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5 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Happy birthday @Jandrew! How has school been going?

Thanks! It's been something else, for better and worse, but i'm doing the thing. Classes have been a challenge and I'm trying to stop the bleeding of my time being consumed, but this is a comfortable place and I already have the best friends here, supposed to go meet up with some I guess when I'm done typing this. Not a fan of the relentless heat though, not sure if we've had a day under 90 yet.


Ps I was in Tally last weekend, wasn't even 10pm and the streets looked like a scene out of Saving Private Ryan. Have fun with it.

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29 minutes ago, Jandrew said:

Thanks! It's been something else, for better and worse, but i'm doing the thing. Classes have been a challenge and I'm trying to stop the bleeding of my time being consumed, but this is a comfortable place and I already have the best friends here, supposed to go meet up with some I guess when I'm done typing this. Not a fan of the relentless heat though, not sure if we've had a day under 90 yet.


Ps I was in Tally last weekend, wasn't even 10pm and the streets looked like a scene out of Saving Private Ryan. Have fun with it.

Cant tell if this is in jest :kitschjob:

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3 hours ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

I honestly have no idea how they could possibly do it. It's just such a sprawling world. Lots of stuff would have to be "updated" for the current era too without a doubt.


The biggest thing I assume they will change for the current era is



Dumping the polyamorous romance Rand has with Elayne, Aviendha, and Min. There is no way the implementation or resolution of that would fly with today's audiences


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Can a Brazilian member here just give me some details on the election?


Our news says that they guy that’s gonna win has spoken in favour of dictatorships, wants to fill his cabinet only with generals, and told a female politician he “would rape her because she didn’t deserve it”.


I don’t know much about Brazillian politics so I’m not really sure if this stuff is normal or if it’s a cause for concern.

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3 hours ago, AJG said:

Can a Brazilian member here just give me some details on the election?


Our news says that they guy that’s gonna win has spoken in favour of dictatorships, wants to fill his cabinet only with generals, and told a female politician he “would rape her because she didn’t deserve it”.


I don’t know much about Brazillian politics so I’m not really sure if this stuff is normal or if it’s a cause for concern.

It most definetely is a cause of concern he is the type of guy that makes mainstream alt right look like moderate social democrats.

Just hoping for the best for them.

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I am reading his wiki page and just leaving some quotes.


In a public speech in April 2017, Bolsonaro said that he had five children, that the first four were male and that for the fifth he produced a daughter out of "a moment of weakness".[74]


During a Congressional debate, Bolsonaro said that minors should be treated as adults if they commit heinous crimes such as murder or rape, to which Maria do Rosário responded by calling him a "rapist".[75][76][77]Bolsonaro then stated that Congresswoman do Rosário was "not worthy of being raped."[



Bolsonaro has publicly referred to the military dictatorship as a "glorious" period in Brazil's history,[82] and that the under the military dictatorship, Brazil enjoyed "20 years of order and progress."[82] In December 2008, Bolsonaro said that "the error of the dictatorship was that it tortured, but did not kill."[83]


In a June 2011, interview with Playboy, Bolsonaro said that "I would be incapable of loving a gay son," and added that he would prefer any son of his "to die in an accident..."



 "If I see two men kissing in the street, I will beat them." He then publicly defended beating gay children by saying: "If your child starts to become like that, a little gay, you take a whip and you change their behavior."[92]
That is scary shit. Sane brazilians should leave the country not that is still early. Religious mania is the most toxic thing on earth.
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18 hours ago, dtairdryZid said:

baseball predix.


Houston - 1 (already late into 3rd inning)

Cleveland - 0


NYY - 2  10th inning

BOS - 1


COL - 3

MIL - 2


LAD - 3

ATL - 2

grading yesterday's predictions...

Houston wins 7-2.  6/10

Boston wins 5-4.  2/10

Milwaukee wins 4-0.  0/10

Los Angeles wins 3-0.  8/10


final grade - 16/40 = 40%



Today's predictions.


Houston - 4

Cleveland - 3


NYY - 5

BOS - 4

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