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Weekend actuals (THG $58,551,063 -61.6%)

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400M is possible if the movie is very good.... but 500M and 130M+ opening (yeah... some people are predicting that)? Just no.

And why not? You do realize even those number would be a drop off from the LOTR trilogy's admissions given inflation and 3D right? There's absolutely no way 500 isn't on the table if everything goes right with the movie. Now 600 is starting to get crazy, but 500m is definitely a possibility.
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I am a LOTR-loon myself (have seen thw whole trilogy about 7-8 times by now) but that doesn't mean I have to start making ridiculous predictions for The Hobbit.And reading through The Hobbit has been a painful experience for me. At the start I was predicting 420M+ and then I began reading the book, and I was like.... WTF!! Is this the same guy who created LOTR?

It is quite daunting... all of those books, I think I read them once but haven't been able to get through a re-read of any book. The films are much more accessible.
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Ugh, I hate the way the word "loonie" is used on this board. It comes off as so condescending and degrading to me. Whether it's meant that way or not. It's insulting.

Loonie is not condescending. It's been around since 2002 when Mojo forums opened. LOTR loonies were the first and it has stuck since then. We're all loonies for some films, me included..Indy, Friday the 13th, Twilight, SW and a few others.
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That's another thing I hate. The fact that this film is headed to somewhere around $350m, give or take several million, is amazing. Yet, I come on here and a few people, even a couple of the big fans, make me feel like it's one giant failure by the way you're acting and talking about it.

At the end of the day, a first film in a franchise that not that many people knew about a year ago will have made $500m-$600m WW on a $78m budget + $45 marketing. So everyone, fan or non-fan, talking about drops, good or bad, legs, good or bad, how "loony-fied" this may be, can kiss my ever-loving behind. :lol:

Us box office enthusiasts underestimated how large the fanbase for Hunger was (bigger than the Twilight fanbase it seems). That's why many didn't expect the OW, and mainly why it was so surprising. Now that we do know how big the fanbase is, the way the film is performing is very ordinary. It's performing like almost every other franchise driven by a large fanbase from a book series. There are very few exceptions to this, and The Hunger Games is not one of them.

Plenty of respect and credit and recognition has already been given to The Hunger Games and its great performance relative to expectations. Given that, historically this will not be remembered as some incredible box office performance outside of the OW. The film is not doing anything extraordinary here and you Hunger fans need to realize that.

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Loonie is not condescending. It's been around since 2002 when Mojo forums opened. LOTR loonies were the first and it has stuck since then. We're all loonies for some films, me included..Indy, Friday the 13th, Twilight, SW and a few others.

A term of near endearment if you will.
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The Hunger Games series seems to have a max potential of 350-375M at the box office. Twilight has a max potential of 300-325M. Harry Potter's max potential is probably somewhere around 375-400M when you fact in inflation from the first films.

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The film is not doing anything extraordinary here and you Hunger fans need to realize that.

I'm pretty sure the fact that it's going to get upwards of $350m when 9 months ago Lionsgate wasn't even positive it was going to make $100m is pretty extraordinary.
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I know the loonie thing is meant all in good fun, guys. I'm just extra pissy today because my work place and co-workers get more and more stupid by the day. It's starting to make my anger boil over.

Quoting myself because apparently some people missed this post.
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