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The Panda

BOT's Top Comic Book Movies of All Time! - WE’RE IN THE ENDGAME NOW

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23 minutes ago, The Panda said:

Tom Hardy may not have gotten in with Venom, but here he is now!




The Dark Knight Rises

Directed by Christopher Nolan

Based on "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller

(95 Points, 25 Votes)



"Speak of the devil and he shall appear."


Number 2 Placements: 1

Top 4 Placements: 5

Top 10 Placements: 8

Awards Count: Nominated for 1 BAFTA

Box Office: 448.1m (518.8m Adjusted)

Metacritic: 78

Synopsis: Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight (2008), in which he took the rap for Dent's crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its Police force, which is struggling to cope with Bane's plans to destroy the city.

Critic Opinion: "Nolan's nihilistic script, which he co-wrote with his brother Jonathan, seems to answer those questions with cannon fire. Batman has the baddest toys, if not the best argument. The finale of the film, with wealthy do-gooder Miranda Tate (Marion Cotillard) caught in the crossfire, gives us one astonishing image after another.  We can mail this movie several Oscars for technical excellence, and already there's a stealth campaign to crown it with the ultimate honor. But while the film will lure a lucrative demographic into the scared cave of cinema, the effect is more experiential than emotional.  Nolan, like Bane, believes we want cool chaos as much as we want a warm-blooded hero. “The Dark Knight Rises” is an argument that's hard to refute." - Joe Williams, St Louis Post

User Opinion: "One of my top favorite movies of 2012, I really liked this movie just as much as I really liked The Dark Knight. The things I liked the most about this movie:the acting was good, the villains were really good Bane and Al Ghul's daughter, Anne Hathaway in leather, the soundtrack was also good, and there are some memorable scenes of destruction including the football stadium scene and the reason why Bane blew it up in the first place. Overall as Batman may not be over just yet but as for the Christian Bale Batman it was a satisfying way to end the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale Batman trilogy Grade:A" - @Maxmoser3

Commentary: Fun fact, The Dark Knight Rises by far has the most pages of any movie in the RTM thread.  Some are probably going to think this is way to low on the list for this movie and others are going to be baffled how it even made it.  The Dark Knight Rises shows Nolan taking on some more of the comic book roots of Batman, and going full spectacle and crazy with it in a way he hadn't done with the previous two Batman flicks.  While this movie has gotten a fair bit of detractors, The Dark Knight Rises still receives consistent love in this forum, two times being voted as the best film of 2012, all to the power of Nolan.  Hail Nolan!

Box Office Count: Under 100m (12), 100m (7), 200m (4), 300m (3), 400m (3)

Decade Count: 80s (4), 90s (4), 00s (7), 10s (14)

Director Count: Miyazaki (2), Watts (2), Burton (2), Singer (2), Black (1), Boden (1), Cronenberg (1), Gunn (1), Johnston (1), Joon-ho (1), Lester (1), McTeigue (1), Mendes (1), Nolan (1), Oshii (1), Otomo (1), Radomski (1), Rodriguez (1), Sandberg (1), Snyder (1), Sonnenfield (1), Timm (1), Travis (1), Vaughn (1), Wachowski (1), Wright (1), Zwigoff (1)

Franchise Count: MCU (6), Batman (4), Chris Evans (3), X-Men (3), Spider-Man (2), Studio Ghibli (2), Iron Man (2), Captain America (1), DCEU (1), Dredd (1), Guardians of the Galaxy (1), Men in Black (1), Superman (1)







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19 minutes ago, The Panda said:



Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Directed by the Russo Brothers

Based on "Civil War" by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven

(101 Points, 24 Votes)



"That thing doesn't obey the laws of physics at all!"


Number 2 Placements: 2

Top 4 Placements: 4

Top 6 Placements: 5

Top 10 Placements: 8

Awards Count: 1 SAG Nomination

Box Office: 408.1m (421.3m Adjusted)

Metacritic: 75

Synopsis: With many people fearing the actions of super heroes, the government decides to push for the Hero Registration Act, a law that limits a hero's actions. This results in a division in The Avengers. Iron Man stands with this Act, claiming that their actions must be kept in check otherwise cities will continue to be destroyed, but Captain America feels that saving the world is daring enough and that they cannot rely on the government to protect the world. This escalates into an all-out war between Team Iron Man (Iron Man, Black Panther, Vision, Black Widow, War Machine, and Spider-Man) and Team Captain America (Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Ant Man) while a new villain emerges.

Critic Opinion: "These days, that challenge looks rudimentary. A year ago, Whedon’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron found space to squeeze in three more heroes and a brand-new super-villain, along with another half-dozen characters from the ever-expanding Marvel universe. And now, in Captain America: Civil War—which serves in many respects as a third Avengers movie—we have fully a dozen heroes divvied up into two competing super-teams. At this rate, pretty soon Marvel Studios honcho Kevin Feige will have to rent out a stadium just to accommodate his lycra-clad swarms.  Directed by the brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, Civil War is technically a follow-up to their superlative Captain America: Winter Soldier from 2014. But given the ongoing interweavings of the Marvel Cinematic Universe—this movie also integrates last year’s Ant-Man, and serves as a setup for future films with Black Panther and a newly introduced Spider-Man (thank you, Sony!)—such details are becoming incidental. In any case, here, as in Winter Soldier, the Russos have achieved an uncommon balance of plot and action, humor and drama, all of it once again deeply grounded in character." - Christopher Orr, The Atlantic

User Opinion: "I really appreciated how Marvel managed to make both Cap and Tony's arguments and cases good enough that I could understand where both heroes coming from. The action was also great, and I really appreciated that they managed to juggle so many characters in one film, without really feeling overcrowded.  Some scenes really left me in awe and amazement too. Seeing Giant-Man appear for the first time, and Black Panther and Spider-Man's introduction sequence, were just amazing, and while Baron Zemo felt like he was a bit of a throwaway villain until the end, I actually found his character sympathetic, and he's one of Marvel's better antagonists." - @Fancyarcher

Commentary: Coming in right above the Dark Knight Rises is another film that often takes some flack, while being highly praised by other corners of this forum.  I'll say, Civil War is probably my least favorite film in the entire MCU and I don't entirely understand the love behind it.  However, Civil War takes a risk at turning the protagonists against each others and giving more Avengers drama than the Avengers movie that preceded it.  This is also a crucial film plot wise for the Phase 3 arc of the Avengers, as it introduces both Tom Holland's Spider-Man and Black Panther, and it also does some heavy lifting to set the stage of a disassembled Avengers unprepared for when Thanos comes to take his due in Infinity War.

Box Office Count: Under 100m (12), 100m (7), 200m (4), 300m (3), 400m (4)

Decade Count: 80s (4), 90s (4), 00s (7), 10s (15)

Director Count: Miyazaki (2), Watts (2), Burton (2), Singer (2), Black (1), Boden (1), Cronenberg (1), Gunn (1), Johnston (1), Joon-ho (1), Lester (1), McTeigue (1), Mendes (1), Nolan (1), Oshii (1), Otomo (1), Radomski (1), Rodriguez (1), Russo (1), Sandberg (1), Snyder (1), Sonnenfield (1), Timm (1), Travis (1), Vaughn (1), Wachowski (1), Wright (1), Zwigoff (1)

Franchise Count: MCU (7), Batman (4), Chris Evans (4), Iron Man (3), X-Men (3), Spider-Man (3), Captain America (2), Studio Ghibli (2), Black Panther (1), DCEU (1), Dredd (1), Guardians of the Galaxy (1), Men in Black (1), Superman (1)






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Persepolis (2007)

Directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud

Based on "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi

(102 Points, 17 Votes)



"Never forget who you are and where you're from."


Number 1 Placements: 3

Top 4 Placements: 8

Top 6 Placements: 9

Top 10 Placements: 10

Awards Count: Nominated for 1 Oscar

Box Office: 4.4m (5.6m Adjusted)

Metacritic: 90

Synopsis: In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Satrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own. With Marji dangerously refusing to remain silent at this injustice, her parents send her abroad to Vienna to study for a better life. However, this change proves an equally difficult trial with the young woman finding herself in a different culture loaded with abrasive characters and profound disappointments that deeply trouble her. Even when she returns home, Marji finds that both she and homeland have changed too much and the young woman and her loving family must decide where she truly belongs. 

Critic Opinion: "hot in black-and-white to mirror Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novels of her life growing up in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution, Persepolis – in French with English subtitles – is like nothing you’ve ever seen in animation. It’s a mind-blower. Using a few deft strokes of her black pen, Satrapi brings a whole world to life. With her co-director, Vincent Paronnaud, she does the same thing onscreen, starting in 1978, when the shah is overthrown and the Ayatollah Khomeini drags in an era in which women wear veils, Western culture is condemned and radical Muslims make good on threats of violence. Enter Marjane (voiced as a teenager by the terrific Chiara Mastroianni), the only child of a mother (Catherine Deneuve, Mastroianni’s real mom) who warily tolerates her rebellion and the grandchild of a woman (Danielle Darrieux) who actively encourages it. Marjane is a sass queen to rival Juno. Blackmarket records, from Abba to Iron Maiden, are her drug. Like her hero, Bruce Lee, Marjane can’t be stopped, which is why her mom ships her off to Vienna. Today, Satrapi lives in France and uses her art to condemn repression. Her movie, alive with humor and heartbreak, is a smart antidote. What better way to chase away menace than Marjane’s irrepressible mischief?" - Pete Travers, Rolling Stones

User Opinion: "Awesome movie." - @Alpha

Commentary: Coming in at number 18 is the film with the highest critical acclaim of any movie on the list, at least according to the MC score.  Persepolis is a charmingly animated coming-of-age indie film about an Iranian girl.  It's bitingly funny, a brilliant satire, tragic and nuanced take on fascism and some of the modern political history of Iran.  The film plays out in an autobiographic fashion, and in it's purely black and white colors paints many shades of grey.

Box Office Count: Under 100m (13), 100m (7), 200m (4), 300m (3), 400m (4)

Decade Count: 80s (4), 90s (4), 00s (8), 10s (15)

Director Count: Miyazaki (2), Watts (2), Burton (2), Singer (2), Black (1), Boden (1), Cronenberg (1), Gunn (1), Johnston (1), Joon-ho (1), Lester (1), McTeigue (1), Mendes (1), Nolan (1), Oshii (1), Otomo (1), Parannaud (1), Radomski (1), Rodriguez (1), Russo (1), Sandberg (1), Satrapi (1), Snyder (1), Sonnenfield (1), Timm (1), Travis (1), Vaughn (1), Wachowski (1), Wright (1), Zwigoff (1)

Franchise Count: MCU (7), Batman (4), Chris Evans (4), Iron Man (3), X-Men (3), Spider-Man (3), Captain America (2), Studio Ghibli (2), Black Panther (1), DCEU (1), Dredd (1), Guardians of the Galaxy (1), Men in Black (1), Superman (1)




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12 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

@The Panda - re your Chris Evans count.  He cameo'd in SM:HC and if it counts the end credit of Captain Marvel (though that's really a scene from AEG just moved to the end of CM)

I'm going to be fair and give the other franchises a chance to catch up by not counting his small cameos!

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5 minutes ago, The Panda said:

I'm going to be fair and give the other franchises a chance to catch up by not counting his small cameos!

I see not including an after credit scene, but for the Final Count Homecoming reaaaaaally should be included.




Steve Rogers, in that dorky Avengers costume, lecturing kids in detention to follow the rules, when he, himself, Mr. I Can Do This All Day, has never followed a god damn rule in this life, and in the current MCU timeline was off in shacking up with Sam in some hotel room, because he told Tony 'Fuck Off, I Don't Like Your Rules' is comedy GOLD.    


captain america pull up a chair GIF by Spider-Man: Homecoming

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15 minutes ago, Menor said:

Did I miss something or how do we know that it's 9th

Just deductively, it’s virtually impossible that TA, IW, EG, TWS, BP, IM1, GotG, or Ragnarok would have come in under e.g. IM3

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2 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:

I see not including an after credit scene, but for the Final Count Homecoming reaaaaaally should be included.




Steve Rogers, in that dorky Avengers costume, lecturing kids in detention to follow the rules, when he, himself, Mr. I Can Do This All Day, has never followed a god damn rule in this life, and in the current MCU timeline was off in shacking up with Sam in some hotel room, because he told Tony 'Fuck Off, I Don't Like Your Rules' is comedy GOLD.    


captain america pull up a chair GIF by Spider-Man: Homecoming

TBF he also lectured about the importance of hot lunch, when on fire to stop drop & roll and head lice (alas only on the BR)



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5 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

Sadly, since I'd rate IM3 over at least 3 of those. :rock:

LMFAO.  And this is why MCU stans never win on these lists.  




Let's all agree when the Top 100 Movies comes up in 20XX, we'll just put all the MCU movies in a random generator, and whichever one pops out, we stick to that as our #1.  Or we could just all rally around Dark World.  Such an underrated film.

Edited by captainwondyful
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1 minute ago, Thanos Legion said:

Okay, so in early 2022 we can run top 30 MCU, and then we just agree to all put them in that order for other lists from then on :ph34r:

Rank them in release order.  That way Iron Man's #1 for @TalismanRing

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