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The Hunger Games

Sunday, 7:00 PM

IMAX ($15.75 tickets)

Capacity: 390, 75-80% full, four quadrant crowd

Trailers (regular)

Prometheus- First time seeing this trailer, wow, looks awesome. Some buzz.

Snow White & The Huntsman- Great trailer, got some chatter and I heard GUYS behind me saying it looks awesome and they hope it's in IMAX. Good sign.

Breaking Dawn Part 2- LOL, no reaction

What To Expect When You're Expecting- I get that it's a LG film so they have to show it, but it looks terrible, and doesn't really fit with this movie... It was the only comedic trailer and still got basically zero reaction from the crowd.

Trailers (IMAX)

Dark Shadows- This trailer gets worse for me every time. The only reaction it got, as usual, is when Eva Green licks Depp.

The Avengers- Trailer looks badass in IMAX, but I'm still not sold on this being a coherent film. Lots of cuts of heroes fighting... and I always laugh at Scarlett Johanson cocking her gun at the end when giant machine is racing towards them. WTF is that gonna do? Got some light chatter, but I've still yet to see it bring down the house the way others have reported it has.

The Amazing Spiderman- No reaction. It looks good, but I think audiences are going to reject it due its blatant cash grab attempt. It's the same damn film as SM1.


Awesome, loved it even more my second time around and the shaky cam really didn't bother me this time. I think the Games were pretty well done after all. There were alot of talkers in my theater, but I've already complained about that at length in THG thread. Really distracting and annoying.

Couldn't really gauge crowd reaction to it... They didn't react much to the trailers and weren't overly responsive during the film either- but then compared to the midnight crowd, who is? For ex. Effie and Haymitch killed with the midnight crowd, and here just got mild laughs. The death the audience seems to react most strongly to is

when Cato snaps the kid's neck, and when they show Glimmer after the tracker jackers kill her


Edited by rockNrollaDIM
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The Hunger Games50% full15:00Battleship - a new trailer, no reaction.The movie:It has some good moments like; the climax, the Rue's death and the begin of the games. but the soundtrack is almost null, the actors aren't good (except the protagonist), and the first and second part of the movie is very slow. although the couple did have chemistry, their relationship is very shallow. the only reaction from the audience was when Katniss kissed Peeta.B7.6/10.0

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Hmm, I'll do one of these, I guess. For the trailers & crowd reactions.The Hunger GamesSOLD OUT10:15 Friday 3/23AMC Empire 25 Times Square, NYC - Screen 13 (500 capacity)Trailers:BD1 - Groans and boos when Summitt logo appeared, some woos from girls at Lautner showing up, snorting laughter at the end and then boos and a few woosAmazing Spider-Man - Got some OOOOs when we first see Spidey, applause at end of trailerBattleship - Nada.House at the End of the Street - Nothing until you saw Jennifer Lawrence clearly then some claps.G.I. Joe 2 - Nothing until Bruce Willis shows up, then a couple WoosParanorman - Nothing until the end with the Halloween theme ringtone and Michael Myers mask.Movie:I don't really wanna give much of a personal review other than saying I loved it. This first crowd reacted at everything they were supposed to. Laughed, cried, jumped, etc.A - 8.5/102nd viewingThe Hunger GamesSOLD OUT9:30 Saturday 3/24AMC Empire 25 Times Square, NYC - Screen 12 (400 capacity)Trailers:BD1 - Same as my first showing, less boos at the endAmazing Spider-Man - Nothing this time.Battleship - Nada once more. Except a few snorts of laughter when we see Rihanna.The Host - Groans at Stephanie Meyer's name, crickets at the rest of it.G.I. Joe 2 - Same as before. Nothing until Bruce Willis shows up, then some murmurs and claps.Dark Shadows - Some laughs, lots of chatter afterwardMovie:Enjoyed even more personally on the 2nd viewing. This crowd also reacted at everything they were supposed to. Laughed, cried, jumped, etc. But did it even more than the Friday night crowd. This crowd looked even less like book fans/readers and seemed to be more surprised than the Friday crowd.2nd viewing score A+ - 9.5/10

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The Hunger Games:Alamo Drafthouse Austin TXSat 8:45 pm SOLD OUTTrailers:Breaking Dawn - laughter at the end when Bella peeka-boos the deerPrometheus (teaser) - silenceSnow White and the Huntsman - whispersThe Avengers - some clappingMovie: A-Best start to a book-adapted franchise I've seen. Lawrence is amazing and a star in the making, Hutcherson is endearing, and the supporting cast (Tucci, Sutherland, Banks, Kravitz, Bentley, and especially Woody Harrelson) are all aces. Liam Hemsworth doesn't make much of an impression but then again he has little to do here. Nearly every scene/note is pitch-perfect. My only complains are the oft-mentioned skaky-cam which is overdone in a few scenes, and the "clothes on fire" effects are pretty fake-looking. I imagine they'll double the budget for the sequel though. Deserves all the money it made. Crowd was into it and there was clapping at the end. Girls next to us were crying during one of the death scenes.

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The Pirates! 3D

Wed 17:40 55/80 or something like that

Trailers: ...don't remember anything. missed them all probably.

Aardman delivers once again. In the absence of Pixar, they have emerged from their slumber or rather falling out with renewed vigour and zest. First with the brilliant little underated and underseen gem Arthur Christmas and now with the Pirates! they prove that they are indeed a force to be reckoned with in terms of quality if not box office. Detail is astounding and I'm sure it's come from their mixture of CGI and stop-motion because I question certain scenes possibility in stop-motion technique. From the get-go the world is established richly and imaginatively and it certainly feels more of the old Pirates of the Caribbean style and creativity sorely lacking in On Stranger Tides. The humour is consistently Aardman and is wholly enjoyable throughout. I was with a bad crowd but even then this managed to win me over and disregard the noise and inconsiderate behaviour of the other patrons. I hope it will see a long run, I think it's Easter break for schoolkids here, and hopefully translates well to the States. The world without this studio will be a worse one for sure.


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Friends With Kids

7:35PM Wednesday, March 28th

AMC Boston Common 19 & Lie-MAX

Theater Capacity: 196 (30% full)

Ticket Price: $11.50

Concessions: N/A


Chimpanzee (AMC Exclusive Look) - I think this is a really cool little featurette that they show with the trailer, and it definitely generates good buzz for the film. I'll be seeing it Earth Day/weekend.

Think Like A Man - not my kind of movie, and no reaction from audience.

Five-Year Engagement - excellent trailer and a great audience reaction!

What to Expect When You're Expecting - I'm bored with the trailer already, but the women laughed pretty hard to this trailer.

Bully - got some whispers, weak reaction otherwise.

Darling Companion - didn't know what to think of this movie the first minute of the trailer, and then Kevin Kline just says one thing--I don't even remember what--but it was the epitome of dry humor and it got everyone in the audience to laugh. The impressive cast and dog angle should do well for its box office.


"Are we having fun yet?!"

Sorry Party Down fans, that infamous quote never makes it into the movie. But don't let that dissuade your interest in this film.

As far as romantic comedies go, Friends With Kids is a very funny one that caters to a particular audience with a particular sense of humor. I think if you're a twenty- or thirty-something living in "the city" and can relate to that period where you or your friends start getting married and having children, then you'll definitely identify with this film. Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt have great chemistry as our cute leads with an extremely R-rated sense of humor. I actually identified very well with the sense of humor in this pic because all the characters involved portrayed the situations as my friends and I probably would. Kristen Wiig, Jon Hamm, Maya Rudolph, and Chris O'Dowd were perfect as the best friends (between this and Bridesmaids, those four work really well together). Everyone in the theater laughed out loud at the right moments and--again--the R-rated dialogue in a few scenes kept this movie from veering too deep into exhaustively cliche rom-com mode. Looking at its box office numbers, I feel bad that Friends With Kids hasn't been watched by more people. It's definitely one of those films I know will be a big hit on HBO or On-Demand (like Definitely, Maybe). I recommend it.

Experience - 25/30

Story/Writing - 16/20

Acting - 10/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 8/15

Direction - 7/10

Music - 5/10

THE VERDICT: 71/100, B

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Just saw Bully, teared up for most of the movie, theater was empty 2:30 PM, like 10 people. And apparently for the 8 PM showing the director is going to be there.This song plays in the opening, it rocks.

Edited by Dragon Travtoo
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The Hunger Games2:25 PMAbout 60% full, mostly people in there 20s-50s+.Trailers:Titanic 3DThe AvengersDark Shadows: Looks pretty funny I will admit. Tons of laughs.What to do When Expecting: Looks meh. tons of laughs though.Snow White: Well looks better.BD2: Blah. Worse line in that terrible teaser. Movie: Was pretty good. Jennifer Lawrence is very pretty imo, she has a natrual real beauty missing from Hollywood or just any actress anymore. Hutcherson is really good as well. Though I think Woody should get nominated for supporting. The score was great. That little Black girl was good in her role, and to my knowledge I believe she was the only teen in it. Sutherland was pretty good too. Great sets. Though the movie overall did not feel like it needs a sequel. (Though the evil games still do remain...)A-

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Hunger Games3/31 Friday 8 pmAbout 75-80% full I would sayTrailers:Titanic 3DAbraham Lincolhn Vampire Hunter - theater burst into laughter when the title was revealedSnow White & the Huntsman (the first trailer)Spiderman - my friend asked why they're remaking one so soonWhat to Expect when expecting - surprisingly, some laughsBreaking DawnThe movie:I haven't read the book yet, but I really liked this movie. I felt the first half was a bit slow moving, but it just built up my anticipation for the second half, which was the game. Jennifer Lawrence was great and I really liked Katniss and Peeta's interactions. I didn't mind the shaky cameras during the game. I actually thought it was used very well and gave more sence of chaos. What I didn't like though was the shaky camera movement during the reaping. It was a bit too much.Overall- A

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I haven't done this before, so be kind.The Hunger Games30.3.2012 7.15 PM95% FullI got in late, so I didn't see any of the trailers.One thing you should know about finns, is that when we go see a movie it's serious business. We don't react to the movie unless something funny happens. I've never seen anyone cheer, or cry in a finnish movie theater. So the young crowd that i was watching THG stayed pretty quiet throughout the film. One girl did gasp when a character died, but thats it.Okay, how was the movie? Really good. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and there aren't many things I found wrong with the film. The things that did annoyed me were the annoying shaky cam during action scenes, how over-the-top and cartoony the career tributes were, and the ending was pretty obscure. Jennifer Lawrence was great and so was rest of the cast.A-

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Mirror Mirror

3/30 Century 12, 3:10PM

~15-20% full, skewed older/female

Trailers (NR to all,so I'll just give some thoughts):

The Host -- looked good until I realized it was TH, then my inner anti-Twilight came out...

3 Stooges -- It seems funny, but a little too slapstick.


Madagascar 3 -- Decent, could do big business

Twilight -- Smh.

Paranorman -- 2012 is the year of the weird animation.

The Film:

I didn't come into this film with very high expectations, especially given the shoddy trailers that made this look more like a farcical take on the classic tale of Snow White. But, I was presently surprised, especially with the deliciously-cruel performance Julia Roberts turned in as the Evil Queen. One thing I did have a qualm with was that I wished the director had decided which way he wanted this film to go. The visuals were beautiful, but half of the time I was laughing pretty hard, and the other half it was like more dramatic that I thought. Perhaps taking it just a little bit further either way would have done the trick.

That being said, Lilly Collins was gorgeous and pretty spot on w/ how I pictured Snow White; performance picked up midway through the film, especially when she had the chance to interact w/ the Dwarves. Together, they provided some of the funniest scenes in the film.

Pacing was great, visuals, as I mentioned, were stunning and the film wasn't overly long or overly short. Shame this film won't beat Wrath this weekend, because it's almost certainly better. Hopefully it will play well in April.


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Titanic 3D

Press Screening

April 3, 2012, 6 PM

Glorietta, Makati City, Philippines

100% full (500 seats)

- saw lots of kids in the audience


Dark Shadows - Some laughs

Ice Age 4 - Some laughs

The movie

This is my first time to see this movie in the big screen and I enjoyed it a lot. 3D effect is fine especially the underwater scenes but to be honest it doesn't really add that much because the movie is engrossing enough. The audience started a little chatty in the beginning but as the movie progresses we were all sucked in again to Titanic's magic especially when the ship started sinking everyone was quiet even the inquisitive kid near me. The Rose sketching session had the best reaction ;) And there were claps in the end and lots of good chatter as I exit the theater and i even heard some singing along with My Heart Will Go On.

I don't think it will make that much money here since all previous 3D rereleases here flopped but it's a movie worth revisiting and I'm glad that I had the chance to see this movie in the theater, it really is a movie meant to be seen in the big screen

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Tuesday 5pm

5 people in a 250 seater (5:30 show was equally slow)

Trailers: Lorax, Ice Age 4


(i'll put a short review here because there isn't a thread in thr review-forum)


Aardman fare at it's finest, the animation (characters and sets) was simply superb. For us older folks, the songs are very nostalgic! Pogues, Clash - fantastic selection, and the original music was at least not offensive. The story and morales are rather simple - the Pirate Captain has to choose between fame (Pirate of the Year award) and friendship - first he chooses fame (sadly, the Smiths were missing from the soundtrack - at least the melody to "fame, fame, fatal fame" should have been put in there) which leads to him losing everything, then by remembering friendship he gains everything back. The film lives on its wealth of visual gags and a bit of wordplay; if you dig those gags (as seen in the trailer) you'll like it; if you prefer a different kind of humor or are looking for exquisite storytelling then you should board another vessel.

The one thing missing from "Pirates" is the kind of hero we have come to love in Aardman films. The Pirate Captain sure is a kind of underdog, but Wallace he ain't not. We just didn't care for him as much, and that means the film is funny but not as rewarding emotion-wise as Wallace&Gromit or Chicken Run. Don't know if we'll buy this on DVD or BR, so "only" a B.

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