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DEADPOOL 2 WEEKEND THREAD | Spoilers = BANNED INTO OBLIVION | Dp2 125M and 300 WW debut...Asgard Sun update pg 123

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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

I'll stan all of Jim's films it just so happens that,

1. Avatar get's hated on the most so I inevitable end up defending it mre

2. The Avatar sequels will most likely Jim's lasts films and he's putting everything he's got into them (he wants to go exploring the ocean again).

3. Avatar 2 is his next release making it the most relevant to box office theory

Isn't Cameron behind the next Terminator? I'm far more interested in this than A2

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The James Cameron/Avatar discussions are far too frequent and disruptive.


The arguments/discussions involve the same points being repeated over and over again.


I wish the moderators could pay some attention to this particularly in the weekend box office threads.

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21 minutes ago, NGGKroze said:

Isn't Cameron behind the next Terminator? I'm far more interested in this than A2

I'm extremely interested in that aswell especially after watching the THR interview with Tim and Jim, also don't forget Battle Angel Alita which is coming this December. There is an element of doubt behind those two films with them being directed by Tim Miller (T2 sequel) and Robert Rodriquez (Alita: Battle Angel), this doubt just doesn't exist for me with the Avatar sequels. Jim being heavily invested/involved in a film makes it 10x more interesting, Jim directing a film makes it the most interesting film yet to be released.


16 minutes ago, Deathlife said:

The James Cameron/Avatar discussions are far too frequent and disruptive.


The arguments/discussions involve the same points being repeated over and over again.


I wish the moderators could pay some attention to this particularly in the weekend box office threads.

I think you're being melodramatic here the Avatar talk came after the thread completely slowed down and the final numbers had already been in for 10 hours.


Edited by IronJimbo
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22 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

I'll stan all of Jim's films it just so happens that,

1. Avatar get's hated on the most so I inevitable end up defending it mre


Avatar gets hated on the most for a simple reason: it is the biggest grossing film of all time worldwide and also got solid reviews and extraordinary word of mouth. When you have all those factors, you will inevitably get hating ass trolls who will try to perpetuate whatever negative narrative is created (by a vocal minority) around the film. The narrative was pretty much "nobody liked Avatar and the only reason it was a smash was the 3D and the pretty colors" (but we all know that this is not how a film grosses close to 3 billion). 

It's cool, though.

Sit back and see how Avatar 2 makes all the MCU and DCEU and HPs look like obscure indie films.

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1 minute ago, StevenG said:

Avatar gets hated on the most for a simple reason: it is the biggest grossing film of all time worldwide and also got solid reviews and extraordinary word of mouth. When you have all those factors, you will inevitably get hating ass trolls who will try to perpetuate whatever negative narrative is created (by a vocal minority) around the film. The narrative was pretty much "nobody liked Avatar and the only reason it was a smash was the 3D and the pretty colors" (but we all know that this is not how a film grosses close to 3 billion). 

It's cool, though.

Sit back and see how Avatar 2 makes all the MCU and DCEU and HPs look like obscure indie films.

Well said, I love that Avatar (profile pic) by the way Celine still has got it.

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7 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Warner is taking a massive gamble this Christmas with Aquaman, they are betting 250M+ on a character that I am still not sure you can take seriously in movies ...


Same thing was said for many many years about Wonder Woman.

And even after she made a big splash in BvS, people still thought audiences would laugh her off the screen in her solo adventure.

We all know what happened with that prediction...



Edited by StevenG
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Think I have more faith in James Wan than fanboys on Box office theory. Not saying that the film is guaranteed to be good because no movie is but James Wan in the 2010's is not Zack Snyder. If Aquaman is good it will make money. It's that simple. If Wonder Woman was the same quality as Justice League and BvS it would have had a big opening and shit legs instead of the 4.0 multi that it did have. There is nothing about Aquaman that makes it impossible to adapt into a good movie. 

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11 minutes ago, baumer said:

Just got a text from Asgard himself:


DP2 will be about 31.5, IW underestimated and Book Club will have a way bigger Sunday that reported.  

22% sun drop for dp2.

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Just now, A2k Raptor said:

22% sun drop for dp2.


Give or take.  He says it will be about the same, and then says 31.5, so his numbers aren't 100% accurate, but it will remain around the same, if not a little better.

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31 minutes ago, baumer said:


Give or take.  He says it will be about the same, and then says 31.5, so his numbers aren't 100% accurate, but it will remain around the same, if not a little better.

Damn you were right :ph34r: But that's still solid. So what really killed its weekend was Saturday. 


I thought the numbers would be worse and it would get close to a 30% drop Sunday since that's how much CW dropped, and they were dropping roughly the same. 

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That would be a really good Sunday drop for DP2. I still think legs aren't gonna be as bad as some people here think. Having seen the movie yesterday and laughing my ass off and hearing the audience laughing a lot as well, I would be very surprised if this had a sub-2.4x multi. WoM is gonna be strong IMO.

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1 hour ago, baumer said:

Just got a text from Asgard himself:


DP2 will be about 31.5, IW underestimated and Book Club will have a way bigger Sunday that reported.  

I'm a bit confused. Does that mean that IW will have a bigger or smaller Sunday than expected?

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1 minute ago, Andreas said:

I'm a bit confused. Does that mean that IW will have a bigger or smaller Sunday than expected?

It was underestimated so IW will have a bigger Sunday than expected. 

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12 hours ago, FantasticBeasts said:

A 750m WW total is nothing to write home these days....

That is simply wrong for a R-rated movie in general and also bcs it won't even get released in all of the usual countries. Way too generalising, way too...


9 hours ago, DAR said:

If BP2 makes just 500 million get ready for pages and pages and pages of people trying to explain why it’s a disappointment 

I love BP but I wouldn't be disappointed. 1/2b US$ is in my POV nothing bad


8 hours ago, pepsa said:

 But OS is could see it gain in popularity. It still has some room to grow.

Depends on the region, there are regions (each = multi-countries) where it is already on #1 with a huge step to their #2.


7 hours ago, LonePirate said:

The movie industry would be in a much stronger position with fewer CMBs and more original movies.

That is the complete opposite of what the cinema owners assos. says. Movie industry is not only the film-makers side, w/o the actual big earners the alternative entertaining possibilities,.. many cinemas would be closed by now

The cinema owners said also to spread the high budget movies more over the year (and a few distributors did so earlier as others) for their regular costs being .. regularly happening. Plus the best way to reach GA (that are willing to even go to the cinemas) seems to be still the trailers shown on a big screen. Plus they earn money for showing those trailers too.

Never wondered about why other movies doing surprisingly good after a big earner started?


6 hours ago, LonePirate said:

By all means, please keep shouting from the rooftops how great CBMs are for the industry, irrespective of how they are crowding out other films and hurting the industry.

We do have now more released movies per year than in the past (look back a bit farer), and today there are games, Netflix,... there are a lot of reasons why ppl go less to a certain movie that might not be of interest for all of the GA. Too many CBMs are not a reason for increased numbers of films per year btw.

A few years back it was Scj-Fi is bad, big budget fantasy is bad, big budget/high effect movies are bad. Guess what, the too high earning actors were for a time bad for the movie budgets too, one big earner caused the other actors to need to look for the next paying gig to still be able to live by their profession. One of those failing to leave the red was bad too-


Studies do take the money earned for financing also smaller films, counts for all of the hugely financially successful movies, be happy we still get those too.

Nowadays some of the actors,... earn the big bucks (for them) with the big budgets and are than able (if interested to do so) to take on indies for a bottle of Whisky or so.

So yes, for the moment the high earners are the CBMs (mostly those that manage to mix genres in differing %), but there are financially successful other movies too, those 'handful' of films / year do not exclude other films.

I do not see a need for $100m budgets for the most non-CGI/effect needing movies (in the past that was too often caused by insane salaries for some), I do see there are less 'middle' ground budgets in a way, but really, did you earnestly do not see the industry constantly tries to find especially new franchises?

I see esp. with the new franchises the problem more like that: it's a franchise and as such not high reputation, let's not look out for the best writers and ppl in the background those are needed for their high-rep films. Meant sarcastic, especially as not all of the best film-makers are even willing to put their hands on 'franchise' or are not capable/willing to include the needs for GA-acceptance too.


I think you have a slight problem a lot of ppl can have (myself too often included):

you got for some reasons to a certain conclusion. And interpret data out of that POV, miss the alternative possibilities to interpret data a bit.

A monopoly is not what we do have here (a monopoly excludes all others or nearly all other), we do have more films as in the past, even more big-budgets at once, less middle budgets maybe (I have to sit down and compare that to earlier times), but still get a wide-spread offering of genres. Including musicals, horror (way better quality than in the past included) and so on.

Yes, those do not earn 'enough' to end in the top 10 of all time, but that does not make them something 'less'.


Globally... you might have forgotten something else: local movies.

More and more countries do them, a lot of countries have a long lasting culture of those. One of the reasons US indies/smaller budgets can not count on getting OS money. Or too specialised stories for a country (like the bio for an US VIP).

So big-budgets need a bit higher budgets than in the past for heightening their chance for getting the money back ALSO per OS (and OS too produces bigger budgets movies), get a part of the pie also per OS-TV rights and such. Nothing changed there in the essence, but %.

What changed is, that they learned about middle budget movies, that do not stand out extremely or... have less chance in OS than they thought, OS not any longer be a sure bet for getting the money back = they have to get the money back in dom.

What else changed?

Home video ... (btw, I think the popular opinion home video is going down as much as pp think is not correctly entirely, as digital home video seems to make more money than some think)

And that franchises since the times of Star Wars (hear the same ... then too) earn also a lot per toys.... what a normal movie, based on a non-action ... story wont be able to earn.


February was in the past the dead month, the month the distributors released was no one thought might be a good film. Now? Surprisingly good films this spring.... (not saying thanks to CDM, thanks to more spread out ... what happen to be for the time being also CBMs)



China's limitation of foreign films per year and run time started way earlier and has another basic reason. In China foreign movies do earn a certain ~ amount for big budgets with the occasional peak... and flop, but their hugely increased theatre count didn't heighten the foreign based results. It heightened their local movies results. You might want to look into their 2018 chart (and realise: there are also other foreign countries fighting for a release there). And even better, you might want to start to look out for ww or even better OS charts. Boxofficemojo includes only those that get an US release, very deceptive for the real situation


big results = only works if huge % of the GA can be reached, that has nothing to do with budgets in theory, but to find a story bringing in a lot of ppl. With every year more competition of other entertainment possibilities. Can't wait to see how you will react in a decade or so, when it will be getting way worse, as less and less young audience seem to go to the cinemas already.

I do not understand why you seem to think - in your POV - good movies seem to have to earn the same amounts


Btw, I do think less money with the best film-makers (if the bleak view of yours into the future will be happen without an alternative arising), that will have to take jobs to still earn their living, do not have to look cheap. They might have to change the surrounding / sets / stories a lot too,  but it should be possible.



you will never be able to force the GA to get interested in your kind of movies as well as you can not force them to visit an explicit museum or....

Artist have the freedom to do as they please, but to earn their living they (excluding a handful of 'superstars' after they got to be those) have to take on commissioned work. Those who are not willing or able to do so won't be doing their real art for a very long time as they would die of hunger, the reason so many of them (incl ppl who want to work as artist but didn't got an well known reputation from the very first start...) are also working in another profession/job or give up entirely later in their lifes.



6 hours ago, YLF said:

When you have someone on ignore you dont even see their posts? lol

but you see their posts as other quote their posts - if the other person is not on your ignore list too


4 hours ago, RRA said:

TIH was built in part on nostalgia of the 70s Hulk series....which was their one dud.

I still blame Avi Arad for that (I really have to dig out my DVD version that included a rather telling statement of him, how a only $$ seeing producer thinks about 'its just a CBM', no need for effort)

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