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45 minutes ago, filmlover said:

@Cap more proof that Broadway is as creatively bankrupt as Hollywood is these days.


Broadway Adaptation of ‘Smash’ Eyes Summer Workshop (EXCLUSIVE)

'Smash' Musical Planning Workshop for Summer (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety


Smash, for everyone who has forgotten what it was, was a musical series that premiered this month a decade ago (at a time when they were all the rage during the heyday of Glee) set in the world of Broadway hyped to be a game-changer (Spielberg was among the producers) and was also supposed to both make Katharine McPhee the next Jennifer Hudson and save then-struggling NBC. After an acclaimed pilot, it immediately fell off the stage through a series of fatal creative choices and became the poster child for "hate-watching" by episode 5. Hard to think of another show that died on the vine as quickly as that did.

My mom and I still talk about how much of a trainwreck Smash was and how bad of an actor Katharine McPhee was. A total embarrasment.


5 minutes ago, Maggie said:

The guy is not even smart. I can't believe people follow him. When did he became a symbol for the Republicans? Just because he disagrees with the vaccine mandates?  There are smarter people to follow and go to war for. Chose your idols better

To be fair, the entire US Republican party consists of either evil Neo-Nazi supremacists who are really good manipulators, and anti-intellectual idiots who fall for anything if it has a good catchphrase and has some made-up "elitist" boogeyman to go after. Joe Rogan is a mixture of both that can represent the everyman and a gateway to fascist dogma. Helps that he also has Hollywood connections, meaning vapid, wealth-obsessed idiots like The Rock and RDJ are still chummy with that asshat. And also Rogan has capitalism at its side, since Spotify and YouTube thrive off of grifters like him and Steven Crowder.


I know this is gonna strike a nerve for some people here, but I have to say the truth sometimes, even if it hurts. For the record, Democrats are dumbasses too for being complicit in all this, barely lifting a finger against these evil sons of bitches, and even rehabilitating somebody as despicable as George W. Bush.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Knoxville said:

My mom and I still talk about how much of a trainwreck Smash was and how bad of an actor Katharine McPhee was. A total embarrasment.

The fact that whole show was built around the concept that McPhee is better than Megan Hilty (even though it's obvious to even the most untrained eyes that the latter is infinitely more talented) should've been a sign that nobody knew what they were doing while putting the series together.

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1 hour ago, filmlover said:

@Cap more proof that Broadway is as creatively bankrupt as Hollywood is these days.

No no no. Lmfao. This is amazing. I can’t believe they’re finally effing doing it. The Actors Equity performance was fun. 

What also intrigues me is that the songs that Mark shaman wrote for the series were never the problem. So they actually could do a really good bombshell as long as they don’t carry any of the actual plot of smash into the play.



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Just now, Cap said:

No no no. Lmfao. This is amazing. I can’t believe they’re finally effing doing it. The Actors Equity performance was fun. 

What also intrigues me is that the songs that Mark shaman wrote for the series were never the problem. So they actually could do a really good bombshell as long as they don’t carry any of the actual plot of smash into the play.



Based on the press release, it sounds like it's going to be based on the show (and not the Marilyn Monroe play within the show). Although it sounds like they're only using the songs from the show so there won't be any of the more laughable moments like McPhee and Hilty in an angel costume singing Rihanna's "Cheers (Drink to That)" to a bunch of onlookers in Time's Square or McPhee singing Florence + the Machine's "Shake It Out" at a bar mitzvah.

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46 minutes ago, Eric Knoxville said:

My mom and I still talk about how much of a trainwreck Smash was and how bad of an actor Katharine McPhee was. A total embarrasment.


To be fair, the entire US Republican party consists of either evil Neo-Nazi supremacists who are really good manipulators, and anti-intellectual idiots who fall for anything if it has a good catchphrase and has some made-up "elitist" boogeyman to go after. Joe Rogan is a mixture of both that can represent the everyman and a gateway to fascist dogma. Helps that he also has Hollywood connections, meaning vapid, wealth-obsessed idiots like The Rock and RDJ are still chummy with that asshat. And also Rogan has capitalism at its side, since Spotify and YouTube thrive off of grifters like him and Steven Crowder.


I know this is gonna strike a nerve for some people here, but I have to say the truth sometimes, even if it hurts. For the record, Democrats are dumbasses too for being complicit in all this, barely lifting a finger against these evil sons of bitches, and even rehabilitating somebody as despicable as George W. Bush.


The thing is you spoke a twisted Truth


Joe Rogan also put on a pro Palestine activist, gave 6 hours of time to Edward Snowden, and let Bernie speak for 1.5 hrs without trying to make him seem like a communist. Legacy media would not even put on those people much. 


I do agree he spoke with some really uncool people but I think you fail to understand why he got so popular.


He literally speaks with anyone and as america gets more polarized and into circle jerks there are few places left where there is open dialogue much in the media. 


I do think he is asshat with his anti vaccine views, but as long he has a cool guest on people will listen to him in massive numbers no matter how much people try to take him down I feel. 


He is more a product of the times then some super villain. 




Edited by Torontofan
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15 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Based on the press release, it sounds like it's going to be based on the show (and not the Marilyn Monroe play within the show). Although it sounds like they're only using the songs from the show so there won't be any of the more laughable moments like McPhee and Hilty in an angel costume singing Rihanna's "Cheers (Drink to That)" to a bunch of onlookers in Time's Square or McPhee singing Florence + the Machine's "Shake It Out" at a bar mitzvah.

oh that’s garbage than 😂😂😂

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1 hour ago, Maggie said:

The guy is not even smart. I can't believe people follow him. When did he became a symbol for the Republicans? Just because he disagrees with the vaccine mandates?  There are smarter people to follow and go to war for. Chose your idols better


Joe Rogan is an undeniably great interviewer/conversationalist and the allure of his show is the format which is sitting down with people for 2-4 hours and having an uninterrupted, unfiltered, and unscripted conversation. It stands in stark contrast to traditional media outlets like CNN which are nothing but a bunch of snide stenographers for corporate power and state department/CIA talking points.


Joe Rogan is great when he has people on talking about things like health, fitness, science, sports, history, technology, and so on but he does strike me as impressionable and is easily taken advantage of by grifters like Ben Shapiro, Brett Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, etc and so on using his massive reach.  You can have those guys on if you want, but at least challenge them a bit and don't have them on as regulars.


And yeah, all the people working overtime trying to de-platform and cancel him can eat shit.

Edited by Ozymandias
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13 hours ago, Maggie said:

The guy is not even smart. I can't believe people follow him. When did he became a symbol for the Republicans? Just because he disagrees with the vaccine mandates?  There are smarter people to follow and go to war for. Chose your idols better

Did he, if he did that the grand chosen one that would balance the force, being a left wing Bernie Sanders supporter that never voted republican in is life, smoking pot guy.


The idea that is not smart is hard to believe, obviously he work extremely hard with extreme focus so maybe it make it possible, but achieving such high level of excellence in sports, pool, video game, comedy, interviewing, business, at some point it is impossible to do without being some kind of smart.



Edited by Barnack
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On 2/2/2022 at 8:04 PM, filmlover said:

I can't pretend to be even remotely shocked by The Masked Singer bringing Guiliani on as contestant. Not only did they bring Palin on board, but Dancing with the Stars also had Sean Spicer on a few years back. It should be incredibly transparent to everyone at this point that the producers behind these shows are shameless opportunists who will do anything for ratings and headlines (even if it means bringing on board a traitorous snake so obviously dimwitted that he allowed himself to get easily duped by Sacha Baron Cohen once), since the Z-listers and and has-beens who lost a chunk of their dignity a while ago that they're left with since they're the only people they can afford with the limited budget they have aren't doing the trick.

The Big time celebs are no longer interested in Dancing In the Stars, so they are going with what they can get.

And Spicer made a total ass of himself on that show. Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire he ain't.

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4 hours ago, dudalb said:

The Big time celebs are no longer interested in Dancing In the Stars, so they are going with what they can get.


Wait, was there ever a time where going to that type of show made if official you are not A-list anymore if you ever were ?


I thought it was always a mix of D list with some high moment of a season getting C lister that type of show ? It require a long work/time, so you cannot get someone for a cameo like a youtube gig or a sitcom appearance.

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I'm pretty sure Zendaya is the only person in the entire history of Dancing with the Stars to actually see their career go up after being on the show. 


I guess there was also that brief period a decade ago when Hollywood tried to make Julianne Hough a movie star (Footloose remake, Rock of Ages, Safe Haven) but that unsurprisingly didn't last long.

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17 minutes ago, Torontofan said:

The funny things is all these boomer rockers still have their music on platforms that push anti vaccine messaging like crazy like social media and youtube. 


Seems just an act then actual stand. 

Lot of them have a very long of extreme anti-science history regarding GMO, aspartame and a long list or other subject with conspiracy theory.


One difference between Spotify Rogan and an anti-vax on social media and youtube, Spotify regarding Rogan is more of a publisher, they actively contacting him, signed exclusivity right and so on.


Youtube/Social media are not publisher in regard of what you have in mind but just a platform.

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4 hours ago, filmlover said:

I'm pretty sure Zendaya is the only person in the entire history of Dancing with the Stars to actually see their career go up after being on the show. 


I guess there was also that brief period a decade ago when Hollywood tried to make Julianne Hough a movie star (Footloose remake, Rock of Ages, Safe Haven) but that unsurprisingly didn't last long.

Gilles Marini: the basis of his "stardom" back then was his stint the summer before as Samantha's naked neighbor in the first Sex and the City movie. Even by DTWS standards, the claim to actual fame was a reach, but he turned out to be an extremely good dancer despite no experience and nearly won his season. Superstardom didn't await, but he went on to become a regular on network and cable dramas, and headline a Hallmark-type movie or two. It gave him a boost for a while.


It's funny you mention Julianne Hough's fame: in addition to the movie star push, they also tried turning her into a country singer. One season, her "celebrity" partner was then-boyfriend Chuck Wicks, another country artist, but in reality, Julianne was far better known.


Of the two George Clooney ex-girlfriends who've appeared as "stars" on the show, Elisabetta Canalis was cast shortly after their split. The show always refers to how the stars are famous throughout their season, like "NFL superstar Kurt Warner" or "music legend Patti LaBelle" or whatever. Elisabetta was a "model and actresss", which was accurate, but DWTS fans would joke it should've been, "George Clooney's ex". The show has also cast Paul McCartney and Donald Trump's ex-wives while trying to maintain a polite pretense about it. That's how you got Marla Maples in the spring of 2016 as an "actress and television personality". Sure.


I'll say Dancing with the Stars and The Masked Singer know who's still watching in the largest numbers, and that's why the political stunt casting on those shows mostly tends to lean GOP.

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4 hours ago, BoxOfficeFangrl said:

Gilles Marini: the basis of his "stardom" back then was his stint the summer before as Samantha's naked neighbor in the first Sex and the City movie. Even by DTWS standards, the claim to actual fame was a reach, but he turned out to be an extremely good dancer despite no experience and nearly won his season. Superstardom didn't await, but he went on to become a regular on network and cable dramas, and headline a Hallmark-type movie or two. It gave him a boost for a while.


It's funny you mention Julianne Hough's fame: in addition to the movie star push, they also tried turning her into a country singer. One season, her "celebrity" partner was then-boyfriend Chuck Wicks, another country artist, but in reality, Julianne was far better known.


Of the two George Clooney ex-girlfriends who've appeared as "stars" on the show, Elisabetta Canalis was cast shortly after their split. The show always refers to how the stars are famous throughout their season, like "NFL superstar Kurt Warner" or "music legend Patti LaBelle" or whatever. Elisabetta was a "model and actresss", which was accurate, but DWTS fans would joke it should've been, "George Clooney's ex". The show has also cast Paul McCartney and Donald Trump's ex-wives while trying to maintain a polite pretense about it. That's how you got Marla Maples in the spring of 2016 as an "actress and television personality". Sure.


I'll say Dancing with the Stars and The Masked Singer know who's still watching in the largest numbers, and that's why the political stunt casting on those shows mostly tends to lean GOP.

They also had Tonya Harding on there shortly after I, Tonya helped rehabilitate her image as well. Not to mention they had Paula Deen on there right after the whole N Word scandal that caused her to lose all of her sponsors. I'd say I'm surprised they didn't get Roseanne on there after the fallout from her blatantly racist tweets given how opportunism and publicity play the most obvious parts in their choices in contestants, but that would've never happened with both shows being from the same network.

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I am watching Pam & Tommy and Lilly James goes naked and my eyes literally exploded. I legit howled holy shit. Also BAH GAWD at the volume of Sebastian Stan's PENIS in that small small underwear. Insane.

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