids and this is likely the most childish Marvel movie.


I think the movie lacks much depth but it was very very fun and entertaining and will make Spiderman quite popular with people again.




Zenyada and Spiderman should totally be a couple lol 


Edited by Lordmandeep
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Just got back from round 2 with my sister and her friend. I have all the same issues and problems, but its soooo damn fun haha really it comes down to the fact that Tom Holland is fucking insanely perfect as Spider-Man. 


That montage int he beginning to the Ramones is favorite part of the film or maybe any spider-man film, outside the train scene.

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Yeah, enjoyed about as much as the typical Marvel movie. Funny throughout and the cast is all great but the action sequences aren't particularly imaginative and the narrative loses momentum as it progresses. "It was fun" is probably all I'll be able to say about it in a week.



Edited by tribefan695
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This movie was okay...

Tom is charming, Keaton was good, and the humor was well done.

But it kind of failed in other places. No origin, no Uncle Ben, no Daily Bugle, no photographer job. Not even a mention of Ben, he might as well not exist. This is some kid who just happens to have Spidey's suit and powers.

The female characters were badly done. Either they were reduced to poorly developed love interest (Liz), only there for other characters to make jokes about how hot she was (May), on just there to be an annoying quippy hipster joke dispenser that ended up trolling the audience were her last line (Michelle).

Also Spidey's main plot was kind of terrible. Trying to impressive Tony and his goal of becoming an Avengers was lame. He should be his own hero not someone looking for approval.

I hated the tech suit. At least the previous Spider-Men made their own suits instead of depending on a JARVIS wannbe computer voice.

Being part of the MCU is this movie's greatest strength both also its greatest weakness. The references were nice, but the forced crossovers end up hurting a movie's ability to stand alone. After the 4th Tony Stark appearance, I was wishing the writers were focusing on Peter's high school cast instead.

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15 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

This movie was okay...

Tom is charming, Keaton was good, and the humor was well done.

But it kind of failed in other places. No origin, no Uncle Ben, no Daily Bugle, no photographer job. Not even a mention of Ben, he might as well not exist. This is some kid who just happens to have Spidey's suit and powers.

The female characters were badly done. Either they were reduced to poorly developed love interest (Liz), only there for other characters to make jokes about how hot she was (May), on just there to be an annoying quippy hipster joke dispenser that ended up trolling the audience were her last line (Michelle).

Also Spidey's main plot was kind of terrible. Trying to impressive Tony and his goal of becoming an Avengers was lame. He should be his own hero not someone looking for approval.

I hated the tech suit. At least the previous Spider-Men made their own suits instead of depending on a JARVIS wannbe computer voice.

Being part of the MCU is this movie's greatest strength both also its greatest weakness. The references were nice, but the forced crossovers end up hurting a movie's ability to stand alone. After the 4th Tony Stark appearance, I was wishing the writers were focusing on Peter's high school cast instead.

So true i got irritated when Tony Stark kept spidey in his hands sure the story is like that but for me as HC fan of spidey my childhood hero i could not see him getting approval or a chance given by Iron Man! 


For marvel and Iron Man fans it was a treat but for some Spidey fans like me cannot digest the fact that he was under so called Iron Man!!! 

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My review of Spider-Man: Homecoming:



2002 introduced us to Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, who would play the role for all three films of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, ending in 2007. Five years after that, the series was rebooted with Andrew Garfield in the role, starring in Marc Webb’s two The Amazing Spider-Man films in 2012 and 2014. The first two Raimi films were very well received, but the others all received very mixed reviews, and box office returns rapidly decreased as a result. The solution: Sony will allow Marvel to handle the character. Officially a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spidey was reintroduced in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, portrayed by Tom Holland. The brief appearance was very well received, but with Spider-Man: Homecoming, Holland takes up the challenge of carrying a Spider-Man film on his own. And it’s safe to say that we have the best portrayal of the webslinger yet!


After the airport battle in Civil War, Peter Parker (Holland) is sent back home by Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) with his brand new Spidey Suit and the promise to receive a call when they need him again. That call hasn’t come for over two months, so a disappointed but hopeful Peter spends his nights trying to stop petty crimes. However, when he discovers a group of robbers with incredibly dangerous and high-tech weapons, he takes it upon himself to find out what’s going on and prove himself worthy of becoming an official Avenger. And making matters even harder for him, there’s a Homecoming dance to worry about.


Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield were both very good in their roles, but Tom Holland is able to set himself apart by being the only one to truly capture the character that the world fell in love with in the first place. This isn’t the angry or mopey Peter Parker from the past films. This Parker is young, energetic, curious, and immature. He’s still a child and he acts like it. He messes up. He cries. He thinks selfishly. This is the Peter Parker that everyone has related to for decades and Tom Holland absolutely crushes it. A few liberties are taken with some of the Spider-Man lore itself, but the character himself is adapted as perfectly as possible.


One of the biggest contributing factors in director Jon Watts’s success in capturing a youthful Spider-Man is keeping the movie small. Peter is still in high school, and Spider-Man: Homecoming is about 40% a John Hughes style high school comedy. We see Peter dealing with a bully, going to his first party, participating in the Academic Decathlon, sitting at the losers’ table at lunch, doing nerdy things with his best friend, and trying to ask his crush to the dance. He has actual 15-year-old problems on top of his Spider-Man duties. Spider-Man is a high schooler with super powers, and this movie expresses that balance perfectly. Helping to keep those two sides together is best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon), who discovers Peter’s secret early in the movie and reacts exactly how you’d expect a nerd who finds out his best friend fought Captain America to react. He’s one of the funniest characters in an already hilarious movie, and he acts as an audience surrogate, becoming someone for Peter to bounce his thoughts off of.


But of course, this is still a superhero movie, and it doesn’t sacrifice that for the high school stuff. The action in the film is great. Fight scenes are well staged and the three major superhero set pieces are really entertaining. They’re also kept relatively small in comparison to other MCU films, which fits the “stick to the ground” theme that the film pushes. One specific area that Homecoming manages to place itself above other MCU films is its villain. Michael Keaton portrays Adrian Toomes, also known as Vulture, the ringleader of the weapons empire with his own set of high-tech mechanical wings and armor. Keaton’s performance is as fantastic as you’d suspect, but what really makes Toomes so great is his motivation. Keeping with the staying small theme, Toomes isn’t out to take over the world or kill everybody. He’s simply an everyday guy that was dealt a bad hand, and tries to deal with it in the wrong way. You will understand, sympathize with, and possibly even agree with Toomes at some points, and it makes the film so much more compelling.


On top of trying to juggle and merge two very different tones, Watts and the screenwriters were responsible for making Spider-Man fit within the rest of the MCU, and they do that gracefully as well. First of all, they know that we’ve seen the origin story twice now, so they stay away from repeating themselves and hint towards the necessary backstory professionally and naturally. Second of all, they use just the right amount of Tony Stark. It never turns into Iron Man 4, instead allowing Stark to be a supportive mentor and almost father figure to Peter. It’s a natural progression from where they started in Civil War, and all of the Stark and Avengers touches perfectly transition Spidey into the franchise without sacrificing the quality of the movie. Spider-Man: Homecoming is the best MCU film in years, and is the best we’ve ever seen the character on screen. It may be a little cliched at times, but it plays off those cliches for humor and characterization. It’s funny, entertaining, heartfelt, well-acted, and most of all, just a fun time at the movies. Welcome home, Spidey! We sure have missed you.


Grade: 9/10

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Homecoming is a fun movie that went by very quickly for me despite some obvious problems.


Michael Keaton was fantastic. I love practically every performance in any movie by him and the Vulture is the best marvel villain since Loki (which..isnt saying much but you get the point). Holland was a good Spider-Man, but Tobey is still ahead for me. The film beeing a nerdy, 21th-century version of Spidey was a bit annoying at times, but ultimately didnt bother me too much.


As others have pointed out, the Spidey-sense missing and Iron Man as a cheap Tag-On were unnessesary and put me off. This is where the whole "Everything-is-connected-to-the-fucking-Avengers-dont-forget-that-audience-you-want-a-spidey-movie-but-please-think-about-us-we-need-Iron-Man-for-the-$$$$$$$$$

It becomes tiring for me and its also the reason why a MCU film well never, ever be as good as Logan, TDK or Deadpool. Well-made Standalone SH movies are always better than the ones wo need to have a connection to every other movie in a cinematic universe like Marvels. I like their films, but they will never produce a true masterpiece at this rate.

Also, MJ at the end was confusing, but i didnt really care.


All in all i may sound negative, but it was still very enjoyable. On a level with GotG2 and AOU for me. 7/10, B/B-


I forgot, the music was incredibly forgettable. But every MCU movie has a bad score, so i shoudnt expect a good one at this point.

Edited by Brainbug
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I was disappointed. After all the talk on this board and ROT score I thought it would be more engaging.  Some of the comedy made me laugh, Keaton gave a standout performance as the Vulture and Holland was fine in the lead.  The problem was that, as written, the Vulture seemed too likeable, Spider-Man seemed too goofy and the Spiderverse in general just seemed like an unimportant, lighthearted, meaningless, side story in the Avengers Universe.  And parts of the movie just dragged.  I actually found myself yawning during a showtime at 4 in the afternoon.  Combine that with the fact that the CGI of Spider-Man doesn't seem like it has progressed any in the last 15 years, the plane battle was too convoluted to follow the action and Spider-Man in general seems a lot less resourceful now that he needs his friends to help him hack computers and most of his cool gadgets were all built by Stark.


And where was Zendaya?  All that hype of her being in the film and that's all the screen time she had?  She literally could have been written out of the movie entirely without notice.


This movie was a C in my book.  I was expecting so much better.

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On 7/9/2017 at 1:34 AM, baumer said:

 There was no mention of Uncle Ben, great responsibility, or Peter's Spider-Senses. 


Holy crap, you are right and I didn't even notice!  There was no evidence that Parker has any of his Spider Sense.  Instead he was given a high tech super suit by his new boss and mentor Tony Stark.  Spider Senses has always been a core part of the Spidey superhero character.  I can't believe they just ditched it for a female Jarvis.


The more I think about it, this film was more like the TV series "Greatest American Hero" about a nice, mild mannered but good-hearted guy trying to figure out how his supersuit works than an actual Spiderman film.

Edited by KGator
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23 minutes ago, KGator said:


Holy crap, you are right and I didn't even notice!  There was no evidence that Parker has any of his Spider Sense.  Instead he was given a high tech super suit by his new boss and mentor Tony Stark.  Spider Senses has always been a core part of the Spidey superhero character.  I can't believe they just ditched it for a female Jarvis.


The more I think about it, this film was more like the TV series "Greatest American Hero" about a nice, mild mannered but good-hearted guy trying to figure out how his supersuit works than an actual Spiderman film.

From what I've heard about the Infinity War footage shown at D23


it shows his spider sense. I also remember seeing his spider sense in Civil War. Hopefully the sequel to Homecoming puts more emphasis on the spider sense though


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On 7/14/2017 at 8:19 AM, baumer said:

Nice review Nick64. I dont agree with much of it but its well written.

Thank you :) I was actually feeling like this was one of my most meh reviews (found my thoughts for this one really hard to articulate), so I really appreciate hearing that!

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On 7/8/2017 at 10:47 AM, 75live said:

It was a lot like SM1 in some ways and whoever says this was like a John Hughes movie just must think any movie that has a scene in high school is a Hughes movie :P


I'm going to go and give this another chance one night after watching countless reviews and now knowing what to expect but I felt the same about all these people comparing it to John Hughes films...I never really got that vibe outside the Ferris Buellers Day Off reference. 

I got it way more in The Edge Of Seventeen and Sing Street (which I both loved). Maybe it was the young kids that did it for people? The humor didn't feel like that to me. It was just Marvel again.

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And as much as I strongly dislike ASM2, there was nothing in this movie that was as moving as Gwen Stacys death. That scene stayed in my head for a while after the film because it was so tragic. I still remember seeing it in theaters and the sound her neck made when it hit the ground and my audiences reaction. It's the one really good thing about that film and if Marvel ever does that storyline, I'm not sure they can top it. The stages Peter goes through before that line of blood comes out of her nose is still gripping if you go back and watch it.

Edited by somebody85
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Watched it 2nd time thanks to my friends :sadben:(They forced me)


In repeat viewing this one sucks trust me! 

SMH is bland SH movie without proper story and Villains character was not upto the mark! Critics are full of shit no wonder they liked this flick! 60% score on RT was jus about okay! 


Spidey Good

Villain Bad not the typical badass type villain!

Aunt MAY Wasted

Spideys friend Ned Best!

Love Interest Mehhh

Iron Man :WHATanabe:

End Credits was nothing great but it was fun especially 2nd one :D


Apart from few moments this one disappoints and joins the summer list with WW as overrated movie!




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I saw this on opening weekend too, dunno why I'm posting the review so damn late lmao. But like I'm rushing atm so ima just post what i wrote in my notes on the ride home and ill edit it if I ever feel like doing so: 


- Had my ass cracking UP ! ain't no other spider-man movie made me laugh that hardt in the theater







+5 for tom's foine ass being shirtless nd all in his underwear nd what not 




- On me the only thing Marvel is deficient in is the people they hire to score their films. Like sis....... they haven't had a good scored film since Age of Ultron.... 

- Like... the score wasn't bad, and honestly it was actually pretty nice in some parts like the beginning and the end but that ENTIRE scene when Pete battles the Vulture, the score dragged like hell. Idk if it's jus me but it felt like the composer ain't know what to do during the scene nd decided to tell everyone to play a bunch of notes lmao. Took my ass right out of it. 


- Good acting all round. Bitch I love Zendaya. 

- BITCH lemme tell u somethin when my ass saw Spiderman with a BLACK GIRLFRIEND on the big screen ? whew sis I almost jumped out my seat, we've come a long way girlies ! good bye miss Gwen ! See u later miss Mary Jane ! Because it's Liz and Michelle's time !!!!!




- Ned was funny and a cute character lmaoooo and I liked the part near the beginning when Peter didn't care what others thought about him when he hung out with Ned. 



- Peter Parker got a bit annoying lmao during the middle. tom can really act because bc he really brought out his inner high school freshman/sophomore self. i mean sis he got annoyingggggg


- So Tea Time girlies, idk tobey is still the best spidey but I think it's because we've had 3 films wit him. Andrew nd Tom are tied.


- Sis I might have to give it 5 more points because that suit at the end?? Was the BEST design for a spidey suit I've ever seen. But I won't bc Pete thought it would be cute to decline that shit asfkndjdnd




- Tony Stark....... is literally Edna from the incredibles lmaosjdienod hez out here designing everyone's suit, from spidey's costume, to cap's "new shield" to thor's "new belt" and NO CAPES !

- Bitch ain't no way they got Tom playin a 15 year old.... him bein younger than the other spidey actors meant that he looked closer to being 16-17 than the other spidey actors... not that y'all could lower his age in the movie... lmaooo sis 15 year olds do not look like tom


- Decided it to be an 87 (B+) (really an 82 which is still good but y'all know why it went up lmao)

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3 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

I don't get people acting like this movie is particularly funny. Ned and Karen mad me laugh but there is no where near enough of either of them in the movie

I loved Ned. His delivery of "I was...looking at...porn" had me rolling.

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11 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I loved Ned. His delivery of "I was...looking at...porn" had me rolling.

Yeah Ned was great. The problem is it's a spiderman movie where I like all of spuderman's friends but I don't actually like Peter/spiderman

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