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One thing I've liked is the last few seasons, is killing off some of the characters has really paired down who to pay attention to.   Those first few seasons I couldn't tell you who more than half the characters were.


This season I know there's 

Jon Snow


Cerersi Lannister

The Guy with the Bushy Red Beard

Ser Jorjen?

The Dragons

The White Walkers

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I lost all interest in watching GOT after the third season. I guess a part of me was only there to see how they'd do the Red Wedding (answer: very well), and since I'd read the fourth book and saw the quality dropoff (and D&D's own material had been eh from the start) I was like ok I'm cool getting off the train here.

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1 minute ago, Jake Gittes said:

I lost all interest in watching GOT after the third season. I guess a part of me was only there to see how they'd do the Red Wedding (answer: very well), and since I'd read the fourth book and saw the quality dropoff (and D&D's own material had been eh from the start) I was like ok I'm cool getting off the train here.

Season 4 and 6 are probably my favorites.  And I’m on the boat now that Season 7 gets too much flack

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3 minutes ago, Slave Animal Rights said:

the concept of GoT displeases me.

my hope is once the material is buried, the United States will go under Communist house arrest.

we need more production.

I don't completely understand your comment, but GOT is predominantly an European production with British/Irish actors.

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14 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

There might not be another show like GoT for a long time, TV is getting fragmented between rival streaming services and everyone is watching their own favorite niche series. Where will a masterpiece as critically acclaimed and popular as GoT come from? Even HBO hasn't been able to find a successor after a decade.

GOT was HBO's successor to The Sopranos which means they'll probably find their next big phenomenon in the next couple of years.

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25 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Season 5 was half good and half bad (Dorne was atrocious though, especially compared to the books). Season 6 kind of saved itself because it had many really great moments and a damn good finale although the writing was bad already there.


Season 7 sucked.


So i hope Season 8 is good but i wont be surprised (sadly) if its the same quality as Season 7.

If you condensed the first 6 episodes of season 5 Into 3, it’d be just as good as 2 or 3.


Season 7 needed one more episode to better set up the heist and winter fell stuff, but I still thought the content they gave was great (it just needed more build up and time to breathe to work properly).


I have no complaints about the other seasons.  And given my favorite season followed 5, I’m looking forward to 8.

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12 minutes ago, Slave Animal Rights said:

the concept of GoT displeases me.

my hope is once the material is buried, the United States will go under Communist house arrest.

we need more production.

You're a strange fucking cat.

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7 minutes ago, LexJoker said:

I don't completely understand your comment, but GOT is predominantly an European production with British/Irish actors.

well, the concept of GoT displeases me, so I hope for human retribution after that label is buried.


if not the U.S., then Europe and its racist core needs to wake up from the childish state that it exists in with statutory rape and all....

we will never progress as a human species because we are settlers.  

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1 minute ago, The Panda said:

If you condensed the first 6 episodes of season 5 Into 3, it’d be just as good as 2 or 3.


Season 7 needed one more episode to better set up the heist and winter fell stuff, but I still thought the content they gave was great (it just needed more build up and time to breathe to work properly).


I have no complaints about the other seasons.  And given my favorite season followed 5, I’m looking forward to 8.


Just out of curiosity, have you read the books?


Because i would probably be the same GoT-fanboy that i was 5 years ago if i hadnt read them.


Its also not really the pacing or structuring of the episodes that annoy me with these later seaons. Its often little moments, for example Aryas general behaviour in Season 6 and 7, making one of my favourite characters unlikable for me. Or Littlefingers braindead actions post season 5. Or the fact that Jon Snow became the living manifestation of plot armour, especially in Season 7, where he should have died 10 times.


Whats annoying me is that D&D transformed GoT into a worse version of before. But i totally respect your opinion and more power to you for liking it the way you do! I wish i could also still love the show but i cant.

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50 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Just out of curiosity, have you read the books?


Because i would probably be the same GoT-fanboy that i was 5 years ago if i hadnt read them.


Its also not really the pacing or structuring of the episodes that annoy me with these later seaons. Its often little moments, for example Aryas general behaviour in Season 6 and 7, making one of my favourite characters unlikable for me. Or Littlefingers braindead actions post season 5. Or the fact that Jon Snow became the living manifestation of plot armour, especially in Season 7, where he should have died 10 times.


Whats annoying me is that D&D transformed GoT into a worse version of before. But i totally respect your opinion and more power to you for liking it the way you do! I wish i could also still love the show but i cant.

I’ve read much of the books (I skipped around some in the last two).


I just treat the two as two separate things and so the books don’t effect my enjoyment of the series.


Most of the season 7 complaints I partially get but they feel more like nitpicks to me in the grand scheme of things.  I do think the winter fell stuff needed more development as it makes all of the characters feel out of character until the final moments of it.


I actually don’t have a problem with the Beyond the Wall Episode, I just think Eastwatch probably needed to be 2 episodes to better set it up.  There’s precedent in Season 1 of the idea of capturing a wight to grab a king’s attention (they send the hand of the wight in season 1 to King’s Landing), so I’m not against the motivation.  Plot wise I also found that the episode was probably more about convincing Dany to go North than Cersei.


Granted, I can understand why some people don’t like Season 7 as much because it’s certainly a change of pace and style from previous seasons.   But I find that should only be natural given its the first half of the finale.

Edited by The Panda
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I gotta admit, I increasingly breezed through the GOT books. Way too many characters and frankly, not enough of it was emotionally interesting. Love a few of the characters, though. 


I drifted away from the show partway into season 2. One of these years I’ll re-engage. 

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19 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

I gotta admit, I increasingly breezed through the GOT books. Way too many characters and frankly, not enough of it was emotionally interesting. Love a few of the characters, though. 


I drifted away from the show partway into season 2. One of these years I’ll re-engage. 

The show is much easier to follow than the books.  I honestly might prefer the show to the books (at least the later seasons to the later books)

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28 minutes ago, The Panda said:

The show is much easier to follow than the books.  I honestly might prefer the show to the books (at least the later seasons to the later books)


Yes, for sure. I got that even just with the first season and change. Not only is it condensed, but it's much easier (for me) to keep track of faces rather than names.

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37 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

@Premium George how the heck did India win that match....

Bumrah. Honestly my favorite cricketer currently.

Pitch was difficult and stoinis should have taken more singles with handscomb  and lyon. HC was not on strike for 2 overs straight at one point. Aus are missing warner in ODIs a lot. It's like real madrid without Ronaldo.

So, Shankar at 4th amd boots to Rayudu?

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