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Wednesday numbers: IW $7M

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Way off base, but Cobra Kai has been renewed for a second season.  This makes my day.  


Cobra Kai is the you-tube red series that picks up the Karate Kid story 34 years later with Daniel and Johnny Lawrence.  I watched all ten episodes and it was one of the best things I've seen all year.  Can't wait for the second season.



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5 minutes ago, baumer said:


Maybe I'm looking at it based on the expectations I had.  I thought it would perform like a lot of Avengers sequels and only have a 2.3-2.4X.  It looks like it's going to settle in at around a 2.5.  To me, for Marvel sequels, that's really quite good.


Of the Top 25 movies of all time, Marvel will now own the 4 worst multipliers. Sure, Infinity War will be the "4th worst", but I wouldn't call that "quite good". I'd call that... fine. Better than expected, probably. But still just fine.

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Geez, this thread. 


Concerned trollings aren’t new, but it’s always interesting to see it coming from total opposite side of a fandom in the same thread. 

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3 hours ago, ChipMunky said:


Of the Top 25 movies of all time, Marvel will now own the 4 worst multipliers. Sure, Infinity War will be the "4th worst", but I wouldn't call that "quite good". I'd call that... fine. Better than expected, probably. But still just fine.


My counter to that is that the finl numbers are what matters, not the multiplier.  It means they have a dedicated fan base that rushes out to see it.  Multipliers are great when you are talking about films without a rush factor to them.  For films that need to build up an audience, good multipliers means wom has spread.  For films like Potter and Twilight and Marvel, they have their dedicated fan bases that rush out to see them and if hte multipliers aren't huge, I don't see what the big deal is.  

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3 hours ago, miketheavenger said:

Man, this constant useless back-and-forth about IW's numbers has become so tiresome so quickly. I can't wait for Deadpool and Solo to steal a lot of the attention away from IW so that these asinine discussions will finally stop.


It's been like this since the dawn of box office forums.  It'll never end.  

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I feel like some people put excessive emphasis on multiplier. Many people would consider Infinity War to be more of a success if it hit 650 off of a 220 OW than 700 with 258 OW, and that makes no sense. Multipliers are only good as a measure of audience reception, (good multipliers are also generally more fun to track, since everyday there is an impressive number) but if a movie has a huge opening because of a very high demand, it won't reach too high a multiplier, even if it's very well received, except for very rare cases. So if Marvel has 4 movies on the top 25, even if their multiplier is a piece of shit, that doesn't mean anything other than they are an incredibly successful studio and franchise. IW multiplier is good for what it is, reception is very good as anyone can attest, and it's total numbers are just great, the international numbers even greater.


Edit: Also, they actually have 6, and the other 2 just have good multipliers, so it's even better.

Edited by ThiagoMaia
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8 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:


Of the Top 25 movies of all time, Marvel will now own the 4 worst multipliers. Sure, Infinity War will be the "4th worst", but I wouldn't call that "quite good". I'd call that... fine. Better than expected, probably. But still just fine.

Do you ever get tired of being annoying af.

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3 minutes ago, baumer said:


My counter to that is that the finl numbers are what matters, not the multiplier.  It means they have a dedicated fan base that rushes out to see it.  Multipliers are great when you are talking about films without a rush factor to them.  For films that need to build up an audience, good multipliers means wom has spread.  For films like Potter and Twilight and Marvel, they have their dedicated fan bases that rush out to see them and if hte multipliers aren't huge, I don't see what the big deal is.  


Most of the Top 25 films are from franchises with large fandoms.

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Some people are either expert trolls or are reeeeeeeeeeeally grasping for straws to try to sugar their salt for this movie's success :hahaha:  (Wow, do I sound like a fanboy when I say that, but me doesn't give fucks)


Are some really saying that it performing comparably or below BP in weekdays is a bad sign? Are you fucking kidding me? Black Panther is, like, the ultimate anomaly scenario for legs in a superhero movie (alongside Wonder Woman). For obvious reasons that Infinity War would never replicate. If it's even on par with that, that means it's performing about as regularly as any big superhero frontloaded sequel would. 34% hold is, just like the Monday hold, par for the course for a movie like this in a release date like this. If you're unironically calling it a horrible hold, then you don't know jackshit about box office, The Force Awakens comparisons are also adorable cause the movie isn't playing in the fucking holidays like that was (you must've been really, really pissed when it fell behind TFA's 1st Monday by 15M if you don't know that).

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@ChipMunky, so if IW opened to 150 million and finished with 450 million, would you then say it was good, seeing as the multiplier was 3 instead of 2.5?

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18 minutes ago, baumer said:


Maybe I'm looking at it based on the expectations I had.  I thought it would perform like a lot of Avengers sequels and only have a 2.3-2.4X.  It looks like it's going to settle in at around a 2.5.  To me, for Marvel sequels, that's really quite good.


I think it has a good chance to reach $670-680m, which is 2.60 to 2.65 multiplier.

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3 hours ago, redfirebird2008 said:


I think it has a good chance to reach $670-680m, which is 2.60 to 2.65 multiplier.


And that would be fantastic!

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3 minutes ago, ThiagoMaia said:

I feel like some people put excessive emphasis on multiplier. Many people would consider Infinity War to be more of a success if it hit 650 off of a 220 OW than 700 with 258 OW, and that makes no sense. Multipliers are only good as a measure of audience reception, (good multipliers are also generally more fun to track, since everyday there is an impressive number) but if a movie has a huge opening because of a very high demand, it won't reach too high a multiplier, even if it's very well received, except for very rare cases. So if Marvel has 4 movies on the top 25, even if their multiplier is a piece of shit, that doesn't mean anything other than they are an incredibly successful studio and franchise. IW multiplier is good for what it is, reception is very good as anyone can attest, and it's total numbers are just great, the international numbers even greater.


Again, nobody said its final total isn't successful. But there is a reason we celebrate films like Avatar and Titanic and My Big Fat Greek Wedding and etc etc etc... 

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