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2 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Dammit my love life going nowhere


Had sort of a thing with a girl this summer, and it always seems like it starts with us getting the red heart on snapchat. But then we sorta stopped talking. Then there was this other girl this fall started out we had the red heart on snap then we started hanging out but nothing like big happened. Then with the start of this new semester we just started talking less and idk why, and we lost the heart and our 130 day snapstreak.

Now there's this girl from work I always hang out with but just seriously as friends. But suddenly we got the yellow heart on snap which comes before the red, and now like, do I try and pursue it when every other time it never works out...


My only takeaway here is that you sound like you're stuck in a Black Mirror episode.

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9 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Then there was this other girl this fall started out we had the red heart on snap 


we lost the heart and our 130 day snapstreak.


we got the yellow heart on snap which comes before the red

WTF does any of this even mean? :thinking: 

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4 minutes ago, grim22 said:

WTF does any of this even mean? :thinking: 

Snapstreak means you talk to the person every day in a row for however many days the streak is. 


Yellow heart means you each snapchat the other person more than anyone else, and the red heart you get after you have had the yellow heart for 2 weeks. Then you get a pink heart which means you are each other's number 1 for more than 2 months.

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Idk, this new girl from work is absolutely gorgeous, like the girl that every guy talks about wanting to get with, and we get along super well and hang out often, but I kinda like that too and don't want to maybe jeopardize it cause I don't really know how I feel about her other than as a friend and vice versa. 

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40 minutes ago, grim22 said:

WTF does any of this even mean? :thinking: 


Thank you.


34 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Snapstreak means you talk to the person every day in a row for however many days the streak is. 


Yellow heart means you each snapchat the other person more than anyone else, and the red heart you get after you have had the yellow heart for 2 weeks. Then you get a pink heart which means you are each other's number 1 for more than 2 months.


Why not just talk to them in person and ignore whatever absurd icon Snapchat assigns?

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1 hour ago, Just Tele said:


Thank you.



Why not just talk to them in person and ignore whatever absurd icon Snapchat assigns?

Oh I do, of course I do, what's the point of communicating with someone unless you also do it in person... okay I don't mean to bash the idea of the forums at all but you get my point.


I talk to them in person all the time. My co-worker we work together a lot, and we go for lunch together every weekend. The reason I bring up snapchat is just because it's like a way of saying we talk every day, and when you have the heart icon it means you both just talk to each other more than anyone else. 

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Between the five people i liked following getting too busy to update and Instagram being hellbent on showing things out of ten days later...I don't even bother.

& I keep dropping my bluetooth keyboard and now the left shift key is kind of iffy.

And I have to wait until Friday to get my joycon back from Nintendo.



But on the other, not complaining side, i'm waiting on a call for a job through a family friend so let's hope people are reliable for once in this world!



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