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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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2 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:


Yeah that's Barbie

Not sure Barbie is quuite serious enough to be an Oscar Contender.

Who Knows, maybe she will hook up with Scorsese again, since he is the one who discovered her and brought her to Hollywood.

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3 minutes ago, dudalb said:

What is amusing about Snyder and MOS is that just after he started filming MOS, 'Sucker Punch" opened and bombed badly, and a week after they announced that Chris Nolan has been brought in to be a producer on MOS. Not a coincidence.

I remember that now lol. I thought at the time that the combo of Snyder and Nolan would be a winning duo. 


Then the trailers came and it's still the most anticipated movie ever for me. 


Then the reviews hit and I was in a state of delusion. 


Then I walked out of my Wednesday Walmart showing shell-shocked. 


Now, I'm still conflicted on the film and switch back and forth between enjoying it and hating it lol. 

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I'm sad, really tried to like the movie, I thought some of the criticisms I heard were exaggerated, until the second act it's kinda cool 


But the third act this just falls apart completely, emotions? Fell flat, cameos? I won't start talking about it that makes me mad tbh, and the CGI is really some of the worst I've seen in the last 10 years in big blockbusters (yes, beats Quantumania and Thor 4 which I hate so much)


Even though I didn't think it would be the best movie of the year, I had hopes that I would like it, but unfortunately it didn't happen

Edited by Welcbr12
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16 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Ihave to disagree, Snyder never got Supes. He seems on the verge of it in the final scenes of MOS, but then reverted back to the self pitying, mopey Supes in BvS. SNyder was just a bad choice to build the DCU around.


Snyder was also like their 5th or 6th choice at directing MOS. Many were skeptical when he was announced - he was viewed an emo Michael Bay except he didn't have a film as awesome as THE ROCK or true silly crowd pleasing megablockbusters like ARMAGEDDON or TRANSFORMERS. Snyder had outright breakout with 300, and that's it.


 Yes, there were elements that he got right and won him some fans - good for him. But he fundamentally did not understand Superman and had a very warped view of Batman. He did nail the casting and gave other more competent directors talent in Gadot and Momoa. 


The hiring of Zack Snyder to direct Man of Steel is the root cause of the DCEU problems. It is what it is. And his disruption to the DCEU continues to this day through die hards. 


1 hour ago, Avatree said:

Well this was GREAT!


Actual good fun. I think this might be the most enjoyable DCEU film? (i know, not a high bar lol)


It has exactly the right tone, strikes a good balance of humour/silliness with an emotional core that I cared about. I might have eeeeven shed a tear.


It isn't tied down by a 2D villain, so the stakes aren't with a generic bad guy that you know will lose, the stakes are about what will happen emotionally to the characters and what choices they will make.


And I didn't get bored in the third act, which for me is a huge win from a superhero movie.


Definitely should have been a bit shorter, didn't need to be 2.5 hours, but I really enjoyed it. Also one moment got a round of applause from the audience which I don't think(?) I have ever seen in a cinema here in the UK.



It seems pretty obvious that WOM here is going to be good, borderline great.  


45 minutes ago, dudalb said:

I think the decision to start filming JL just six weeks after BvS opened, with no time to make changes based on BvS's reception, was just plain stupid.

I totally disagree with the idea that somehow, Gunn and Safran have to make nice with the Snyderfanboys. Most of the diehard Snyder fans have already turned on DC; and, frankly, there are not enough of them to make a real diffrence at the box office.

The Snyderverse is dead. I think is has been dead since JL openes, All Gunn and Safran are doing is giving it a decent burial.


WB's misjudgment off MOS and mishandling of MOS release were bad, but the their disastrous misread of BvS is simply a monumentally costly business blunder. Insiders across the board have noted that WB truly believed they had a film that would received similar to Nolan's TDK films- keeping what worked in MOS and fixing what didn't. They were so overconfident, they jumped the gun and got to work on JL ahead of time. Just utterly baffling. 


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3 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:


Comedic social commentaries have become Oscar contenders before: Don't Look Up.

The movie that assumed the audience were morons, treated them like morons, and somehow got on Oscar nomination. The less said of it, the better.

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16 minutes ago, dudalb said:

I agree that much as I love Robbie as Harley,  except for the first SS all the films featuring here have not done well at the box office.

Gadot is anothe thing. WW was a huge hit, and WW84 had a lot of bad luck though I think it was a big letdwon in quality. Audiences seem to love her as WW, and see no reason why she cannot continue in the role.

I think Robbie is on the outlook for a role that will put her into Oscar Contender again. She deserved her nomination for 
"I Tonya".

I agree with those saying that Barbie could potentially be that. Don’t want to overhype it though. I think playing Susan Richards is sort of a role one could play for 10-15 years without looking as silly as Harley. 

15 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

I prefer Reeves Batman as its own seperate thing and adding him in a cinematic universe would probably take away from what makes that iteration cool. The reason why The Batman was a success but the inclusion of batman is adding zero juice to this movie or justice league is because people like when he's beating up weirdo crooks with a gimmick nobody wants  "We need to collect the orb to stop the alien sky beam!" business from Batman. 

I mean, do we really need another Nolan’s TDK trilogy? If Batman 2 uses Clayface, what is the issue of having other meta humans? I see The Batman a lot more closer to Marvel’s Daredevil than previous takes on the character, and other than that silly looking Joker deleted scene I mean it as a compliment. In my opinion there is no reason to be so precious about Batman. He uses a Bat cowl and is basically more fantastical than Nolan’s Batman. Reeves should learn to share the toys.

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I'm not fully opposed to the direction Batman v Superman and Man of Steel took in terms of plot or theme, I'm fully opposed to how unrelentingly ugly and poorly staged they are. Every action scene in those movies feels like an hour.

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2 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:

I really don't get why people are so dramatic about the CGI in Quantumania and Love & Thunder. Both were mostly fine, lol.

I think that Quantumania’s CG is eh, but I will defend Love and Thunder with my dying breathe. It’s my favorite Thor film, it’s extremely good looking and stylish and I will never understand the hate it got. Sure, it’s silly and talks about heavy subjects through comedy, but as someone that lost a loved one with cancer, I see a lot of truth on Natalie Portman’s portrayal of Jane. Not dealing with the actual issue and trying to escape doing literally anything else just to live is something it hit close to me. You can talk about heavy subjects through comedy, you don’t need Thor to become Kratos and go back to the more serious tone of the first two films. I fully expect that to happen with the next installment and I think that’s a shame.

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Re; Nolan: I have a theory he really wants to do a classic 30/s/40s Private Eye Film Noir; Film Noir has been such a huge influence on him. I would love to see him do a Raymond Chandler Or Dashell Hammett novel.

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35 minutes ago, dudalb said:

What is amusing about Snyder and MOS is that just after he started filming MOS, 'Sucker Punch" opened and bombed badly, and a week after they announced that Chris Nolan has been brought in to be a producer on MOS. Not a coincidence.

Nolan was always a producer on it. He pitched the filmnand came up with the story with Goyer. His production company was in from the ground up.


Also MOS started filming August 2011 and Sucker Punch came out March 2011.


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11 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

I think that Quantumania’s CG is eh, but I will defend Love and Thunder with my dying breathe. It’s my favorite Thor film, it’s extremely good looking and stylish and I will never understand the hate it got. Sure, it’s silly and talks about heavy subjects through comedy, but as someone that lost a loved one with cancer, I see a lot of truth on Natalie Portman’s portrayal of Jane. Not dealing with the actual issue and trying to escape doing literally anything else just to live is something it hit close to me. You can talk about heavy subjects through comedy, you don’t need Thor to become Kratos and go back to the more serious tone of the first two films. I fully expect that to happen with the next installment and I think that’s a shame.

Love and thunder is one of the worst films I've ever seen in theatre and doesn't have a single redeeming quality.


If you told me the director was making it bad on purpose to troll I'd have to believe it 

Edited by Dominic Draper
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2 minutes ago, Serpico Jones said:

I really liked Snyder’s extended Justice League cut. It’s pretty much the Ben-Hur of cheesy b-movies. 

I am not a Snyder fan but his JL cut was better then what we got in the theater.

I certainly liked what he did with Darkseid. Cutting Darkseid from the theaterical version was a huge mistake.

Wierd thing is I am normally a big fan of Josh Whedon...huge Buffyverse fan....but no doubt he failed with his changes to JL.

The Snyder JL is badly flawed, yes, but still a major improvement on what we got in theaters.

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1 hour ago, Dominic Draper said:

Gunn doesn't have a commercially successful film at the box office outside of the MCU that he directed. I think financially speaking there is plenty to be pessismatic about.


Box office success inside the MCU has rarely translated outside of it despite Hollywood desperately trying it.

Is the sample size like...Super (lol) and TSS, which came during the pandemic and was part of a poisoned series? Because like...not really the greatest sample size.


I think Gunn is a really good pick to reboot this universe. Fwiw, I think TSS is great.

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4 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

Nolan was always a producer on it. He pitched the filmnand came up with the story with Goyer. His production company was in from the ground up.


Also MOS started filming August 2011 and Sucker Punch came out March 2011.


I stand corrected, but I kept on readinf that Nolan was brought in after DC got queasy after Snyder's Sucker Punch bombed so badly.

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