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Weekend Thread | Actuals (p.100) ~ Thor: Ragnarok - 122.744M, Bad Moms 2 16.759M, Jigsaw 6.558M, Boo 2 4.451M, Geostorm 3.194M | GOLD ACCOUNT SALE (1st post for details) | 91k PTA for Lady Bird

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On the positive side among indie distributed pics, A24’s Lady Bird from director/actress Greta Gerwig is currently posting the second best theater average of 2017 with $71K at four New York and Los Angeles venues after Lionsgate/Amazon’s The Big Sick which charted $84K per theater in its opening weekend. 


Awesome. That 100% RT score is really helping. 


Fun fact: Saoirse Ronan auditioned for The Force Awakens but they gave the role to that poor man's Keira Knightley instead. 

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16 minutes ago, RRA said:

I seem to remember Black Panther losing his dad in CW (and trying but failing to save him in time) not being done for laughs or similarly Howard/Maria Stark’s murders (done by a guy that once was a co-worker/friend of Howard) which was...a potent moment. Potent enough that it issued license to Stark momentarily losing touch of his senses in that climax and want to murder Bucky. (People forget that moment when Stark covers himself and cowering when he thought Steve was going to ice him. I mean Jesus....)


Things is deaths *could* be meaningful but you have to earn it. I thought GOTGv2 did for example. But RAGNAROK where Thor movie-verse characters get iced (or not brought back or mentioned)...you realize you really didn’t care and feels cheap or not the oomph maybe the movie hoped you would feel. Of course others might disagree on that point for that film, but I’m just weary of the idea that killing off a character or adding “dark!” or “tragedy!” automatically makes a movie better. No it doesn’t.


I mean hell what’s that one running meme (with some merit) about the MCU? That several deaths that’s happened don’t matter because they’re many times fake outs. Now we’ve had characters eat it who so far haven’t come back from actual death (not Loki-type frauds) except maybe Groot and thats debatable and goes down to semantics. But regardless it ties into my point: A death in itself doesn’t make a movie better automatically. 

Dammit, I'm not saying that a death automatically makes the movie 5 stars or anything. I'm saying that, if they called it a Civil War, they should have had the balls to go the extra mile and make it feel like a "war" rather than just a fight that leads to a break-up. War is a very, very strong word. It means "a conflict where people go out to kill each other, and any bystanders or participants will either die or lose loved ones at the very least". That's why I think that they should've killed of at least one character.


I bought the reasons why they were mad at each other, but I didn't buy that they were actually that mad at each other, if you get what I mean. I feel like if the movie had been more aggressive, that would drive the Civil War truly home. Even if it was an accidental death, like War Machine doesn't actually survive being shot down by Vision, in all essence it would effectively mean that the dispute between the Avengers was so heated that they actually killed one of their own, albeit on accident. That would instantly create an even bigger rift than the one that existed, an even bigger drive of revenge and anger against each other....... it would be unquestionably the death of the Avengers. Don't get me wrong, what we got was still the death of the Avengers, but.... I just feel like it was too softballs and too safe for what it could've and maybe should've been.


Maybe the problem is that I'm taking the word "war" very literally, and yes, Civil War is effectively about the breaking up of the Avengers and the fracturing of a family, but I think the Russos could've taken one or two risks and made CW feel like a irreversibly impactful movie in the MCU, rather than something that had some impact but not as much as I was led to believe it would. The tragedy would have made a better movie. Not saying it would make it "good" because the movie was already good, nor am I saying it would make it "amazing". It would make it simply BETTER. (Assuming of course that it was well executed, and not botched like, say, Quicksilver in Ultron or even Supes at the end of BVS. Thinking more like the end of Guardians 2.)

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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13 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

But again, I would buy that idea easier if it came at a cost of a life. If someone died while the Avengers were destroying each other, that would be the X-factor to the fracturing of the team. Also, CIVIL WAR. CIVIL WAR. Not Civil Argument, not Civil Street Fight, not Civil Divorce - that would actually be an appropriate title for the film, Civil Divorce.... Civil WAR. War is a very strong word, and if you want me to buy that this was a war, make it feel like one. Make it feel like there is genuine bloodlust and that they are willing, albeit they will regret it later obviously, to kill each other. And it would make CW more than just a quality-wise very good and somewhat consequential but ultimately forgettable MCU entry.


Anyway, this is a little too off-topic. Thor: Ragnarok - it's doing great, it's a pretty kick-ass movie, I want it to cross 300M and keep Marvel's streak alive. INSANE year for CBM's, between this, Logan, Wonder Woman, Homecoming and Guardians V2. Here's hoping Justice League is another good one.


Also, great PTA for Lady Bird. Gotta show Saoirse that love :wub:

You had two leaders in Cap and Stark who respected each other but were at odds. Both guys were alpha males that had their own priorities and mindsets and they weren't going to budge. That was the true "war" in this movie. They didn't want to actually kill each other and neither did their respective partners who took their side (well, except for Black Panther who wanted to end Bucky lol). There were a lot of variables involved here. Never mind the Accords but in Stark's case he saw Bucky as an alleged psychotic terrorist that needed to be detained. He was almost shot in the face by him so he's seen what this guy is all about. He also needed to get Steve back to fulfill his pledge to Ross within 12 hours, otherwise Steve ran the risk of getting hunted and killed by JSOC and possibly spreading the conflict beyond the airport. Stark respects Cap and considers him a friend so of course he doesn't want this to happen and tries to talk him down and when that didn't work bring him in by force.

On the flipside Cap's priority was to get to the Hydra base as soon as possible to stop the other Winter Soldiers from being set free and he didn't have time to sit down with Stark and Ross to make them understand what was going on. And he sure as hell didn't want to turn his best friend over to Ross who would most likely lock him up and throw away the key whether he was innocent in these circumstances or not. And Stark wasn't going to believe anything Cap said anyway. He thought his judgment has been compromised by Bucky, which it had been.
It was a "war" in the sense that ideas and rash actions fractured a team. There was never going to be a "war" in the sense that blood was going to be spilled lol.

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Think about the consequences of their actions. The Avengers were meant to be the best of humanity. 


Civil War just showed everyone that they are just as human and petty. The Avengers are done at this point and I think I am looking forward to IW the most to just see how they come back.


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Anyone else having bad presales or previews for DH2 and OE at their theater? Not to put up the red flag but it’s concerning when both have less combined than Star. 

Edited by YourMother
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5 hours ago, The Last baumer said:

120 does not guarantee it 300 @EmpireCity.  There' a good chance of course but its not going to cruise past 300. 


I think it will due to lack of anything else in the market to steal screens from it all the way until Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  


Theaters have so much space at this point, so it will get as many seats as it can handle.  Every single October movie is toast at this point.  Bad Moms Christmas is basically done after this weekend and Daddy's Home 2 looks to similarly tank.  


That leaves 4 movies in wide release from right now until Star Wars that will have any sort of impact at multiplexes.  Thor: Ragnarok, Murder on the Orient Express, Justice League and Coco.  Everything else will either tank or be limited movies expanding.

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1 minute ago, YourMother said:

Anyone else having bad presales or previews for DH2 and OE at their theater? Not to put up the red flag but it’s concerning when both have less combined than Star. 

At my theater, Orient Express has sold 3 tickets for Thursday night but doesn't have any other showings up, and Daddy's Home has no shows up period. The Star and Wonder haven't sold anything.

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8 minutes ago, La Binoche said:


Awesome. That 100% RT score is really helping. 


Fun fact: Saoirse Ronan auditioned for The Force Awakens but they gave the role to that poor man's Keira Knightley instead. 

After TFA the careers of the new cast went nowhere so cheers

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1 minute ago, EmpireCity said:


I think it will due to lack of anything else in the market to steal screens from it all the way until Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  


Theaters have so much space at this point, so it will get as many seats as it can handle.  Every single October movie is toast at this point.  Bad Moms Christmas is basically done after this weekend and Daddy's Home 2 looks to similarly tank.  


That leaves 4 movies in wide release from right now until Star Wars that will have any sort of impact at multiplexes.  Thor: Ragnarok, Murder on the Orient Express, Justice League and Coco.  Everything else will either tank or be limited movies expanding.

Do you think Daddy's Home could open below Bad Moms?

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1 minute ago, EmpireCity said:


I think it will due to lack of anything else in the market to steal screens from it all the way until Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  


Theaters have so much space at this point, so it will get as many seats as it can handle.  Every single October movie is toast at this point.  Bad Moms Christmas is basically done after this weekend and Daddy's Home 2 looks to similarly tank.  


That leaves 4 movies in wide release from right now until Star Wars that will have any sort of impact at multiplexes.  Thor: Ragnarok, Murder on the Orient Express, Justice League and Coco.  Everything else will either tank or be limited movies expanding.

Just b/c it has space doesn't mean folks will watch it...we learned that lesson already in August and October...it seems there are fewer and fewer folks who will head to the theaters on weekends when there's nothing they want to watch...


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The thing about JL is that has a built in audience to open to 130 to 150 million however I think after being burned by past DC movies, many will wait for reviews.


I be honest without WW I think JL would finish under Ss domestically.

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Just now, WrathOfHan said:

At my theater, Orient Express has sold 3 tickets for Thursday night but doesn't have any other showings up, and Daddy's Home has no shows up period. The Star and Wonder haven't sold anything.

DH2 has sold about 6 tickets and OE sold 4. Wonder is at 12 and Star is at 15 sold. All for Thursday night. I wonder though if both DH2 and OE will be more walk up based but I can see DH2 potentially under $30M OW and OE barely do $20M.

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1 minute ago, La Binoche said:

I may be stating the obvious to anyone who's not dumb/brainwashed, but we finally have concrete evidence that the ridiculously high and underserved RT scores for Marvel movies are a result of payola and shading dealings. 



This was absolutely shady on Disney's part...

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2 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

Just b/c it has space doesn't mean folks will watch it...we learned that lesson already in August and October...it seems there are fewer and fewer folks who will head to the theaters on weekends when there's nothing they want to watch...



People definitely don't want to watch it.
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