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14 hours ago, The Last AndyLL said:


So... @WrathOfHan, @Ethan Hunt, @DAJK, @Rorschach and other young ones.


So I've notice all of you take a lot of advanced classes.  Why is that?  Natural progression? Trying to get college credits?  Vanity?


Unlike when I was in high school my son't school has a million electives in different industries.  Economics, marketing, graphic art, computer, writing, music instruments, and so forth.


I'm encouraging him to explore different fields so when he gets to college he has a better idea of what he enjoys and is good at.  I'd much rather have him taking a business entrepreneurial class or piano instead of Calculus.


However I seem to be in the minority in this idea.


For me, I'm not the greatest when it comes to science or math. Especially not the former. Depending on the topic area, I'm decent at math but Geometry and Pre-Calculus did not come easily to me. I'm big into English and History. The classes I'm taking right now are mostly comprised of that.


Currently, I'm taking a Film class, Creative Writing, and a community college-level Psychology course. Last semester I had a Sociology course. Then for the others, I have Spanish and Statistics (which is also a community college class). For me, I'm trying to lean towards subjects that I'm really interested in/fields that I want to go into. I'm trying to get away from all the classes I don't need and focusing on the ones that I'm genuinely interested in. 


I'm not sure how old your son is but I definitely wouldn't have him do all honors or all college-level classes. Only have him do them in subjects he might enjoy doing. I hated my previous semester because most of the classes I was taking were classes that I didn't like. This semester, I'm taking more classes that I love and I'm finding myself actually being able to focus better. 


Really, I'd say encourage him to explore in the fields he's most interested in and take out most of the ones he's not. Just my two cents as a high school senior. :)

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4 minutes ago, DAR said:

I'm hoping the Black Panther thread can avoid a flood not just some alt-right redditors but also davincicode of accusing people of being racist because they only saw the film once.

The alt-righters are too busy brandishing their pitchforks for Ocean's 8 for women taking away jobs from men or whatever.

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3 minutes ago, aabattery said:


How bad was Gary Oldman?

tbh he wasn't actively rubbish but for me it doesn't stand out from the other 47 portrayals of churchil. brendan gleeson's was probably the best. Stannis had the worst performance in the film i thought. for some reason his face was permanently stuck in a position that was like "guuuuuurl" through the whole film.

Edited by CoolioD1
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