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BOT's Top 100 Movies of All-Time: 2018 Edition - DEADLINE IS TODAY! SEND A LIST!

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Okay my list








  1. Goodfellas
  2. Empire Strikes Back
  3. Star Wars
  4. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  5. Back To The Future
  6. Jaws
  7. 12 Angry Men
  8. Aladdin 
  9. The Godfather 
  10. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  11. Die Hard
  12. The Dark Knight 
  13. Return of the King 
  14. The Incredibles
  15. Jurassic Park
  16. The Shawshank Redemption 
  17. Fellowship of the Ring
  18. Young Frankenstein 
  19. Animal House
  20. Cool Hand Luke 
  21. Sunset Boulevard 
  22. Lawrence of Arabia 
  23. Return of the Jedi
  24. Apollo 13
  25. Batman Begins
  26. The Good the Bad and the Ugly
  27. Airplane
  28. Heat
  29. Silence of the Lambs
  30. Terminator 2
  31. Network 
  32. The Usual Suspects
  33. JFK
  34. The Two Towers
  35. On the Waterfront
  36. Seven Samurai 
  37. The Fugitive
  38. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  39. North By Northwest
  40. Pulp Fiction
  41. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 
  42. The Force Awakens
  43. Saving Private Ryan
  44. Planes Trains and Automobiles
  45. Chinatown
  46. Bridge on the River Kwai
  47. The RIght Stuff 
  48. Aliens
  49. Forrest Gump
  50. Batman
  51. Goldfinger
  52. Dog Day Afternoon
  53. Inception 
  54. Fight Club
  55. Catch Me If You Can
  56. Caddyshack 
  57. The Breakfast Club
  58. Malcolm X
  59. Goldfinger
  60. Predator
  61. Hoosiers
  62. Duck Soup
  63. Halloween
  64. The Lion King
  65. This is Spinal Tap
  66. Minority Report 
  67. The Shining
  68. Inside Out
  69. Hidden Fortress
  70. The Third Man
  71. Amadeus
  72. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  73. White Heat
  74. Mad Max Fury Road
  75. Braveheart
  76. Alien
  77. Finding Nemo
  78. Skyfall
  79. Night of the Hunter
  80. Casino Royale
  81. The Thing 
  82. Toy Story 3
  83. Casablanca
  84. Gladiator 
  85. Curse of the Black Pearl
  86. Outlaw Josey Wales
  87. Treasure of Sierra Madre
  88.   Rocky
  89. Paths of Glory
  90. Superman
  91. Wolf of Wall Street
  92. Planet of the Apes(1968)
  93. Django Unchained
  94. Argo
  95. Prisoner of Azkaban
  96. Dazed and Confused 
  97. L A Confidential 
  98. Pinocchio
  99. Oceans Eleven 
  100. Rear Window


A few notes


- No 2017 films on my list.  Letting those marinade a bit

- No MCU 


-No X-Men

- After about 30 the films are interchangeable.  So what might be 78 one year could be ranked 40 the next


- I realized I had Cool Hand Luke and Goldfinger listed twice.  So I made some changes


Because it’s late I did the list on Letterboxd 



Edited by DAR
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Some movies go up when you rewatch them, some movies go down... The Godfather Part 2 is going up my rankings dramatically. 


Only watched it once before, and upon rewatch wow. I missed so many subtleties


Michael's character arc is just splendid

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I have a more complicated relationship with the Godfathers than I'd like to. Feel like the highs of II (everything with Vito, Fredo, Kay, the final 20-30 minutes) are above those of I, but then there's the whole business with Hyman Roth and the Senate hearings that I really struggle to care about. And the perfectly stately, classical manner in which both movies are filmed doesn't draw me any closer. I'm way more into the viscerally felt, borderline-insane Coppola of Apocalypse Now. 

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I rewatched The Godfather recently, and it’s definitely a 5/5 but also somewhat feels like an obligatory 5/5.  It’s a great film, very well made, perfectly acted, well written, but it’s one that’s hard to feel really passionate about (probably because of how many greatest films of all time lists that it tops).  It’ll probably make my top 100 though

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Yeah I saw Godfather 1 in theater a few years back.  Was kind of shocked how much it flew by.


I do like 2 but that’s it.  As for 3 it’s certainly a step down but I can’t deny it has some really good set pieces.  Specifically the Atlantic City scene.

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2 hours ago, Jake Gittes said:

I have a more complicated relationship with the Godfathers than I'd like to. Feel like the highs of II (everything with Vito, Fredo, Kay, the final 20-30 minutes) are above those of I, but then there's the whole business with Hyman Roth and the Senate hearings that I really struggle to care about. And the perfectly stately, classical manner in which both movies are filmed doesn't draw me any closer. I'm way more into the viscerally felt, borderline-insane Coppola of Apocalypse Now. 


But the senate hearings show us that Michael is a huge hypocrite. The genius of Coppola's directing is that by the time the other italian guy gets to be a huge hypocrite and Michael wins and we "celebrate"... that's when technically you realize that Michael is 100% the same. His transformation is complete, and the rest of the movie plays out exactly as he envisioned -- except the part where he loses everyone close to him by winning against everyone else.

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42 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:


But the senate hearings show us that Michael is a huge hypocrite. The genius of Coppola's directing is that by the time the other italian guy gets to be a huge hypocrite and Michael wins and we "celebrate"... that's when technically you realize that Michael is 100% the same. His transformation is complete, and the rest of the movie plays out exactly as he envisioned -- except the part where he loses everyone close to him by winning against everyone else.

I understand all that intellectually but still find it a little too dry and uninvolving as presented. Michael's interactions with his direct family I find gripping, the business/political side of things I don't.

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4 hours ago, Jake Gittes said:

I have a more complicated relationship with the Godfathers than I'd like to. Feel like the highs of II (everything with Vito, Fredo, Kay, the final 20-30 minutes) are above those of I, but then there's the whole business with Hyman Roth and the Senate hearings that I really struggle to care about. And the perfectly stately, classical manner in which both movies are filmed doesn't draw me any closer. I'm way more into the viscerally felt, borderline-insane Coppola of Apocalypse Now. 

Pretty much the reason why people keeps on hating the first two Star Wars prequels. Not their kind of stuff though the film making is pretty flawless. But I respect your taste and wisdom. Hence this list should be called "BOT's favorite movies" instead since we're not really talking about movies as art and assess movie's uniqueness and intentions. 


BTW I too am a bigger fan of Apocalypse (the voice over is nitpicking at its finest). And I'm not a big fan of 12 angry men now when we're talking politics in film. 


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6 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Pretty much the reason why people keeps on hating the first two Star Wars prequels. Not their kind of stuff though the film making is pretty flawless. But I respect your taste and wisdom. Hence this list should be called "BOT's favorite movies" instead since we're not really talking about movies as art and assess movie's uniqueness and intentions. 


BTW I too am a bigger fan of Apocalypse (the voice over is nitpicking at its finest). And I'm not a big fan of 12 angry men now when we're talking politics in film. 


I... don't think that's really the reason people hate on the prequels. (Also, why only the first two?) I also personally don't draw a distinction between favorite and best. I think I can totally talk about Godfather II as art and conclude that, as art, it largely works for me but not quite as much as it does for many people. I don't believe in objectivity when it comes to these things.

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My favorites as of now. 


1.     Star Wars: Episode I-V (1977-2005) (with RotS being the greatest, AotC being my personal favorite, ESB being the most technically accomplished, TPM being the most unique, and ANH being the most fun/nostalgia awakening)

2.     2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) (impossible to review; the greatest single piece of sound and vision I’ve seen)

3.     Schindler’s List (1993) (being as close to magical a tragedy can be)

4.     Deer Hunter (1978) (another magical movie – the opera soundtrack upon those mountain tops is goosebumping and that weird tension between those macho men is uncomfortably precise)

5.     Eyes Wide Shut (1999) (I just love the fact that this masterpiece so much tribute to Mozart – not only can you hear his requiem in the background, that masked ball could very well be a nightmarish take on a scene from AMADEUS (1984))

6.     Singin’ in the rain (1952) (pop culture for everyman. Very talented people behind this)

7.     Uncle Boonme (2010) (after Singin in the Rain this might be one of the happiest films ever)

8.     Bambi (1942) (Disney’s masterpiece; this has BOYHOOD written all over it)

9.     Psycho (1960) (technically flawless)

10. Citizen Kane (1941) (technically flawless too)




1.     Seven Samurai (1954)

2.     Mirror (1975)

3.     La Dolce Vita (1960)

4.     Life of Brian (1979)

5.     West Side Story (1961)

6.     Blade Runner (1982)

7.     Raging Bull (1980)

8.     Casablanca (1942)

9.     Alien (1979)

10. Seventh Seal  (1957)

11. The Godfather (I and II) (1972, 1974)

12. Boyhood (2014)

13. Snow white (1939)

14. Pulp Fiction (1994)

15. The Flowers of St. Francis (1950)

16. The New World (2005)

17. Tokyo Story (1953)

18. Blair Witch Project (1999)

19. The Master (2012)

20. Babette’s Feast (1987)

21. The Thing (1982)

22. Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

23. Late Spring (1949)

24. Much Ado about Nothing (1993)

25. Do the Right Thing (1989)

26. Scenes from a Marriage ( 1973)

27. Changleing (2008)

28. Magnolia (1999)

29. Umberto D. (1952)

30. Grapes of Wrath (1948)

31. All About my Mother (1999)

32. Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

33. Young Frankenstein (1974)

34. Possession (1981)

35. Bicycle Thieves (1948)

36. E.T. (1982)

37. Brief Encounter (1945)

38. Silence (2016)

39. Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)

40. Yi Yi (2000)

41. Beauty and the Beast (1991)

42. Robocop (1987)

43. Jaws (1975)

44. Sunset Boulevard (1950)

45. The Haunting (1963)

46. Dr. Strangelove (1964)

47. Agguire (1972)

48. Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)

49. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

50. Barry Lyndon (1975)


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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:


8.     Bambi (1942) (Disney’s masterpiece; this has BOYHOOD written all over it)




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17 hours ago, DAR said:

Okay my list


A few notes


- No 2017 films on my list.  Letting those marinade a bit

- No MCU 


-No X-Men


1. 3 for me. They are all pretty great films and I think they deserve to be on my list.

2. 2 for me. One barely made the list so it could end up being just one if I change my mind.

3. LoL

4. Only 1

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