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3 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

@4815162342 @Sand-omJC @ReyReyBattery Ok, this is more or less how I'd lay out a Season 1 of a Mass Effect show, per episodes (because I don't have a life right now). Again, it's pretty much the ME1 story, but split into 13 episodes that are faithful to the main story, while including some side stuff. With about as much character development as possible.


Obvious issue that Shep is the least developed character even though he's the lead aside (his development is more muted as he is supposed to be the audience surrogate, after all), what do you guys think? (And which episode sounds the most enticing?) :ph34r:




Episode 10 is probably the dramatic climax of it all with the big Virmire revelation, battle, and sacrifice.



Just for counterpoint, here is the first half of my brief cliffnotes ME1 adaptation using my Post-it notes from like 3-4 years ago. :ph34r: I've done a little tweaking. The notes don't delve into the character stuff really.




Season 1


Episode 1.1 - The Beacon


Introduce the Normandy and its crew, The Mission to Eden Prime


Episode 1.2 - Citadel


Normandy arrives at the Citadel, introductions to Udina, the Council, and Saren proper (as well as Garrus), the heroes debate next steps and uncover leads to follow


Episode 1.3 - The Underbelly


Garrus enlists Shepard et al to deal with Fist the crimelord, who he suspects of collaborating with Saren in shady deals; introduction of Barla Von and who the Shadow Broker is; trail eventually leads them to a confrontation with Wrex, who is also hunting Fist. Assault on the nightclub and capture of Fist, with a cliffhanger reveal that the only evidence implicating Saren is held by a Quarian about to be assassinated


Episode 1.4 - Induction


The team races to save the Quarian, who is Tali. The evidence is reviewed and then presented to Anderson/Udina, and then the Council. Shepard is inducted into the Spectres and given the mission to track down Saren. Shepard is given command of the Normandy and has one lead to follow: the daughter of Matriarch Benezia


Episode 1.5- The Archeologist


Mission to Therum, recruiting of Liara, she melds with Shepard to unlock some of the Prothean vision. Unfortunately no leads are on the horizon at this time.


Episode 1.6 - The Missing


Shepard is recruited by Admiral Kahoku to look into the disappearance of a crack Alliance special forces unit. The team uncovers evidence that the unit was lured into a trap and slaughtered, and narrowly avoids a similar trap as well. Upon their return, Kahoku says he had his units looking into a cover black ops/science outfit called Cerberus and thinks they ambushed the unit to cover their tracks. Shepard makes him promise to alert him if the trail becomes hot.


Episode 1.7 - The Grudge


While on a routine survey and recover mission, Shepard and a couple others are ambushed and forced into hiding by a mercenary group. The Normandy and remaining crew/team scramble to locate and extract them. Shepard learns he is being hunted by Elanos Haliat, a Batarian pirate warlord who participated in the Skyllian Blitz. Shepard is able to turn the tables and defeat Haliat, who says that the Batarians have not forgotten their humiliation by humanity, and that someday they will be taught a lesson by a true warrior.


Episode 1.8 - Semper Fidelis


Shepard is contacted by Kahoku who has new data implicating a Cerberus science operation. The Normandy tracks down the operation and disables the facility and the twisted experiments going on there. This activity is noticed via remote by a major Cerberus operative known as Armistan Banes, who decides it is time to tie off the big loose end. Shepard returns to meet Kahoku only for it to be an ambush set up by Kahoku's adjutant, who is a Cerberus agent. Kahoku is missing, but Shepard finds a recording that gives a trail to follow.


Episode 1.9 - Guards of the Underworld


The Normandy tracks Kahoku to a remote system, which is the location of a Cerberus science outpost. It turns out that Kahoku deliberately allowed himself to be captured by Banes, who wanted to interrogate him for his knowledge about Cerberus operations. The team stages a rescue operation, but Kahoku in the end sacrifices himself to wound Banes and disable a key component of the facility. The team clears out the rest of the facility, but Banes escapes. A scrambled voice communication reprimands Banes, but Banes says now they know who they are truly up against. Data from the Cerberus outpost gives the Normandy intel on Geth operations in the area.


Episode 1.10 - Search and Destroy


The Normandy uses the acquired intel to track down and destroy the Geth outposts in the sector. Information acquired from the final outpost indicates a major concentration of Geth forces in the vicinity of Feros, which has just gone radio-silent in all communications.


Episode 1.11 - No Contact


The Normandy arrives at Feros and the team clears out the immediate threat to Zhu's Hope. After some ingratiating with the community, the team travels to the Exogeni facility and rescues the scientists there. The team learns that the Geth are truly after an ancient lifeform known as the Thorian, which somehow possesses key information that Saren is hoping to unlock.


Episode 1.12 - The Primeval


The team returns to Zhu's Hope and is forced to subdue many colonists who are now mind-controlled by the Thorian. The team battles Geth and husks deep in the colony's underbelly and confront the Thorian, forcing it to retreat from the vicinity. Doing so frees several captives, including Shiala, one of Matriarch Benezia's lieutenants and an acquaintance of Liara. Shiala informs the team about the Cipher, which was what Saren was after, and melds with Shepard to give him access to it as well. The visions provide dark and disturbing clues about the fate of the Protheans and the purpose of the beacons. The team begins to understand the weight of what they are up against. Elsewhere, Saren and Benezia discuss the next stage of his plans. He sends her to Noveria to look after their "investment," and the camera pans up and out to show they were overlooking a massive array of cloning tanks full of Krogan... 





Back in the day I definitely had time on my hands... :ph34r:

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Just now, That One Guy said:


dude thinks Boyhood is the worst movie ever and I think it’s the best movie ever.  I can never like him for that alone

I hope he gets the trailer for Love, Simon before (at least one of) his showings and he yells "this is so fucking gay" (it's what he would do) and everybody gives him an evil glare.

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Every JonathanLB exchange is the same damn thing:


-He makes some absurdly hyperbolic blanket statement.


-People get all up in arms about it being dumb and wrong.


-JonathanLB doubles down on it.


-Queue 2 more pages of pointless arguing.

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3 minutes ago, ReyReyBattery said:

Every JonathanLB exchange is the same damn thing:


-He makes some absurdly hyperbolic blanket statement.


-People get all up in arms about it being dumb and wrong.


-JonathanLB doubles down on it.


-Queue 2 more pages of pointless arguing.

It's gonna be a brutal season for him with a new Pitch Perfect movie coming out at the same time as his precious Star Wars. Women movies have the power to turn penises into vaginas, remember (even though The Last Jedi has a female lead lmao)?

Edited by filmlover
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